Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56 - interviews and questions

The 3 interview questions that I did was:

Q#1- What do you think are factors of a good friendship?
Q#2- What do you think are factors of a bad friendship?
Q#3- Do all of your friends have an equal bond with you? why or why not?

My mother

Q#1 answer - Some factors of a good friendship could be anything. I feel like trust most importantly is one. When you are able to trust your friend and no that they will have your back through thick and thin then that is a good friendship. Some other factors can be like happiness or something. I just feel like you have to have a bond with your friend that is strong, but not stronger than the connection you have with your family.

Q#2 answer - I feel that it is the opposite for what I answered for the first question. Basically when you don't have a good bond within another or when there isn't any trust. If you can trust your friend then you don't need to be friends with him. That's just plain and simple. f you aren't able to have fun or be able to know where each others coming from then, you two don't really need to be friends with each other. Now I'm not saying just don't talk to each other but I'm saying that it would be unlikely that you two would have a strong friendship with each other.

Q#3 answer - No not really. I mean I'm able to have a good relationship with all of my friends but I have some of my friends that I hangout with more than the other, just because they live closer not because I like one better than the other.

My brother

Q#1 answer- Friends just have to have things in common with each other and is able to talk or go to them when they need a favor, even if it' the biggest favor in the world. As long as it doesn't Affect what I have with my family its cool. Like I drove % hours upstate just so I can help my friend bring his stuff back home from college. I just think factors of a good friendship is trust, loyalty, happiness and joy within each other.

Q#2 answer- To me factors of a bad friendship is when one friend isn't loyal to the other. When they are distrusting each other that often means that they don't really have a good friendship. In some of my cases I feel that a bad friendship is with the friends who act funny. I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that they are doing stuff behind your back and be lying to you about things. Stuff like that I feel is factors of a bad friendship.

Q#3 answer- No I don't have an equal bond with all of my friends. I have different types of friends. I have family friends, my college friends, and my neighborhood friends. And within those different groups of friends everybody gets treated based on how loyal they are, how much we got in common, how trustworthy they are, if they are able to do anything for me like I would do for them , and many other things, so no I don't have an equal bond with ALL my friends.

My sister

Q#1 I think factors are a good friendship is love and great bonding. You don't have to love your friend like that, but love them as if they were your actual brother or sister. I feel that when a friend has your back when times are hard, that is also a good factor. But to put it all in one, I feel that one factor that shows good friend ship is great connection. If you don't have a good connection with your friend then that don't mean you have a good one. It means that your friendship needs a lot of work or you both don't really have nothing in common.

Q#2 answer - Some factors of a bad friendship is someone who acts real shady towards and does things that friends usually don't do. Like with my friends I share and give them stuff when they need it. Now when you have a friend who is stingy and cheap with you then that mean they wont support you when you need it. I also feel like trust is a big one to. There is no such thing as a good friendship with out any trust in it.

Q#3 answer - I think that I have an equal bond with all of my friends now. Before I didn't because I had some dishonest friends, some shady friends, and some good friends. The friends that were dishonest and untrustworthy I cut off. So as of now all of my friends that I have now is good and we always have a blast with each other.

I feel that the answers that my family members have gave me were good. I feel this way because They gave me specific reasons of why they think the factors were what they were for a good friendship and a bad relationship. And the fact that they were honest with me i feel made the answers more good then usual. When My brother said that he had different types of friends, that was good. It shows how friends can have a different connection with the different types of friends that they have. And most importantly it can show how he has a deeper and more personal connection with one type of friend than the other. I think the answers could have been a little more detailed but other than that they were good.

Extra survey question - Why do people end up of having bad friendships if they all suppose to start out good?

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