Thursday, May 20, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

How should kids be parented?

I think kids should be parented in a way where the parents are able to give them freedom but at the same time let them have limitations and boundaries. I think in certain situations parents should be over protective but I don't think its a good idea to a certain extent. I feel that the more you have that over protective parenting style the more you are going to drive your child away from you when they get a certain age. Over protective parents say they do it because they love us. I don't think that is the only case. But kids shouldn't be parented in a way where they can do what they want. I say this because then they are going going to think that they are grown and then that's when they become hard headed and think they can go against authority. Kids now a days who have have parents who let them have all the freedom in the world, end up doing bad things and most likely fall into the drug world. I think that Parents should give some leeway to their child but not to the point where they wont be able to control their child any more. Give them enough freedom where they are satisfied and at the same time the parent is still in control and can shut their freedom down once it gets out of hand. I think parents should let their kids do stuff so they can learn from there mistakes and possibly become a stronger human being from it. Like wanting to go to parties that your parents wouldn't approve of. The parent should let the child go and if its a regular outcome then OK but if something happens, the kid can learn what to do and what not to do. A parent is bad when their kid isn't ready for the world when its time for them to step into it.

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?

If I was put into the position to be a parent, I would be as lenient as possible. I think being over protective is good but to some degree. I don't think that the kid should be locked in the house all day and every time they ask to do something I say no. I think that as long as they have their cell phone on them and I know where they are and they keep me posted then I have no problem with them doing what they want. If I was parenting I would tell my kid that handling your business comes before pleasure. Basically saying that once your finish your school work you can have fun and do what you want. I say this because I would want to teach my kid to have some type of responsibility. I think I would be a good parent because I feel my child would be satisfied and at the same type no where not to cross the line. I feel that my discipline towards the child would let him know to respect me and let him or her know the type of respect I want and that I am the father. I think that I would also be a good parent just because I know how to have fun. I would do things with my kid that I know would make them have a blast. I also think that I would be a good parent if I was put in that position because I think I am a supporting person and I tell people whats the right decision to make and whats the wrong decision to make. I feel like if my child needs help with homework, I can help them, if they want to play the sport, I will show to their games and try and make them better as a player, I know that what ever they want to do, I would be behind it.

Texts - When parenting theories backfire

I think that the theory presented in this article isn't good. Kids don't know what they want. This is why the parent has to lead the way until they get a certain age. Once you give a child the choice to make a decision, your never really going to get the perfect outcome of it. If you let them choose, they aren't going choose the more responsible or more wiser choice. They are just going to choice the one that they want. Like when the mother gave him the choice of pants to wear to church. That was a bad idea. What kid wants to wear pants that they don't like. So what happened was she didn't get the outcome she wanted but instead got an outcome that just led to more problems. It led to the kid not wanting any of the choices she wanted but instead made it harder for her to compromise since he wanted to wear sweatpants to church, which are the only pants you don't wear. So I feel that the theory did in fact back fire on her and I had a feeling that when I first heard it that it wasn't a good one.

Text - Attachment parenting

I that this text is very helpful. It tells you about different types of things you need to know with the baby and what kind of bond you should have with your child. It also gives you insight on what Breastfeeding does for the baby and how it affects it. It even talks about the affects that you make on the baby when you go to sleep near or next to the baby. When they was talking about having balanced with your baby I thought that is was really significant. I say this because if you don't have balance with your baby then things wouldn't really go the way they are suppose to. A lot more headaches would hit you. If you got balance with your kid and you are on the same page as them then you would have a much stronger bond with them and you would be able to connect with them much easier. All together this article shows the factors that make a great connection with your child.

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