Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

I have figured out a lot of when our guest speaker Ms.Plaza had spoke with us about parenting. One of things that hit me was when she said that she was stressful at times and there were times where she wanted to get away from everybody and everything. That hit me a little when she said that because I felt that once yo have the baby you would want to spend time with your family and watch the new born baby grow. But after she said that I had realized that a baby doesn't always release stress but it can gain it at times also. I'm not saying that she didn't want the baby, but I'm saying that a baby doesn't always bring a bright spark in peoples lives, especially the mothers, but some times can bring a little more stress than usual. Also when she said that her husband was there the whole time, i felt like that is a significant thing. I say this because I know some people who are fathers and aren't really in their child's life's. I also know teens who have their fathers in their life a lot and teens who don't and I can see the difference between them both. So for her to say that I felt that him being there was a big part of the child's life. A father not being in their child's relationship can have a child feel down and lonely and questionable. That also affects the mother because the last thing a mother wants is their daughter or son feeling down and wondering why their father isn't around.

Another insight about parenting that Ms.Plaza said was the La Leche group that Spanish people do. I thought that was a powerful insight because not many cultures or races have that. To have a group that supports you through the nursing a birth is like having a second family or having a family that you never had. The fact that they teach you how to nurse, put on the nursing strap, what you should and should not do, and so on and so fourth shows that birthing is supported in many different ways. The la Leche group is one of the perfect examples of how a child is parented. lastly, another insight about parenting I felt was strong was when my mother, father, and Ms.Plaza all said "if you aren't prepared to have one, then don't have one". I really thought that was a good insight because people have children and not be prepared or have it unexpectedly and not be prepared. I think that for a kid to have a good healthy life, you as the parent, should be prepared and this means financially, mentally, physically, and healthy. I noticed that when you have child, its like a relationship like no other and that you have to be ready for everything that comes at you. This is also about you being prepared to have a child.

Part 4:

Throughout this mini unit, I have figured out many things about a parent. The most important thing that i have noticed about parenting is that you have to make your child number one priority y and that you MUST, I repeat YOU MUST be prepared. Not just having money either, but to be prepared to take care of any needs that your baby has. Ms.marks and Ms. plaza had told us all the things they had to do for their child and all the types of experiences and relationships they had with their child. They both talked about the pros and cons of raising a child and how manage to fight through all the obstacles that they had. Even though they had obstacles to face having a child, I never once heard them say that they wish they didn't have a child. Yes they said they were stress and wish they can be away from everything, but that don't mean they didn't want the child. some people know that when they becomes a parent they understand that they have a lot of responsibilities to take fourth and that they have to be that mother or father figure now for their child now. They have no choice but to be the closest figures for their child. No mater how much a mother or father doesn't want their child or want their child, they will end up loving them sooner or later.

When I have my child I will make sure that I refer back to these insights on parenting because I feel that these insights can help me in a lot of ways. I am not at the age to be able to have a child because I am absolutely not prepared since I don't have a job and I still live with my parents. Not only that But I still have college to look forward to and becoming a stock broker. Besides this, This mini unit about parenting has really shown me what it looks and feels like to be a parent. It showed me the steps you have to take, the amount of support you need, What decisions should I make as a father, and many many more. I think that this unit even connects to the big unit that we still have which is relationships with people. The relationship that you must have with your child in order for your child to feel comfortable with you has to be above and beyond. Saying this, the Parenting unit and the guest speakers that we have had shows whether or not you are ready to have a child or not and whether you able to make the full commitment to your child.

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