Sunday, November 1, 2009

my paper outline

The thesis that i wanted to have for my paper was: People in our digital world today are very hooked on videogames, internet, and television because of the way it makes them feel and the fact that the gossip and type of game it is, is so intersting. I was also thinking of making my thesis on how the bad parts of these digital devices not only helps us pts us in a positive mood, but I don't know I need more opinions. 

 The addictiveness that the digital devices attracts to us is the way it makes us feel....still need to add stuff

I kno this thesis is vey long but this is what I have my triad people for, so they can help me shorten it and make it alittle more clearer.

One argument that I wanted to use was how people be so hooked on these digital devices that they don't even know what's going on in the outside world. some evidence I can use for this argument is from WALL-E. I wanted to show the humans was so stuck on the technology that was in their face that they didnt even know where they were. Also how they didn't even know what their surroundings were. some other evidence I can use for this argument is in feed. I don't really remember what I can use but I can ask my triad for that info or suggestions.

Another argument I wanted to bring up is how people are so hooked on the their ipod's and Computers because it helps them calm down in chaos situations, or for some people how it makes them happy. Some evidence I can use is from the interviews that we took in the street. Aslo I can use evidence from some of the conversations and lectures that andy brings up in class about how these digital devices makes us feel.

And the last argument I wanted to talk about is how these digital devices keep us happy because of the simple fact that it's just something we enjoy rather than something that is boring like homework. Some of the evidence I can use for this argument is the interviews. I don't really know what other evidence I shpuld use for this but if anybody has any suggestions they should let me know =).

And for the Conclusion I am going to tie back all of my arguments together and at the end I am going to re state my thesis in a different way. That's about it for my outline. It is an OUTLINE so it is very broad. But the more I work on it the more detailed it's going to be (the paper).

So any sugggestions, jus comment this blog...I would appreicate if Andy comments also cause it will definitely help! THANKS ALOT!!

1 comment:

  1. hey Charles,
    I like how you added in your thesis that because they use technology is because it makes them feel good. I feel like most of time when people go into saying that everyone uses technology alot they do not get into the argument that it is because it makes them feel good. I think having a good hook will make your paper even better, so dont forget that when your writing it full out.

    I think you can use Feed as an example where Violet it talking with Titus about things that are going on and he is just sitting there not knowing about any of it and not wanting to know about it. Something else you can add is how the Feed can be passive that even when they all go to a party they are still with in their own heads watching tv or something, like even though they are all watching the same thing, its individual because its linked with in their own mind.

    I think another good piece of evidence you can use is the song about the guy and his computer (or it was the internet) but he talks about loving it and how he cant go on without it and that would help support your 2 argument.

    Just as a reminder do not forget to work on you spelling and grammar and I can not wait until I read more of it.
