Thursday, November 19, 2009

short story hw 24

Andy hopping up and down in the cab, waiting to arrive on 5th avenue to go to the Gucci store. As he arrived in front of the store and walked inside the warm tempature and the smell of fine leather came to his senses. Seeing everybody try on Gucci slip-on's, Gucci sneakers, belts, hats made him even more eager to buy his first pair. Seeing different types of Gucci's made him think even harder because this first pair of Gucci's could be his best start to get all the ladies, so his choice had to take time.

He alway's loved being casual. It's 2010 and he felt its time to start showing people that he isn't all about nikes and jordans and that he can also have a grown man side too. From when he seen people at parties being in Gucci from head to toe, and seeing the amount of attention they got from being in these expensive gear made him want what they had but twice as more.

"How much are these?" Andy asked the Gucci store employee

"$480 sir" she replied

"And these?"

"520 with tax sir." she replied again

"Yeah can I get these in a size 11"

"Which ones?" she asked

"The $520 ones"

"Ok no problem"

Andy thought the more the shoes cost the better. she brung back the 520 dollar shoes and without any questions he said he would take them. His face lit up like a person winning a million dollars. He was so happy that he got his first pair of Gucci's that he could speak for a minute when they asked cash, credit or debit. He thought to himself "I know the ladies are going to love me now". He forgot that his mother had put money in his bank from earlier in the week so he asked the Gucci employee one more thing.

"How much is your gucci belt's?"

"$250 sir"

"Add that to the tab too. Thanks so much."

Wen she gave him the receipt and the bag with the Gucci's and the belt inside he walked fast and full of joy out the store, and he then said to him self "There is no way I'm not going to get these ladies attention now." And he got in a cab and went home with a smile on his face.


  1. Charles,
    I really liked your story. I thought it was funny as hell, and really was a pretty productive way to get back at andy for using you as an example of an ignorant consumer. By using Andy as the consumer character in your story, you made me think more about how I would actually feel if I was headed for the Gucci store to cop some new kicks. Truthfully, I would have to say that I would be hyped, kinda like Andy was in your story (but not quite as enthusiastic).

  2. Haha, I agree with Jakob. “Andy” feels very happy and excited about showing off his new Gucci products to the ladies. Your character has loads of cash and loves to let others know about this. It seems like without money, this character wouldn’t have been cool at all. Good comeback :P

  3. I like how you made the character in your story materialistic. Wealth is big when you want to be cool, no matter how old you are. I like how ignorant you made the character look in a matter of minutes in the Gucci store.

  4. Charles- I enjoyed reading your story, it was funny and also entertaining. I liked how much I could see yourself in your writing. I think it was very apparent how much you must think you are cool because the heading character is just like you. What surprised me the most was how much you actually value your possessions and the value that money has to you, I also never really knew how much you value the “ladies” attention. I loved how you poked at Andy in your story and thought you did it in a unique way.

  5. AHAHAHAH wow Charles. This was funny. I liked how you used Andy's name to represent you. Like Jakob I get how you think having really expensive designer items are cool but I think one thing you should keep in mind is that although they may be "cool" it doesn't add on anything to the person's character, just flashy signs saying, "HEY LOOK AT ME!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!" And I'm sure if I were into designers like your character/yourself I'd be smiling to but not so confused as to how to get someone to like me. Funny story though.
