Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

I have figured out a lot of when our guest speaker Ms.Plaza had spoke with us about parenting. One of things that hit me was when she said that she was stressful at times and there were times where she wanted to get away from everybody and everything. That hit me a little when she said that because I felt that once yo have the baby you would want to spend time with your family and watch the new born baby grow. But after she said that I had realized that a baby doesn't always release stress but it can gain it at times also. I'm not saying that she didn't want the baby, but I'm saying that a baby doesn't always bring a bright spark in peoples lives, especially the mothers, but some times can bring a little more stress than usual. Also when she said that her husband was there the whole time, i felt like that is a significant thing. I say this because I know some people who are fathers and aren't really in their child's life's. I also know teens who have their fathers in their life a lot and teens who don't and I can see the difference between them both. So for her to say that I felt that him being there was a big part of the child's life. A father not being in their child's relationship can have a child feel down and lonely and questionable. That also affects the mother because the last thing a mother wants is their daughter or son feeling down and wondering why their father isn't around.

Another insight about parenting that Ms.Plaza said was the La Leche group that Spanish people do. I thought that was a powerful insight because not many cultures or races have that. To have a group that supports you through the nursing a birth is like having a second family or having a family that you never had. The fact that they teach you how to nurse, put on the nursing strap, what you should and should not do, and so on and so fourth shows that birthing is supported in many different ways. The la Leche group is one of the perfect examples of how a child is parented. lastly, another insight about parenting I felt was strong was when my mother, father, and Ms.Plaza all said "if you aren't prepared to have one, then don't have one". I really thought that was a good insight because people have children and not be prepared or have it unexpectedly and not be prepared. I think that for a kid to have a good healthy life, you as the parent, should be prepared and this means financially, mentally, physically, and healthy. I noticed that when you have child, its like a relationship like no other and that you have to be ready for everything that comes at you. This is also about you being prepared to have a child.

Part 4:

Throughout this mini unit, I have figured out many things about a parent. The most important thing that i have noticed about parenting is that you have to make your child number one priority y and that you MUST, I repeat YOU MUST be prepared. Not just having money either, but to be prepared to take care of any needs that your baby has. Ms.marks and Ms. plaza had told us all the things they had to do for their child and all the types of experiences and relationships they had with their child. They both talked about the pros and cons of raising a child and how manage to fight through all the obstacles that they had. Even though they had obstacles to face having a child, I never once heard them say that they wish they didn't have a child. Yes they said they were stress and wish they can be away from everything, but that don't mean they didn't want the child. some people know that when they becomes a parent they understand that they have a lot of responsibilities to take fourth and that they have to be that mother or father figure now for their child now. They have no choice but to be the closest figures for their child. No mater how much a mother or father doesn't want their child or want their child, they will end up loving them sooner or later.

When I have my child I will make sure that I refer back to these insights on parenting because I feel that these insights can help me in a lot of ways. I am not at the age to be able to have a child because I am absolutely not prepared since I don't have a job and I still live with my parents. Not only that But I still have college to look forward to and becoming a stock broker. Besides this, This mini unit about parenting has really shown me what it looks and feels like to be a parent. It showed me the steps you have to take, the amount of support you need, What decisions should I make as a father, and many many more. I think that this unit even connects to the big unit that we still have which is relationships with people. The relationship that you must have with your child in order for your child to feel comfortable with you has to be above and beyond. Saying this, the Parenting unit and the guest speakers that we have had shows whether or not you are ready to have a child or not and whether you able to make the full commitment to your child.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

How should kids be parented?

I think kids should be parented in a way where the parents are able to give them freedom but at the same time let them have limitations and boundaries. I think in certain situations parents should be over protective but I don't think its a good idea to a certain extent. I feel that the more you have that over protective parenting style the more you are going to drive your child away from you when they get a certain age. Over protective parents say they do it because they love us. I don't think that is the only case. But kids shouldn't be parented in a way where they can do what they want. I say this because then they are going going to think that they are grown and then that's when they become hard headed and think they can go against authority. Kids now a days who have have parents who let them have all the freedom in the world, end up doing bad things and most likely fall into the drug world. I think that Parents should give some leeway to their child but not to the point where they wont be able to control their child any more. Give them enough freedom where they are satisfied and at the same time the parent is still in control and can shut their freedom down once it gets out of hand. I think parents should let their kids do stuff so they can learn from there mistakes and possibly become a stronger human being from it. Like wanting to go to parties that your parents wouldn't approve of. The parent should let the child go and if its a regular outcome then OK but if something happens, the kid can learn what to do and what not to do. A parent is bad when their kid isn't ready for the world when its time for them to step into it.

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?

If I was put into the position to be a parent, I would be as lenient as possible. I think being over protective is good but to some degree. I don't think that the kid should be locked in the house all day and every time they ask to do something I say no. I think that as long as they have their cell phone on them and I know where they are and they keep me posted then I have no problem with them doing what they want. If I was parenting I would tell my kid that handling your business comes before pleasure. Basically saying that once your finish your school work you can have fun and do what you want. I say this because I would want to teach my kid to have some type of responsibility. I think I would be a good parent because I feel my child would be satisfied and at the same type no where not to cross the line. I feel that my discipline towards the child would let him know to respect me and let him or her know the type of respect I want and that I am the father. I think that I would also be a good parent just because I know how to have fun. I would do things with my kid that I know would make them have a blast. I also think that I would be a good parent if I was put in that position because I think I am a supporting person and I tell people whats the right decision to make and whats the wrong decision to make. I feel like if my child needs help with homework, I can help them, if they want to play the sport, I will show to their games and try and make them better as a player, I know that what ever they want to do, I would be behind it.

Texts - When parenting theories backfire

I think that the theory presented in this article isn't good. Kids don't know what they want. This is why the parent has to lead the way until they get a certain age. Once you give a child the choice to make a decision, your never really going to get the perfect outcome of it. If you let them choose, they aren't going choose the more responsible or more wiser choice. They are just going to choice the one that they want. Like when the mother gave him the choice of pants to wear to church. That was a bad idea. What kid wants to wear pants that they don't like. So what happened was she didn't get the outcome she wanted but instead got an outcome that just led to more problems. It led to the kid not wanting any of the choices she wanted but instead made it harder for her to compromise since he wanted to wear sweatpants to church, which are the only pants you don't wear. So I feel that the theory did in fact back fire on her and I had a feeling that when I first heard it that it wasn't a good one.

Text - Attachment parenting

I that this text is very helpful. It tells you about different types of things you need to know with the baby and what kind of bond you should have with your child. It also gives you insight on what Breastfeeding does for the baby and how it affects it. It even talks about the affects that you make on the baby when you go to sleep near or next to the baby. When they was talking about having balanced with your baby I thought that is was really significant. I say this because if you don't have balance with your baby then things wouldn't really go the way they are suppose to. A lot more headaches would hit you. If you got balance with your kid and you are on the same page as them then you would have a much stronger bond with them and you would be able to connect with them much easier. All together this article shows the factors that make a great connection with your child.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56 - interviews and questions

The 3 interview questions that I did was:

Q#1- What do you think are factors of a good friendship?
Q#2- What do you think are factors of a bad friendship?
Q#3- Do all of your friends have an equal bond with you? why or why not?

My mother

Q#1 answer - Some factors of a good friendship could be anything. I feel like trust most importantly is one. When you are able to trust your friend and no that they will have your back through thick and thin then that is a good friendship. Some other factors can be like happiness or something. I just feel like you have to have a bond with your friend that is strong, but not stronger than the connection you have with your family.

Q#2 answer - I feel that it is the opposite for what I answered for the first question. Basically when you don't have a good bond within another or when there isn't any trust. If you can trust your friend then you don't need to be friends with him. That's just plain and simple. f you aren't able to have fun or be able to know where each others coming from then, you two don't really need to be friends with each other. Now I'm not saying just don't talk to each other but I'm saying that it would be unlikely that you two would have a strong friendship with each other.

Q#3 answer - No not really. I mean I'm able to have a good relationship with all of my friends but I have some of my friends that I hangout with more than the other, just because they live closer not because I like one better than the other.

My brother

Q#1 answer- Friends just have to have things in common with each other and is able to talk or go to them when they need a favor, even if it' the biggest favor in the world. As long as it doesn't Affect what I have with my family its cool. Like I drove % hours upstate just so I can help my friend bring his stuff back home from college. I just think factors of a good friendship is trust, loyalty, happiness and joy within each other.

Q#2 answer- To me factors of a bad friendship is when one friend isn't loyal to the other. When they are distrusting each other that often means that they don't really have a good friendship. In some of my cases I feel that a bad friendship is with the friends who act funny. I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that they are doing stuff behind your back and be lying to you about things. Stuff like that I feel is factors of a bad friendship.

Q#3 answer- No I don't have an equal bond with all of my friends. I have different types of friends. I have family friends, my college friends, and my neighborhood friends. And within those different groups of friends everybody gets treated based on how loyal they are, how much we got in common, how trustworthy they are, if they are able to do anything for me like I would do for them , and many other things, so no I don't have an equal bond with ALL my friends.

My sister

Q#1 I think factors are a good friendship is love and great bonding. You don't have to love your friend like that, but love them as if they were your actual brother or sister. I feel that when a friend has your back when times are hard, that is also a good factor. But to put it all in one, I feel that one factor that shows good friend ship is great connection. If you don't have a good connection with your friend then that don't mean you have a good one. It means that your friendship needs a lot of work or you both don't really have nothing in common.

Q#2 answer - Some factors of a bad friendship is someone who acts real shady towards and does things that friends usually don't do. Like with my friends I share and give them stuff when they need it. Now when you have a friend who is stingy and cheap with you then that mean they wont support you when you need it. I also feel like trust is a big one to. There is no such thing as a good friendship with out any trust in it.

Q#3 answer - I think that I have an equal bond with all of my friends now. Before I didn't because I had some dishonest friends, some shady friends, and some good friends. The friends that were dishonest and untrustworthy I cut off. So as of now all of my friends that I have now is good and we always have a blast with each other.

I feel that the answers that my family members have gave me were good. I feel this way because They gave me specific reasons of why they think the factors were what they were for a good friendship and a bad relationship. And the fact that they were honest with me i feel made the answers more good then usual. When My brother said that he had different types of friends, that was good. It shows how friends can have a different connection with the different types of friends that they have. And most importantly it can show how he has a deeper and more personal connection with one type of friend than the other. I think the answers could have been a little more detailed but other than that they were good.

Extra survey question - Why do people end up of having bad friendships if they all suppose to start out good?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW 55 - My Question / Topic

The question Decided to do my paper on is: How do interpersonal emotional connections affect friendship?


What are some reasons people tend to be more concerned about the approval of strangers instead of family?

I think that this is a great question. I feel that you can get some good answers out of people who do this particular thing. I feel that you should be asking "why?" in stead of "some reasons". I don't think that you should do "some reasons" because you aren't really going deep into what you are trying to say. Once you get the reasons now what? I think you should use "why" instead because then you not only get the reasons but you can also go deeper into what the argument by seeing why they are so concerned about what strangers think and what affects do stranger have that the family don't. Other than that I think that this a good topic and i am really interested into seeing what people have to say about this !!


What are primary causes for bonding in relationships?

This is a good start. Like a said with Amber, you need to ask how or why instead of what ways because you aren't going to get that much insight on what you are trying to find. i think that it is an excellent topic and a good question. I just feel that it is a little vague and that it's a question that has limited answers. The goal for you from me is try and make your question make the person give you an insightful answer. If they are giving you a very short answer than the question needs work. Other than that I feel you have the right idea and that you just want to make sure that you question can be answered in a way that would make the person answering think and go deeper.

Russell, Jenni. "what are FRIENDS FOR?." The Guardian, 2005. Web. .

Jenni the author is just talking about what friends are and the kind of relationships that friends want to get out of each other. He also talks about what it means to have a friend and what it takes to keep a good friend. And most importantly he is talking about what and why we have friends. He talks about how important friendships are to people and how important friend ships are in this society. To tie it all together, he is generally talk about the meaning of friendship and what that kind of connection is made for. This connects to my big question because this is basically telling me what a friend is made of and what they need to be or having order to be a friend. Knowing this, it can help me connect the type of interpersonal connections people have with each other that can affect their friendships.


I didn't know how to do a citation for a Wikipedia source. But I felt that this could help me. It was mainly just telling me what interpersonal connection and relationships are and how significant they were. It was talking about the different types of associations that you could have with a person based on each others type of connection with each other. I think that this could help support my question because it can help me talk about the different types of interpersonal relationships people have with each other and how it can connect to the friendships or interactions they have with certain people.

I can't find two other sources. I think I need to find a book or another type of source cause the internet doesn't really have the kind of information that I am looking for. If anybody has suggestions on where I can go from websites books or anything, please contact me on facebook or comment this blog post. Thanks =]

HW 54 - Myer briggs test

I think that this test was really interesting. I say this because I don't think that it was trying to see how it it would make you feel inside and about your life. I felt that it was just trying to see how how accurate things where in your life. When I had seen the results I had noticed that it had four letters at the end. Interesting enough, I found out that those four letter were basically who we were and when I read the description I noticed that the description the four letter combination had for mine, I realized that that was me. My combination was ESTJ. I noticed that the students who had the E in their combination, usually was the people who do the extra things and entertain. I noticed that all the Asians, who are quiet in my class, Had all I's while some of the louder people had E. Based on the answers that were answered on the test, I felt it had represented us and formed our type of personality. Results like this can be used to show the types of people who can connect easier with each other to people who can't really have an relationship with each other. For example since I am an E and Andy is an I, I am not really confident that we can make a positive relationship with each other just because he is the E type of person which is being the center of attention, more louder, and more extra. Whereas if Jenise is an E, then I can be more confident with our relationship since she is some what the same type of people which means a better connection with each other.

I feel that every body is always going to have a different combination. I think that even though Some one might have the same letter You might not be the logic type of person while they might want to think through and try new things. This is why I feel that people who have different types of personalities within each other they should just appreciate each others differences. interpersonal relationships are always based on the type of similarities you and that person have within each other. This test basically shows what differences and similarities you have within the people around you and how much different or similar you are. This can affect the interpersonal relationship that people have with each other because the more different you are from somebody, the less connection you are going to have with them. But the more similar you are with people around them the better connection or the more compatible you are with one another.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

Taking that survey was very long and time consuming. I'm not saying it because it was 100 questions but it was because some of the questions wasn't simple. I feel that these question's really went into your personal connection with your friends, family, and surprisingly, your love connection with somebody. I had fun with answering the questions just because they weren't boring. They really made me go over connections that I had with my friends and family and go over some things that I have gone through in my life. One question that made me stop and think was when the question "does racism matter?". I felt that I read it wrong cause I Took it the wrong way. I thought that the question was talking about if race matters but that was completely not the question. Another question that made me stop and think was the question that said if friends come before your family. I didn't stop and think because I didn't know how to answer it but it was because I would wonder how people could even answer that question. Like why would somebody put their friends over there family, I thought the saying "family comes first" was 100% true as it could be. Some common questions that I saw in this survey was if I thought my family or friends cared for me. I mean I always thought that they did but there was times in my life when I thought they didn't so that is what made me stop and think whether or not they actually did.

After looking at the results in class I had noticed some things in the results that was a little dishonest in my opinion. When the results showed that 35% of people said that friends come before family and then 58% said they were tired of people at school, I really thought they were contradicting their selves. I say this because usually teens have most of their friends at school. And as they said "Friends come before family", I figured that they must have a really strong relationship with people from their school if they are coming before their family in some cases. Then to see that more than half of them are sick of people of the school it is sort of contradicting what they said before. So I feel that they are being dishonest with what they are saying. The fact that the kids think that their parents think of them as lazy, stubborn, irresponsible, shows how the parents can have an affect on their kids lives. Them saying that shows that they can't really connect with their child and be able to be their when they need someone. I also feel like when they were asked the questions about violence in the house, the percentage of yes answers were really low because they are following the "norm" answer. When people were asked that question I think they answered it in terms where they wont be criticized about it or asked questions. Everybody in this survey is answering the questions as they feel is the right answer instead of being honest and being real.

the survey that we did and the survey that was done professionally has some similarities and also some differences. Some of the similarities that it has is that they talk about the same thing that was in the survey we took. Both surveys had did some part of their survey on teens and them being sexually active. They also were able to give different percentages for different types of topics. We were able to give percentage of students who said what in the friend topic, family topic, and love topic. These professional surveys had percentages on tobacco, drug use, drunk driving, etc. etc. etc. also that they had some type of similarities when they talk about using drugs. in the school article it said that 58% said that they never really drunk or anything, and in the professional article it also stated that 75% of people had 1 drink in their whole life, basically having the same thing type of results which is more than half of the students had never really drink in their life. Some differences that I have seen between these two surveys is that the professional survey goes way more deeper than the regular surveys. The professional surveys, not only talks about the percentages of the students doing what, but they also break that down into male and female, which can give us a deeper insight then the school survey. Like in the school survey they say that 13% of the students said that they have used illegal drugs before, but who is to say that that 13% isn't all males or all females or equal? Now with this professional survey it shows how47% of teens drink alcohol, also going deeper by saying that 27% of them teens are males and 20% of them teens are female. That gives us a deeper insight about teen drinking. It's saying that male teens are the one's that are more likely to drink and how they are more at risk then females since a less percentage of them, compared to males, are drinking. So the school survey and the professional survey has some similarities and some differences within them.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52 - Initial theories of Human relationships

There are many different theories about human relationships. Some of the theories that humans have within another is: love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicities, genders, and every other aspect of humanity. These theories make up human contact within another and make the world have meaning. If it wasnt't for these particular theories, Human relationships would be understood the way it is today.

Some theories of love is that it can take over your mind and your body. That is one human relationship that sometimes can't be controlled. For example Coming from a abusive relationship friends and family always ask why do you stay with him or her? and the answer that always usually comes out is because they love that person to much. Love can make you blind and not see the real person inside of the person you are loving. Love is known to have that affect that makes you not only want to be with the person but protect. I love my brother, doesn't mean that I am in love with him like on a deep deep level. It just means that I would do anything for him and protect him just like he would protect me. It's that kind of human relationship that is very strong and that has alot of deep meanings to it. It has different meanings based on whether its love with a intimate partner, family member, best friend, or teacher, etc.

Friendships are alittle different. Friendships are mostly when you have something in common with eachother. When people have best friends, those are the people that usually go over there house, go to lunch with, tell all their gossip with, play there favorite sport with, so on and so fourth. But there is also that other friendship which is the school friend. That type of relationship is where you only really hangout with eachother inside of school. The type of friend that helps you with your hw or do projects with eachother. And the other type of friendship where you only say hi or bye to eachother. You don't really say much to eachother, or maybe once in a while say how you doing or ask you a question about something thats not thats not that important. And lastly, there is the child hood close friend. Thats the human relationship where they know everything about eachother and they tell eachother secrets. They also go to eachothers house all the time, and it's like their 2nd home. This is why friendships have many differerent theories to it. There are so many types that it also has many meanings to it. That type of theory has many human relationships based on the to people see eachother as.

Family is a higher level of human relationships. Family is the people people that love you the most, care for you the most, protect you the most, and make sure that they are always there when you are down. That's why when you hear the phrase "Family comes before everything", that is because they have a bond with eachother that, that a friendship, loved one, or anybody else can't break. The family memebers are the ones who know your weaknesses and your strengths. Family is a human relationship that tops them all. It is one that can't be broken or fixed. Thats why when you always see most familys come together on special holidays. Besides the gifts and everything, its to show their appreciation for one another and to show their love with one another and have a good time. When people say "why aren't we acting like a family" it means like why are we breaking apart from one another, why are we not acting like we love eachother and care for eachother. Family is known to be top priority, and it's the relationship that has deep feeling in it.

Power. A person who can tell over people what to do without no dis obey. That relationship has no equality at all. The human relationship Between a person with power and and person with no power is simple. The person with powers tell the person with no power what to do and their is no say so or no disobey. And disobey there would be consequences. For example, Andy's class. He has more power than the students. He tells us that he we have to do an essay by next week. We can argue and fuss but we still have to do it. There is always a choice not to do it, but that would also mean there is consequences which is not passing and no one does that. When you hear the phrase "Money equals power" it only means that when you have money you can do what you want and by what you want. You can by businesses and control them = POWER, get bailed out of jail = POWER, own properties, etc. Power is a big relationship, but yet again so simple. People with highest power have the right to do what they want just becasue they have no one above them to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Roles that people play can cause build up of different human relationships. For example, in School of the Future, there are many different roles. There is the athlete role, the funny role, the devils advocate role, the smart role, the quiet role, etc. etc. etc. Those these types of roles are one of the ways that build human relations. I play the athletic basketball role and so does Anias. Since thats a big thing that we have in common it makes us more friends and have more of a connection because he knows more of what im talking about then a "funny role" person, if we talking about something that has to do with working out or playing basketball or something. Roles just don't have to be school related, there could be the dentist role, business role, cocky role, all kinds of role. Roles that people play can lead to connecting with other people of different roles or simply not connecting to them. Its the type of thing where it can make a human relation positive or negative.

Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 51 - School unit paper

Going to school in our culture is a big thing. From all the information and research that I have collected has shown that our culture takes getting a an education very seriously and has high expectations for each student. Throughout the articles read, interviews, movies, and books about the school system I have noticed a lot of things. I noticed that school's try to change kids lives, the school systems try and dominate our lives and try to make you go as deep as we can in our education. Teachers in particular just feed us a bunch of information and expect the student to get it. Our culture trains us to know at least the basics and tries to make school a big part of our lives by any means necessary. Because of our institutional and cultural values , school tends to dominate take over our lives and trains us to live up to the goal of being successful.

One example that shows how school tends to dominate our lives is the expectations that Mr.Fanning has for his students. When we had interviewed him in our class he was talking about many different things he was talking about how when he became principal he wanted to us to be successful. By successful he didn't mean just living a good life or just having money, but simply by getting an education. He Said that he wanted us to finish high school at least and but really wanted us to go to college. He said going to college gives us a lot of options and can make us really successful in life. The reason why he was so hard on us is so we could succeed. Hearing him say that was showing me how he only really based being successful around education. He also states that "education is the best thing you can get". Do you know what that means? Not one thing in this world is better than having a successful education. Not once did he talk about doing something that interests you to be successful or having a job that provides good benefits or money, but just education. Not saying that what Mr. Fanning is wrong but it seems to me like the only way he could see someone being successful is by them going to school. Mr. Fanning interview not only only showed the strive he was for his students to get an education, but it shows how school in our culture is meant to dominate our lives to achieve this goal of being successful.

It's got to the point where it's a crime not to go to school and if you are a parent, not sending your child to school. In this book What Are My rights by Thomas A. Jacobs, he discusses how parents who don't send their children to school have consequences. It says "In most states, parents who fail to send their children to school may be charged with education neglect. Consequences include community services hours, counseling, and or jail. Because you decide to choose a different route for your child you have to get penalized for it. The the law will go as far as taking someone to jail just so a child can go to school. This book also states that "By law, all U.S Children are required to go to school. Public education is free, as is transportation to and from school(in most communities), and breakfast and lunch programs are provided for qualifying students.". Our culture is dominated by succeeding through education. Our country really goes through the full extent of making sure that everybody has an opportunity to get an education and succeed. In this culture Education is key and you can see through this book that laws even require school to be mandatory because they feel that it leads to success also. He states different incomes based on the type of education you end up having. For example, males or females with a ninth grade education have a total income of roughly 15,000 dollars, and males or females with at least a high school diploma or GED have a income of roughly 24,000. This proving that your level of educational depends shows how much your income would be. Throughout this research found, it shows that our education is way more important than anything else that a human being can go through in their life.

As we talked about in class (3/2/10, 3/9/10), this institution that we live in wants to dominate our lives with education because of many different things. An institution is a system that has the power to make rules on a particular aspect of society. They want to dominate our lives with education because of reasons like education is the solution for peoples social problems in peoples minds or because they feel like getting a education can can give your life a purpose. This is why these institutions try and "train" us to be these perfect little students, and by doing this is by making it mandatory to go to school and making sure people pass their requirements in order to go further in their education and "path" to success. The institutions that our culture has based on school is striving to being successful, and their answer to that is making rules that impact students success in school which is packing their schedules in with school 5 out of 7 days for 7 to 8 hours each day.

Paulo discusses and analyzes the relationship that a student and a teacher have within one another. With the teacher being the "subject" and the student being the "listening objects" She talks about how the student is always the one that has to take in all of the information all the time, while on the other hand, the teacher is just throwing information at the student and expecting them to register every thing that they are processing. And that right there is the reason why education is suffering. She talks about how the teacher is never really teaching the student anything but how they are throwing information at the student, expecting them to know exactly what they are talking about. And she explains how this is one of the many reasons of why education is suffering now. She compares the the student and teacher relationship to the banking system that we have. The teacher is the one that is depositing what ever they want while the student is being forced to take in what ever they want to deposit. The teacher has one obligation and one obligation only and that is to fill the students head with their narration. They don't give the full package of teaching them the significance of what they are actually learning or anything. She basically just shows the how the teacher can do what ever they want and teach what they want and no matter what the circumstances is the student has to take in that information and hope that they can learn from it. These schools are training students to be dumb and dull and like sheep. The fact that the student half the time don't really get what they are learning they are still expected to know it. We are sheep due to the fact that we have little power and the fact that we don't really no any better compared to the teacher. While the school system dominates our lives it is argued that schools train us to take without asking why or how, assuming, like dumb sheep, that the teacher is always right.

Not only in real life but in movies they like to have this one super teacher who likes to make a change in students lives by trying to dominate their lives with education. For example in the movie Freedom Writers, it shows how they try to use education to change the students lives. In the movie there is this one white lady, new teacher, who tries and change kids who have been through everything. From fighting, to shootouts, to stealing, you name it they've done it. And this teacher realizes what these kids are going through and try to make them see the life they could have if they was to get there education. one of the students that was in the classroom had said to the teacher "How the FUCK are you going to save me from my life? Huh ?" She thought that because she was the teacher and that these kids were living horribly, that she could save them by giving them knowledge about stuff they can't use to survive in the streets with. She tries to train them like sheep, trying to make them act another way through teaching. When another student in the classroom said "What are we doing in here that makes a got dam difference in my life?" In this case particularly, school isn't the answer to helping these kids in their lives. These school systems try so hard in wanting people to go get their education because they think it will make a change in their life and assume that it will change their life from bad to school.

School is so dominated in our culture that it is compared to human survival. In this one article that I read it said many different of the impact school should have on our lives, it said "Education is as essential for mind as food for health and shelter for body. It enhances knowledge and the knowledge is the key of acquiring power. It is also an interesting fact that joy of life is within the domain of your power. So, for experiencing true joy of life, you need to be educated and hence it becomes the most important aspect of our lives." In shorter words, we can't survive, enjoy life, or have power if we aren't educated. This article makes it seem like school must apart of our lives and that it has a big impact as much as eating and having a roof over your head. Our cultural values are schooling is what makes us successful. Not even successful but be accepted in this society. This society wants school to be our salvation, to e our reasoning for wanting to live life and become something. As the article states "the very education system must move on every moment in the life of a person for the consistent betterment of life.". Our society want something of its people inside, and by showing them what it takes to be something or enjoy life you must have an education, and this shows that schooling is dominating our lives in this culture because it is a moral that the school systems and institutions feel must be met.

In conclusion, School systems try and form students lives around education and making them think that is the automatic key to success. From the interview on Mr. Fanning, articles, books on school, and Paulto and his opinions, it clearly shows how our culture analyzes school as his way of life that every body must go through. That it is the life that everybody must live if they want to be somebody important or have have a purpose for their life. Based on our societies view of education, if you didn't have an education you were nothing, non existent, unimportant. Saying this, this strongly argues that our institutional and cultural values advocates school to make it dominate our lives and train us to be the successful human beings they think it will make us.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

HW 50 - response to set of readings

Gatto - Against School

In this article Gatto talks about different things. He talks about whether or not we need school and who's fault it is that school is so boring. He feels, as a teacher, that public schools cripple kids down because of the fact that its so boring and the teachers don't really have anything interesting to teach. when the teacher sticks to the same programs throughout 12 years of schooling, its one of the reasons why school cripples these students. This article talks about how kids could also be the reason why school is boring. Because in certain cases where the students only care about grades, or don't care about anything, they make the teacher have no reason to want to teach them and basically create boredom. He talks about how instead of making the student sit there and do things that simply give them reasons not to go to school, the teachers can start to treat the children more as competent adults. Making them take more risks in the classroom and being more adventurous with them and being more flexible with them having to take test and reading texts all the time. then Gatto asks whether or not we even really need school or not. He wasn't talking about education but he was talking about whether or not we needed school 5 times a week, 7 or 8 hours a day. he talks about how these deadly routines that these school systems have are unnecessary. He talks about how important people like Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson or somebody didn't have to go through this obnoxious schooling system to be successful. It was seen that they have this mass schooling in the united states because they wanted to make good people, or good citizens or what not. The six functions (the adjustive, the integrating, the diagnostic and directing, the differentiating, the selective, and the propaedeutic function) from Inglis is the complete break down of schooling and how these functions is what the schools go by and concur.

I agree with Gatto all the way. I feel that the school system does do a little to much with the school system. He tries to say that following and going through this 12 year school course doesn't always have to be the answer for getting an education. I agree with him. He didn't ask why we have to go to school but he asked why do we have such a suicidal course when trying to get one, and that is what he asks whether or not that is necessary. I agree with Gatto when he says that the teachers and the students are making school so boring. He explains that not being able to teach them more or do more than what the standard curriculum gives them is the main reason why they aren't able to expand with these students and I agree with him 100%. I feel Gatto understands that this type of schooling in our culture is just too much and that sometimes it doesn't work all the time. When he explains the 6 functions, he is explaining school and what its really all about. When he states the differentiating function he tries to give a viewing of school and how schools don't really push kids to their personal best. the push them to point based on the role they play. I liked the fact that Gatto talks about that because it shows how our schooling doesn't really go into each students education. No matter who you are, the schooling generalizes personal education. Whatever your role is, is what you get.

Paulo Freire - Pedagogy of oppressed

In chapter 2, Paulo discusses and analyzes the relationship that a student and a teacher have within one another. With the teacher being the "subject" and the student being the "listening objects" She talks about how the student is always the one that has to take in all of the information all the time, while on the other hand, the teacher is just throwing information at the student and expecting them to register every thing that they are processing. And that right there is the reason why education is suffering. She talks about how the teacher is never really teaching the student anything but how they are throwing information at the student, expecting them to know exactly what they are talking about. And she explains how this is one of the many reasons of why education is suffering now. She compares the the student and teacher relationship to the banking system that we have. The teacher is the one that is depositing what ever they want while the student is being forced to take in what ever they want to deposit. The teacher has one obligation and one obligation only and that is to fill the students head with their narration. They don;t give the full package of teaching them the significance of what they are actually learning or anything. She basically just shows the how the teacher can do what ever they want and teach what they want and no matter what the circumstances is the student has to take in that information and hope that they can learn from it.

I agree with Paulo 100%. I feel that at times the student can't really stand up for their selves. there is a slim to none chance that a student would be smarter than a teacher in the subject they teach which gives the teacher an advantage over them. I agree with Paulo when she says that we students have to take in what ever the teacher teaches no matter what. i agree because it happens in my our school. Whether we like what the teacher teaches or not we have to take it in and try to learn it because they are of higher authority and because of the fact that we are younger which makes us not no any better and basically more dum than the teachers. When she relates the schooling system to the Banking system, I agree with her on the concept but then I also disagree with what she says based on the reality of the banking system. I agree with her because what ever you are depositing into the bank (information the teacher is giving you) the bank has no choice but to put that deposited money into the bank for you (the student has no choice but to take the notes down and learn what the teacher is narrating). On the other hand, I disagree with the banking system she compares the teacher/student relationship to. With banking what ever amount you put in, is the amount that is put in no matter what. But that isn't so much the case between the student and the teacher. Even though the student has to take in what ever the teacher teaches him, he doesn't have to do it. Even though the student wont succeed by doing that, he isn't 100% obligated to do that. In addition, the student can always ask question to deepen what they are learning. Can the people or machine depositing somebodies money in the bank not obligated to put the money in? No they must follow what they are told and put the money into the bank no matter what. I agree with her about the unequal relationship between the teacher and the student, but no so much the banking system comparison.

Delpit - Interview with Lisa Delpit

In this interview she explains her focus of schooling and what teachers lack in, in order to bring out each students intelligence. She states that her focus of school is providing excellent education for low-income students, predominately colored students. She talks about how teachers tend to refer to what is on the test and how that can make them interpret the child in a wrong way and not really see the brilliance that the student actually has. She feels that every student has a brilliance, it's just that you have to find a way or a method in bringing it out from each student. She doesn't think that the teachers don't really try hard enough to bring out the strengths and great qualities of each student. A strategy that Delpit tries to use is Art. She feels it opens and widely expands the students mind and at the same time help them interact with one another more than usual. she feels that the teacher can see a new "light" in the students, rather than before where they can only see the flaws that the students had. She feels that poetry and the way it rhymes and flows connects to students (mostly children of color) in a positive way and brings the best out of them. She feels that if the student is able to learn and work better with material they are more comfortable with. The teacher must find a way to meet the students needs so they can learn more and be more successful. That's why she insists that the school's curriculum should be based on what the student is comfortable with and their particular needs.

I agree with what she says but then again I don't for many different reasons. I agree with her when she says that teachers don't do enough to see every students brilliance. I agree because knowing what the each student is good at best gives the teacher a good idea of what kind of student they are and to know that they kid actually has a brain. I think finding out each students brilliance can make the teachers job a lot more easy and expand on their lessons a little more because a students brilliance is also material that they are comfortable at. And material that a student is comfortable at means less learn and more deepened conversations on that material. I also disagree with what the fact that the teacher should bring out every body's brilliance. I disagree with that demand because if the teacher was to bring out the brilliance in EVERY student they have, then it would be to much material to cover and no one wouldn't learn as much as they need to and every body would be behind. Bringing out everybody's Brilliance would be a good thing but making sure that the students have the basic curriculum understood, at least a little bit, will make every body in most cases be on the same page.

Mr.Fanning interview

During Mr.Fannings interview he basically gives us the breakdown of him being a social studies teacher, to how he became a principal, what his goals for his students is, and how he wants to get higher in the department of education. His main purpose of joining the department of education was for one reason, to help kids learn and be successful. he talks about how kids have to have an education no matter what it is. when he states that "an education is the greatest thing you can get" he was saying that all the fame he has got and all the good he got in his life, the best thing that has happened to him was getting his degree. As he states that he wants to get higher in position, his one goal was for everybody to go to college.

I agree with with Mr.Fanning on everything he says. When he states that him getting his degree was the best thing that happened to him, I could really relate to that with my own personal experiences. I have been through a lot. I have did a lot of successful things in my life, but walking across that stage to know that I am ready to take it to the next level and getting my diploma has a feeling like no other. I agree with Fannings goal that everybody should go to college. I agree because college isn't just about school work but its also about responsibility. It's teaching you the next step in life which is being independent and knowing how to use your time wisely and making decisions on your own. So I agree with the fact that Mr.Fanning wants every body to go to college and get their degree and that getting his education was the best thing that's happened to him.

Friday, April 23, 2010

HW 49 - Esthers Film

Due to the fact that Our class did not finish our film because of time wasted and certain people just not showing up for no reason, is the reason why I am writing in response to Esther's film, which I must say was very funny and straight to the point. And because this isn't my video I obviously didn't have a contribution to it. That being said, I am just going to briefly give a summary of what I thought about the film and how it made me feel.

This film was really great and funny. It seems to me like the film was about this teacher who had students who were fighting with each other, gossiping with each other, and doing things they weren't suppose to do. The first day he was trying to teach them even though they were being very disrespectful. While kids weren't even listening him he was stilling trying to teach them what they needed to learn. he even tried going up to them individually and try to talk to them, and still that didn't work, the teacher was still being mistreated and everyone just didn't give a dam at all what the teacher had to offer to them. So then the next day he was sleeping. One of the students woke him up cause he was drinking. That's when he started acting crazy towards the students saying that one of them was a scum bag and how they got scum bag in the dictionary and how the student's name is next to scum bag, and so on and so fourth. He was just disrespecting them and calling them names, while drunk, and after that he made a smart comment and slammed the door behind him as he was walking out. The kids then was quiet for a second and then went back to their usual ways which was being bad, fighting, and gossiping.

This wasn't like the usual super hero movie. Even though it had the usual beginning of these super teacher type of movies, it didn't the same. This class film had a ending where the teacher left them while the kids went back to what they were doing which was being obnoxious. While in the super teacher films, the teacher ends up changing every students way of life and making them do a complete U-turn, from bad ghetto kids to kids who want to learn and succeed in life.

The message I feel that is being portrayed in Esther's film, is that a teacher can't make students magically turn their lives around. Every body can't be a hero. And lastly the message that's being portrayed is that school isn't the answer to everything and that it doesn't make people change. When the students weren't listening to the teacher, the director was trying to show that just because the he was the teacher, doesn't mean he has more power then them and control us. This film had plenty different messages due to the fact that the film was the opposite compared to the teacher films we watched in class.

The connection Esther's video had with the kind of schooling and education that we have is different and similar in some ways. Some ways that is similar is that you are always going to have certain types of kids. For example, you are always going to have the kids who fight, the gossip girls, 2 or 3 quiet kids, whites, blacks, Asians, Latinos, all of that. In Esther's video, she has all these types of people in that class. She also has the people who are fighting in there video and when the teacher does something crazy, the class gets quiet for a split minute. Some things that are different, is the teacher drinking. I don't think in our culture, teachers get to the point where they have to drink alcohol just because they can't get through their class and because the kids were acting up. In our culture school is our saviour, it's what makes us get by in life, but not for Esther's video. In that case, School is not important to these kids, for example those "gossip" girls. They thought that it was more important to sit there and gossip and spread information within one another then to sit and be quiet while the teacher taught the lesson so they can learn and succeed in life.

Salvation is when somebody or people are in the state of being saved or preserved from harm. and with education that is what education is used for, that is why it is mandatory, Like in the films the teachers wanted to save these students, they wanted to give the kids who weren't motivated enough an opportunity to learn and be successful in life. So the connection between and salvation is saving somebody. Education saves students from being the opposite of successful which is a failure at life.

Monday, April 12, 2010

HW 48 - Treatment for savior/teacher movie

Once upon a time there was this one teacher who really wanted do make a change. He was in the army for over 15 years and he always wanted to be a teacher.

Harold wakes up in the morning, jumps in the shower. After the shower he then puts on his dog tags from the army, puts on his black suit with his red tie and is out the door ready for his first day as a teacher. As he gets closer and closer to the school he is looks out his window and sees that the neighborhood isn't so good. He sees gang members outside on the corner kids playing in the street when they are suppose to be in school, abandoned houses, and he sees that the streets are just full of trash. He arrives at the school in an orderly fashion, goes into his trunk and gets his briefcase and heads straight for the principal office to see what class he has to go through. When he is walking through the school he can see all kinds of people, Mexicans, blacks, white, Hispanics, Albanians, and Arabs. He is amused that the school looks clean and they have work up on the bulletin boards and that they have signs up about how drugs is bad and everything. When he walks into the principals office he addresses the secretary people for the school as sir and ma'am, army standards. As he walks in he realizes that the principal is a big white man who looks he doesn't give a dam.

As he is watching the principal talk on the phone with his wife, Harold then knocks politely. The principal recognizes him from the interview that they had from last month and invites him in nicely. When The principal asks him does he think he can handle the job, Harold replies with laughter. He calls him sir and starts to talk about how he been dealing with bad things during the war and that the little kids can't possibly be worse. The principal then responses with a joke by saying enter at your own will. After the principal tells Harold where is class is , Harold leaves. When he is walking to the class room its just him by himself in hall. Harold arrives at the classroom and opens the door.

As he enters the class he realizes something very unusual. He noticed that all the students were playing cards rapping to each other, and doing things that they aren't supposed to do. Coming from the army he was always taught that respect is number 1 and when the kids were acting like that in the class room that is what really ticked him off. Harold slammed his briefcase on to the desk. The whole class had got real quiet for about 2 minutes and then went back to what they were doing. Very loudly, Harold said his name. No response from the students. Harold then raised his voice a little louder and said his name. Still, no response from the students. That's when Harold exploded, he said his name so loud that that it made students in the hallway look in the window to see what was going on. That's last scream had got all of their attention. Harold then introduced him self and told the students that he would be there new teacher til further notice. He told the students that he wanted respect at all times no matter what the circumstances were and that he wanted to be addressed as Mr.Jones or Sir. Nothing else. They all just said yes and went back to what they were doing but not as much as when he first came to the class. That's when Harold just got fed up. he asked the kids if they thought it was right that they were playing card in a classroom that's suppose to be for learning. They once again stopped what they did and gave him their attention. One kid burst out and asked if he was trying to make a change by giving them all these instructions and demanding all their attention. Harold then started to explain what he was there for.
Harold explained to them that he was not trying to change them but instead trying to encourage them. He didn't really care if they had changed or not he just wanted them to see what it would be like to actually learn something and it was their decision on whether or not they wanted to follow through or not. Harold told them that if they were going to be loyal to him and trust him to teach them then they have to stick by their word, something he picked in the army, especially at his base and with his unit. Harold then told the students to raise their hand if they wanted to learn and 3/4's of the class raised their hand. He then told the rest of the class that he didn't care what they did as long as they didn't bother the kids who did wanted to learn. Harold made it loud and clear that if the students who wanted to learn were bothered by the kids who didn't want to learn then there would be some serious re precautions.
Throughout the past weeks Harold has been helping them with their reading and writing til everything went wrong in last couple of days.Day after day the classroom would get smaller and smaller til one day Harold showed up for school and realized something that made him really upset. When Harold walked into his room he noticed that there was only 10 people in his classroom when there are suppose to be 27. When he asked where everybody was, no answers. They had given up on school. Some kids got arrested, some had family and money problems, girls got pregnant, and some just couldn't do school no more and turned to drugs for money.
As Harold stood their in disbelief and shocked, one of the kids said to him that the classroom can't always fix what goes on in their outside lives. Harold stood there just looking at the kid. Harold then grabbed his coat, hat, and briefcase. As he started out the class room he started crying, and then looked at the boy and said your right, I was wrong. Then he told the remaining kids that he will see them tomorrow and closed the door slowly.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

HW 47 - Class Film Preparation

1. Have class only be made through online courses. Do you think that being able to have the class on the internt be an easier way to make kids do their work?
2. A teacher who takes their kids on feild trips based on school. Would the kids be more interested in what was going on.
3.A school who has little funding. Teachers don't really care about what students education? How would the kids act and how much would the kids be learning.
4.Teacher who talks to kids about surviving in this lifetime. Could kids understand that and have a better future.
5. Teacher who can't control his/her class and doesn't really know the material that she is teaching. How would the class react to her or how who the kids make it to the next grade. How would they survive the year.
6. Having class that is has students who live a had life and a miracle teacher comes and brings them all together and changes their life - like the freedom riders.
7. their is a girl teacher and a male teacher - How would this affect the learning of the students and how they ineract with the teachers.

HW 46 - Research and Writing

What are my rights?: 95 questions and answers about teens and the law. Need I say more. My book is just an question and answer book bout the law. it has questions concerning about you and school, You and your family, you and your job, you and your body, growing up, crimes and punishment, you and other important rights, and so on and so fourth. If you have an question and you want need a answer this is a very reliable book to go to. There are no main arguments in this, this book is more like facts or references to particular situation in school, the law, etc. The main actions this book gives are what you can or cannot do, why you have to do this or that, and so on.

The topic that I chose was: Why is School mandatory? How does having rules and regulations in school affect the childs behaviour in school. This book is related to my book because it has the perfect questions to relate to my topic like one question that I am using for my topic is "Do I have to go to school? Questions like that is what makes this book connect with my topic. This book gives the perfect reasoning of why we have what we have in school and why school is mandatory. These questions showing their consequences in their answers show how kids act if they did have rules and regulations and no rules and regulations. Going to school is a regulation that you just have to follow, and if not , there will be consequences. Just like if you run a red light theirs consequences.

This book demostrates question and answers to why we need to go to school and how kids need to follow rules and regulations or else particular consequences. This is the perfect insight for my topic because I need reasons for my topic. The information in this book is giving me the perfect reaasons of WHY these school system is the way it is. When the book explains why We need rules and regulations and analyzes the the consequences it gives me a clear idea of how it could affect different kids behaviours. I also feel the insights they give on different parts of my topic is that they go deeper in what I want to find out. Like they give certain rules and consequences. Throughout the questions that they ask and the answers being given, are certain aspects that will deepen stretch through out my topic and argument and make it stronger.

Monday, March 15, 2010

HW 45- More big thoughts on school

Hirsch had came up with a very important concept. When he said "The idea that reading comprehension requires not just formal decoding skills but also wide-ranging background knowledge. He concluded that schools should not be neutral about what is taught but should teach a highly specific curriculum that would allow children to understand things writers take for granted.", I felt that he is absolutely right. Peoples thinking in school isn't what it suppose to be. All people do when they want to learn something is learn it and not wanting to learn it at a deeper level or a higher level and that cause a bad affect on the way they learn and read stuff. He tries to portray this distinction between the meaning of something and also the significance of something. He feels that kids should take test because it will help their knowledge of things and help them understand things better.

Sizer on the other hand seems to think otherwise. He feels that "Educational policy should be determined from the bottom up, at the level of the school, rather than as a result of state or federal directives.". Education is always whole thing rather giving certain educations based on what the school is. Unlike Hirsch, Sizer believes that schools "should abandon one-size-fits-all educational methods like standardized tests, grading and even the grouping of students into classes by age.". Basically He feels that education shouldn't be based on standardized test that every type of learner has to take. He feels that The child's knowledge is the way to group these kids and to teach them at the level that they need to be at. He disagrees with the fact that everything is a "one size fit all" type of method, one test every person has to take, one type of essay or book every person has to read or write. he believes in Habits of Mind and students using this type of method to go deeper into work. He wants student to use this type of method rather then the others because he want kids to go deeper into a subject as much as possible so they can get get every type of idea, meanings, and insights from it.

Between Sizer's theory of school's education and Hirsch's insight on school's education, I feel that Sizer's theory connects more to my experience. I say this for many reasons. One reason is because in school of the future, We base some of our learning off the habits of mind. And not only that but we use them to go deeper into a topic and try to get as much insights and idea's from it. For example in Andy's class we had a unit/topic on cool. We learned every type of insight of what cool actually is and what it really means to be cool and why people want to be cool. Stuff like this shows how we just don't go into any topic and just move on to the next one. We deepen our conversations and learn something for each type of idea about this simple topic of cool. Another way is school of the future doesn't take Standardized test as much as other schools. We do big papers based on different subjects and arguments that the student come up with. And since the essays have you go very deep into a subject or an argument, this shows how my experiences and type of work at school of the future, is exactly what Sizer is trying to talk about. Now I have a better understanding of why Andy teaches the way he does. He just wants us to use our brains more and wants u to be able to deepen our thoughts rather than just making standard thoughts about a certain topic. Sizer schools did teach me how to use my mind better. There is multi steps to a thought now. It isn't just thinking about something and that's it, now you have to take what you think and know and deepen that.

Even though Sizer's theory and Hirsch's theories are different I still think they can adapt to each other. I simply say give the federal and state directives what they want and simply learn the core subject in a way that we can learn and deepen our own ideas and other people ideas. Like school of the future, even though we use habits of mind and deepen our thoughts in some class, we still take 2 regents just because its mandatory and required and that way we keep every body happy. But I do think that they can adapt because there is enough time in the school year where we can meet the state and federal requirements and at the same time meet the standards and learning skills they want the kids to be at.

Monday, March 8, 2010

HW 43 - journal about school

I wrote this in my notebook I didn't know that I had to write it on here so here it goes.

When I wake up in the morning I don't get very good thoughts about school. When I wake up I am wishing that school never existed and that I didn't have to wake up until about 12 o clock noon. When I m fully up I just think of random things like what I am going to eat for lunch that day or what kind of work I am going to be doing. I ask my self this same question over and over about why does school have to start so dam early. I mean kids need about 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day. If they live in the Bronx or queens or whatever they have to wake up at around 5 to get ready and get to school at 8 30. So when I do the math that means thats they have to go to bed at 7 or 8 o clock at night. For an athlete that is really crazy. So I ask myself a bunch of things when I wake up. Sometimes the thoughts I have about school are good and sometimes they can be bad. I think it all depends on what is going on in school that day or how much sleep you are getting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

HW 42 - more thinking and research



MY TOPIC- Why is going to highschool mandatory? and how does havng rules and regulations in the school affect the way the child acts in school.

My topic and question matters to me for many different reasons. It matters to be because I have learned from other people's experiences on what it's like to be in a school that doesn't have that much rules and regulations. And I also have heard some experiences on where the school does have many strict regulations and rules. In this case, these kids have different personalities. So I want to be able to go alittle more deeper on how kids act and what kinds of decisions they make based on the type of rules and regulations their particular school gives. And for my question on why school is mandatory, I just want kids to know why cause people always have mixed feelings about why they are even in school. I hear this question all the time, "Why are we learning this if it isn't going to help me in the future?". I always disagreed because I knew there was always a reason for why we went to school because for that matter no one would go to school. I feel if I go deep enough on this question, then highschool kids would realize why school is mandatory.

I figured if I do this topic alot of people will uderstand school more. I could have did cirriculum, but I figured, why don't I do a topic that gives out the purpose of all this?. That is my main reason for doing this topic. I also felt that if I had did this topic, people would have a better reason to go to school and feel alot more happy rather than annoyed and mad, and tired. I did the 2nd part of my topic about the school and regulation's because every school is different. I feel that if I can get point of views from different schools with strict rules and regulations and not good rules and regualtions where the kids are more likely to get away with something bad, then this can prove how it affects different kids. And I am not just doing rules and regulations on what to do and what not to do, I'm trying to do some rules for lunch and classroom and regulations that the schools have to follow from the higher power people.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

HW 41 - Internet research on schooling


This website is mostly about schools in the USA and who made the school system rules and basically the different types of powerful people who provide for the schools and who made up the policies that I have been wondering about. Talks about many different aspects of school and goes a little more deeper on the little things that people don't really understand but just go by.

This specific source can help me in many ways. I say this because my topic is why is it mandatory that we go to school, and with follow up questions why we have to do certain things at school and who made these certain rules up. And in this source it answers my questions not question and answer form, but it gives me a better understanding of why they have certain rules.


Even though this might be a little similar to the website above it also helps me in ways hat the other one didn't. This website helps me understand what school means and how it was developed. It also talks about how the discipline is and why they discipline in the first place. It gives me information on anything I want to know about school, why it was built, the different types of schools you can go to, and most importantly the operation of school in general.

My topic talks about the operation of school and why its mandatory for kids to go to school. When I look at this website and I want to see why school operates the way they do, then I can count on this website to do the job.


Now this website is interesting. This site is basically about lesson plans that help teachers keep their kids in check by giving them rules to follow. They give rules in class rooms for children and they explain that they do this because they want the kids to learn when there are limits and what happens when those rules are broken. It gives information on why schools give rules and clearly shows why schools act the way they act towards kids and what the standards are.

It gives me many reasons why teachers make classroom rules. I just want to know why teachers always punish kids or kick them out, and with this website, I can give an example from this website and with a follow up of why they give these certain rules. I can also use this good information for my topic on the operation of school and why the schools do what they do.


This website is just one my example s that I want to have to back up my topic. Its this website that basically tells why it is school policies to fill out forms when you have to bring medication for school. And with this example they talk about why they make you fill out it out which is to be sure and legit that you really have to take that medication and that yo are selling it or taking it for fun. It's just an reliable source that i think that I can use to bring my issue across about why school have the policies the way they have them. Like I said before my topic is all about reasoning, and this website can without a doubt back up my topic and make me go a little deeper on where schools try and go with their policies and what kind of outcomes they want to have. his website has facts that I need and this is the reason I chose this particular website out of this certain topic. I need to make have many example of policies that schools have and why they have them.


This website explains 3 different types of methods that schools use. They divide school violence-prevention methods into three classes—measures related to school management (that is, related to discipline and punishment), measures related to environmental modification (for instance, video cameras, security guards, and uniforms), and educational and curriculum-based measures (for instance, conflict-resolution and gang-prevention programs). They explain how these particular methods help them keep schools safe. They talk about how much violence is in school and their reasoning of making rules and regulations.

A reliable source like this can make a lot of things easier for me. It gives me information that can make me come up with arguments like, how policies are usually created to help kids stay in a safe environment. It can clean other people to believe that these policies weren't just built to criticize kids or to make teachers have discipline over the kids, but simply to just be on their side and try and make their lives as safe , positive and productive at the same time.

I want to go deeper into the understanding of the simple facts of why the schools and the state governments make such policies and that people don't seem to realize but instead follow what is the tradition.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

HW 40 - 5 people interviews

How would your feelings change about school if you were able to construct your own curriculum?


If I was able to construct my own curriculum, My feelings about school would be better. I say this for many reasons. One of the reasons why My feelings for school would be better is because I would be learning about something that I am more comfortable with and if I am more comfortable with what I am learning, I feel that I would have a better time. Another reason I would like school better is because I would rarely be frustrated, I made my curriculum a certain way that would be understanding , interesting, and stress free.

My mother

People who build the school curriculum must build it a certain way for a reason, most of the people in high school and middle school don't know what they want to learn they just go by what is next. When I was in school and I was able to create my own curriculum it would be rather confusing more than comfortable. I didn't know what I was suppose to learn so how was I able to build a curriculum? Get my point? So for me personally, I feel I would like school as much as if I was or wasn't able to make my own curriculum.

My sister

Curriculum's are curriculum's. There is no point in making a Curriculum when you are eventually going to learn it in the near future. It sucks that we have to go by it but that's just they way the school system works. If they gave me a guide on how to build my own curriculum then maybe I would like school better. But I don't really think it would make that much of a difference. School is school, learning is learning, plain and simple.

My Aunt

I think kids who are able to build their own curriculum would in fact have better feelings towards, just because they can feel in control on where they want their education to go. But when I was a kid, who was thinking about that. I was more on hanging out with friends and having a good time at school, so in my eyes my feelings wouldn't really change if I was able to build my own curriculum. Now if I was able to choose who I wanted to be in my class, now that would be a different story. I would love to have all my friends in my class at the time. But school for school curriculum, my feelings would just stay the same.

My Cousin

My curriculum didn't really bother me that much. I liked school for the social part of it. Most of my friends went to my school and school is where most of my experiences came from. But the curriculum wasn't an effect. My feelings wouldn't be better or worse if I was able to build my own curriculum.

In what ways Can the neighborhood of the school affect the learning in the school?


The neighborhood of the school can affect the learning in school in some ways. If the neighborhood has a lot of projects and lot of bad things going on there, then most likely the school would have kids that would have a hard time learning. Whereas a school that is in a good neighborhood, would have a great ability to learn because there is less distraction from people who can't deal with school. I just feel that if the neighborhood is bad then the school is going to have those bad people in it and vice verse.

My Mother

Neighborhoods are going to be neighborhoods. Schools can pick up kids from a bad neighborhood and don't even know it. Learning is always going to be affected no matter what. everybody talks in class everybody has side conversations sometimes. And the funny thing is, it isn't even the kids fault. Schools now and days are so socially active that it's hard not to talk. Now I'm not saying it's right for the kids to do this but that's just how it is. neighborhoods can affect the school but schools learning is already affected.

My Sister

If the neighborhood is good then most likely the school would be good, but if the neighborhood is bad then the school is more likely not to be so good. There is nothing you can do about that. That's just how things work most of the time. Learning in school can be hard if the neighborhood is bad, due to the fact that there wouldn't be much motivation and focus going on, where in a good school is much of that.

My Aunt

I worked in good schools and bad schools. They are always going to have some knuckle head acting a fool. There ain't nothing you can do about that. I can't speak for all schools but the learning is fair, these teachers don't put their 110% effort into these kids education. But like I said I can't speak for all schools. But what I can say is that A neighborhood can definitely affect the schools learning just because a neighborhood school is where the kids school cause no body like traveling.

My Cousin

School is school. always going to have that somebody who just isn't following school policy. There is so many types of people in school that you are always going to have affects in school. Just like with neighborhoods.If the neighborhood is bad, your more likely going to have bad people in that school but if the neighborhood is good you are more likely going to have a good people in the school but this isn't for all schools. But for the most part yeah.

What are your feelings when you hear that success in school is generally success in society?


My feelings when I hear that is true for the most part. You can't really go anywhere career wise unless you go to school, unless you are a professional athlete. But even to be a professional athlete you have to do at least one year of college. So when you go to school and succeed I feel like a lot more opportunities open up for you which means you are more likely to succeed in society.

My Mother

Just because you go to school and and you succeed at it doesn't automatically mean that you succeed to society. I 100% disagree with that. You can be a bad bad person at heart and have a doctors degree. So if your a MD and a bad person, that means that you succeed to society. I'm sorry but that's just total Bull crap. My feelings towards that are very strong when I say that that is not true.

My Sister

In some way's succeeding in school would mean that you would most likely succeed to society. Not saying that i agree with it fully but some things is not just to a couple of people. This is just the way society works. It's bad in some ways but what can we do. We can only follow what society wants in order to get by in this world.

My Aunt

I strongly agree with who ever thinks that. If you are succeeding in school and you are getting all these academic awards and you are working hard, its going to look very good to society. Society considers people who can give you an opportunity of a life time. They give you your careers. People only like people who's resume is good. If your are successful in school , society sees you as successful which means you are successful period.

My Cousin

School isn't the answer to everything. I know people who haven't went to college and get a masters and still be more successful than people with their masters. But since this crooked society wants the "best of the best' they only look at your achievements and what you've done and what degree you have. But who am I, I can't change nothing, I can't beat society. If I could change it I would.


Throughout all these interviews that I have gave my family member's, I can see that they don't or didn't really mind what the school gave and what kind of school is each one. They mad me believe that not all, but most school are all the same, no matter what kind of people are there, what kind of neighborhood it's even or anything. But those factors can have some affect. And I also noticed through the interviews that being able to make your own curriculum wouldn't really make them like school better, but what Would make them like school better is if they would make the schools more socially active then they already are (well for my aunt and mother back then when they were in school). My family members overall likes or liked things the way they are, changing thing's around a little wasn't really what they had in mind, they just wanted to get the work done and have a good time in school. Some interesting points that's I noticed while I gave my answer to the questions and when my family members gave their answers were interesting. They gave me extra insights on school that I never really thought about. They gave great points that's I didn't even think about during my explanations. These interviews gave me better understanding on school and certain aspects on the feelings towards changing how school is and the meaning of success in society.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

HW 39 - School


2-School trips


1- Who made school
2- why do we have grades
3- Peoples social connections in school

interesting things

1- school food
2- Why is there racial cliques?
3- Why is school the place we have to be most of our day?

School has alot social connections to it. Since it is integrated it is easier for other people of other race to get to know something about one another. I feel that school is where most of our friends are which is one of the reasons why we have most of our eexperiences there. Like when we go on school trips and overnight trips, we are able to connect with eachother on a deeper connection due to the fact that we arent actually learning on these trips. We get to find out more and more things about each other. Gossip is another reason why school is the way it is and people connect to one another like they do. Everybody in school always wants to know the feed and whats the new topic in school. That is when gossip comes into part. Rumors get spread and thats how school becomes interesting because everybody wants to know whats going to happen next. Schools social connect is due toalot of experiences that we go through and the fact that we are all interested in trying to learn new people

I also wanted to learn why school is the thing that takes up most of our day. Out of 24 hours we are in school for 7 hours. Why? I feel like that that is wrong. Even though school is important and most of our friends are in our school, that doesnt mean we should have it for most of the day. How are we going to connect with people on the outside world when we are always trapped in school? I just feel like our personal lives should be taken into consideration more and not just some life that comes after all of this school. Us being in school this long is what makes people drop out and not finish. And on top of that school IS so early in the morning. Our brains cant take all that work from 4 different subjects everyday for 5 out of the 7 days days of the week.

School has its good aspecs and it definitely has its bad aspecs. Besides the way I feel about school I really look foward into learnig this school unit and being able to go deeper into it rather than having my mind only look through the broader lends of it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

HW 38 - Art Project

This Cool Collage I decided to put together was an idea I put together for a long time. I wanted to show that expenisve clothing and jewlery that people put on their bodies (As shown in the picture) is what make them feel like they are needed and that they are cool and excepted. I want people to realize that majority of the people who want to feel cool is the people who wear the name brand clothing and the expenisve jewlery. In the picture, nothing costs no less than 100 dollars and this is the exact replica of somebody that thinks that they are doing what it takes to be that somebody.

The process of making my project didn't take much. At first I wanted to make a bunch of pictures of me doing things that make me cool and what I go through to try and be that person. But then I decided to just have one picture that has meaning to this whole cool perspective that people have. I just wanted to send a message. And knowing that people always want to follow new clothing trends I decided to put all the trendy gear together and put it all on one body and have their prices along with it. I decided to add the prices because I wanted to show how much money people waste and how much people go through just so they can have a particular cool image. So I just picked all the trendy clothes together and put it all on a naked body.

Art does seem cool to me. I say this because when you can prove a point just by an image and without physically having to tell everybody, I kind of think that that itself is cool. Art has all types of emotions and messages in it which is other reasons of why I think its so unique and cool.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW 37 - Final Draft

Cool. So many things can mean cool. Now in this day and age, people think the key to being accepted is by being cool. Whether it's trying to wear expensive clothing, getting tattoos. Getting piercings everywhere. The whole nine yards. Cool is a pose that creates a certain identity for a person. Like trying dressing a certain way to create this type of role so you can be that cool person. Everything that we do is caused by society’s image of how life should be and how people should be in order to be that special someone. People weren't born with a million piercing or a fitted cap. We are putting costumes on to create ourselves, all for the purpose of being accepted and cool at the same time. People act out as a person that differs their appearance and personality in order to be cool and fit in as the person who is well known and accepted.

What is cool to someone who is already accepted? When you are already accepted as being that "cool" person there are a lot of things that come along with that pose. You have the power of choosing who you want to hang out with and you decide in some ways whether or not. Cool only signifies to other people that you are somewhat better than somebody. It can also lead to having people think that you can be a leader in some ways. Cool is just a name that people want to have as part of their personality. That’s why people who are cool tend to get most of the attention. People want to be like them and admire them. It's like a goal that people, more like teens, try to strive for so they can have those types of "benefits".

One tactic people tend to use to try and become cool is dressing up and wearing expensive clothing. Trends have been a significant part in this tactic. People look at trends and they scope it out and see what people’s reactions towards it are. If that trend is what leads to being cool, then that was people would start to follow that trend as well because they feel that is the route that would lead them to acceptance. Cool is a “Stance of individual defiance” (Cool Rules), it puts a person in a state of mind where they have to do everything in their power to be cool. People use clothes because it’s their exterior part and that’s what people tend to judge and go by. As Andy said in class it’s “Forming ourselves to this particular character”. People wear these clothes because it’s part of this cool act. These expensive clothes in some cases is part of this cool act because you want to show people that you have so much money and that you want to be center of attraction. Great attraction from people defines cool in some ways and that is what makes people want to be dumb, expensive clothes so they can portray this type of image. When I interviewed my brother about why he liked wearing expensive clothing he said “Ladies.” Stuff like that is the perfect example of why people wear expensive name brand stuff. Attraction is one of the keys to being cool. And yourself up in these clothes is what people think would give them this cool attraction. People dress up and want this main attraction by wearing expensive clothing in order for them to feel cool and feel accepted.

People also use hair as another way of trying to be cool. For girls it’s the long hair in a nice style or the Halle Barry type of style, and for boys it’s the short cut with the shape up and the waves in their head. Hair is a very personal trait in a person. It’s a powerful trait due to the fact that it is part of your external appearance. And external appearance is everything to a person that wants to be cool. The 4 principals of hair is length, color, quantity, and styles. And this is so important for a person who tries to be cool because this is what people who are cool do; they put their hair in certain styles and customize themselves with these principals. “Hair is one of the most powerful symbols of individual and group identity. Powerful because it is physical and it’s in the public.” (P. 103). People change the way their hair is and make it to look acceptable to the external world so they can be in the circle of cool. Hair and the type of styles that people have is only one of the many ways people use to change their appearance in order to become cool to the outside world.

Dick Pountain explains the change in a person’s personality when trying to be something that he isn’t and wanting to be cool. He talks about this kid who decides to take over his inner personality with trying to buy stuff for his outer self that is the total opposite of the kind of person he is. He is trying to change his personality. “Cool’s real work is done inside: inside the seventeen-year-old lad who spends his money on deodorants and Tommy Hilfiger and likes what he sees in the mirror (while fighting down his internal panic that his true feelings might rise up and overwhelm him.)(P.22). He changes his external personality from what his real feelings are because that is the only way he would be accepted. He realizes that even though his inner personality isn’t cool he decides to change; because that’s the only way he is able to be known. By him doing this and have split and changed personalities, it shows how people would differ who they are on the outside just so they can be in this world of cool and be accepted in this “cool” people society.

Cool is only a way of showing people you are somebody in this world. People would do anything to be cool whether it is changing the way their hair looks, or wearing expensive clothes and jewelry, or even changing your personality to better your appearance. Throughout all of this, it clearly shows that people change their personality and their appearance in order for them to feel like they are being accepted and wanted in this whole cool circle that everybody gets judged by.

cool rules text
hair text
family survey blog entries
andy quotes