Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52 - Initial theories of Human relationships

There are many different theories about human relationships. Some of the theories that humans have within another is: love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicities, genders, and every other aspect of humanity. These theories make up human contact within another and make the world have meaning. If it wasnt't for these particular theories, Human relationships would be understood the way it is today.

Some theories of love is that it can take over your mind and your body. That is one human relationship that sometimes can't be controlled. For example Coming from a abusive relationship friends and family always ask why do you stay with him or her? and the answer that always usually comes out is because they love that person to much. Love can make you blind and not see the real person inside of the person you are loving. Love is known to have that affect that makes you not only want to be with the person but protect. I love my brother, doesn't mean that I am in love with him like on a deep deep level. It just means that I would do anything for him and protect him just like he would protect me. It's that kind of human relationship that is very strong and that has alot of deep meanings to it. It has different meanings based on whether its love with a intimate partner, family member, best friend, or teacher, etc.

Friendships are alittle different. Friendships are mostly when you have something in common with eachother. When people have best friends, those are the people that usually go over there house, go to lunch with, tell all their gossip with, play there favorite sport with, so on and so fourth. But there is also that other friendship which is the school friend. That type of relationship is where you only really hangout with eachother inside of school. The type of friend that helps you with your hw or do projects with eachother. And the other type of friendship where you only say hi or bye to eachother. You don't really say much to eachother, or maybe once in a while say how you doing or ask you a question about something thats not thats not that important. And lastly, there is the child hood close friend. Thats the human relationship where they know everything about eachother and they tell eachother secrets. They also go to eachothers house all the time, and it's like their 2nd home. This is why friendships have many differerent theories to it. There are so many types that it also has many meanings to it. That type of theory has many human relationships based on the to people see eachother as.

Family is a higher level of human relationships. Family is the people people that love you the most, care for you the most, protect you the most, and make sure that they are always there when you are down. That's why when you hear the phrase "Family comes before everything", that is because they have a bond with eachother that, that a friendship, loved one, or anybody else can't break. The family memebers are the ones who know your weaknesses and your strengths. Family is a human relationship that tops them all. It is one that can't be broken or fixed. Thats why when you always see most familys come together on special holidays. Besides the gifts and everything, its to show their appreciation for one another and to show their love with one another and have a good time. When people say "why aren't we acting like a family" it means like why are we breaking apart from one another, why are we not acting like we love eachother and care for eachother. Family is known to be top priority, and it's the relationship that has deep feeling in it.

Power. A person who can tell over people what to do without no dis obey. That relationship has no equality at all. The human relationship Between a person with power and and person with no power is simple. The person with powers tell the person with no power what to do and their is no say so or no disobey. And disobey there would be consequences. For example, Andy's class. He has more power than the students. He tells us that he we have to do an essay by next week. We can argue and fuss but we still have to do it. There is always a choice not to do it, but that would also mean there is consequences which is not passing and no one does that. When you hear the phrase "Money equals power" it only means that when you have money you can do what you want and by what you want. You can by businesses and control them = POWER, get bailed out of jail = POWER, own properties, etc. Power is a big relationship, but yet again so simple. People with highest power have the right to do what they want just becasue they have no one above them to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Roles that people play can cause build up of different human relationships. For example, in School of the Future, there are many different roles. There is the athlete role, the funny role, the devils advocate role, the smart role, the quiet role, etc. etc. etc. Those these types of roles are one of the ways that build human relations. I play the athletic basketball role and so does Anias. Since thats a big thing that we have in common it makes us more friends and have more of a connection because he knows more of what im talking about then a "funny role" person, if we talking about something that has to do with working out or playing basketball or something. Roles just don't have to be school related, there could be the dentist role, business role, cocky role, all kinds of role. Roles that people play can lead to connecting with other people of different roles or simply not connecting to them. Its the type of thing where it can make a human relation positive or negative.

1 comment:

  1. Charles -

    Some good stuff.

    Its not accurate that nobody refuses to do the work I assigned. But the general point - that there's power/obedience issues in the classroom was important and correct.

    I particularly enjoyed the last paragraph.
