Saturday, May 8, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

Taking that survey was very long and time consuming. I'm not saying it because it was 100 questions but it was because some of the questions wasn't simple. I feel that these question's really went into your personal connection with your friends, family, and surprisingly, your love connection with somebody. I had fun with answering the questions just because they weren't boring. They really made me go over connections that I had with my friends and family and go over some things that I have gone through in my life. One question that made me stop and think was when the question "does racism matter?". I felt that I read it wrong cause I Took it the wrong way. I thought that the question was talking about if race matters but that was completely not the question. Another question that made me stop and think was the question that said if friends come before your family. I didn't stop and think because I didn't know how to answer it but it was because I would wonder how people could even answer that question. Like why would somebody put their friends over there family, I thought the saying "family comes first" was 100% true as it could be. Some common questions that I saw in this survey was if I thought my family or friends cared for me. I mean I always thought that they did but there was times in my life when I thought they didn't so that is what made me stop and think whether or not they actually did.

After looking at the results in class I had noticed some things in the results that was a little dishonest in my opinion. When the results showed that 35% of people said that friends come before family and then 58% said they were tired of people at school, I really thought they were contradicting their selves. I say this because usually teens have most of their friends at school. And as they said "Friends come before family", I figured that they must have a really strong relationship with people from their school if they are coming before their family in some cases. Then to see that more than half of them are sick of people of the school it is sort of contradicting what they said before. So I feel that they are being dishonest with what they are saying. The fact that the kids think that their parents think of them as lazy, stubborn, irresponsible, shows how the parents can have an affect on their kids lives. Them saying that shows that they can't really connect with their child and be able to be their when they need someone. I also feel like when they were asked the questions about violence in the house, the percentage of yes answers were really low because they are following the "norm" answer. When people were asked that question I think they answered it in terms where they wont be criticized about it or asked questions. Everybody in this survey is answering the questions as they feel is the right answer instead of being honest and being real.

the survey that we did and the survey that was done professionally has some similarities and also some differences. Some of the similarities that it has is that they talk about the same thing that was in the survey we took. Both surveys had did some part of their survey on teens and them being sexually active. They also were able to give different percentages for different types of topics. We were able to give percentage of students who said what in the friend topic, family topic, and love topic. These professional surveys had percentages on tobacco, drug use, drunk driving, etc. etc. etc. also that they had some type of similarities when they talk about using drugs. in the school article it said that 58% said that they never really drunk or anything, and in the professional article it also stated that 75% of people had 1 drink in their whole life, basically having the same thing type of results which is more than half of the students had never really drink in their life. Some differences that I have seen between these two surveys is that the professional survey goes way more deeper than the regular surveys. The professional surveys, not only talks about the percentages of the students doing what, but they also break that down into male and female, which can give us a deeper insight then the school survey. Like in the school survey they say that 13% of the students said that they have used illegal drugs before, but who is to say that that 13% isn't all males or all females or equal? Now with this professional survey it shows how47% of teens drink alcohol, also going deeper by saying that 27% of them teens are males and 20% of them teens are female. That gives us a deeper insight about teen drinking. It's saying that male teens are the one's that are more likely to drink and how they are more at risk then females since a less percentage of them, compared to males, are drinking. So the school survey and the professional survey has some similarities and some differences within them.

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