Sunday, November 15, 2009

art project- poem and pic

Technology at night- By Charles

Technology at night
something most of us do
facbook, myspace, IMing all at one time
Technology at night
can't go to sleep unless you are all through
9 at night, 10 at night, getting later and later
not caring at all about anything but the screeen that sits infront of you.
Should I play video games or stay on the internet?
I might as well do both
Technology at night
something thats very addictive
can't live without it
so much that I can't get sleep
wondering and wondering
what people are writing next on their status's on facebook
12 o clock, getting later and later
on technology
bags under the eyes as if I didn't get sleep in weeks
technology at night
wanting to shut it all off, but deep, down inside
you just have to know whats going on
instead of doing your make up homework
im on technology at night
1 in the morning
2 in the morning
3 in the morning
5 hours till school start and still on tehnology
watching TV by your self while your brothers and sisters are snoring
wondering why you are up at 3 in the morning
snores and silence make up the room
and yet your still on technology at night
by 4 in the morning, you sleep and next thing you know..
then that night you do the same thing as if its a daily tradition.

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