Monday, November 23, 2009


Great story Kareem! I'm really surprised on the types of things you had to say about your character. Sounds a a little bit like you because all the girls and what not be running up to you and saying hi and stuff. But I really like when you go into detail about his ego. It's shows the type of person these kids were making him and the way he was reacting towards them. Some suggestions I would give you is to make sure that before you press publish, that you go to spell check and go to grammar so you can fix those uncapped letters and fix some of the spelling errors you have. But other than that I liked it a lot and I definitely look forward into reading more of your stories and blogs.


Yeah I definitely agree with marco. You took it to another type of cool. Instead of worrying about their exterior points you decided to WRite how his inner person felt about things, and that alone i being cool. A story like this is cool because it isn't about being a bully or being the best-dressed in school, you talk about motivation to get that BMW. And stuff like that is what makes cool go into a deeper meaning then what everybody thinks it is. ALso I would like to say that this is a well detailed story. It isn't a broad one. It's a story where I can picture exactly what is going on at each moment and that shows that your story is very good. I really enjoyed reading your story and look forward into reading more of them throughout this cool unit!


I really enjoyed your story and I can tell that you have wrote some before or it seems like it. You know how to make people paint very detailed pictures in their mind and see exactly what goes on. I also like when you use dialouge to get your point across on what chris is acting like and what kind of person he is trying to be. He sounds like a person who doesn't really care about his grades or about school in general. And I could see how that he is trying to be the cool guy using all of those slag words and having a disrespectful tone towards the dean. So I really like your story, it's well written and shows that you put alot of time into it. Great work!


Real funny story! I like how you mixed Beyonce knowles the singer and Nicki Minaj the rapper's name together. Creative! Your story is straight to the point. You explain how she was so cool and why and how she reacted to people who were "uncool" that dressed like her. I can picture this story in my head in no less then 10 seconds, thats how clear it was and that is what made it so good. I also like how you said that she had all the newest gear because you used a real life experience. The people who are "cool" to other people seem to be the people who actually do have the latest gear and all of that. So this was a good funny story and I enjoyed all of it!


I liked the story alot! It was different then all of the other stories that I have read. What I really liked about your story is that you thought outside of the box. Like most of the stories they would right people being cool because of who they were, or because they was a flashy dresser or even athletic. But what you did was make the character cool be making her different then other people. By her being different in a cooler way then the norm, that is what made her stand out. I had to read it 2 times because it was so good. To be honest I never read a story like this because it was different type of story that I am used to reading. But this is one of the best short stories I have read. Great work !

These stories were great that I have read. I mean I didn't think there could be so much stories of different characters trying to be cool or being cool because of their attitude or anything. That is why I got so hooked on to it. Some of the patterns I have seen in these stories plus more is that people tend to try and be cool by dressing to stand out. Like in many stories such as mine, the charaacters are either going to school with a very expensive outfit, or even going place to buy expensive things, just so they can have that extra attention that a regular person don't have. It's sort of like a person that want's to have a purpose in their school. Other patterns that I have seen in these stories is people who be different. Like Beatrice's story. Her character isn't wearing what everybody wears or doing what everybody does, she act's and dresses different. Stuff like that is what makes people give their attention to that person because they are standing out from the others.

Some of the archetypes I've seen in these short stories is expensive stuff, trying to be the bad one of the funny one, onyl doing things they want, etc. I say these are the archetypes I have seen because most of the stories had these things in them. Seeing how these characters interact with people around them and how these "uncool" people make these so called "cool" kids feel add's to why they act the way they act which is which is mean and cruel to people who they feel is under them. Someone who would be the "nerdy" type kids is the people who don't seem to stand out and their people who the "popular" kids tend to pick on. But in a way, and it always been like that, all "popular" kids do that. And to Andy, he say's "We want attention and we want it now!" is an excellent way to tie all of this together. Popular kids want attention all the time, that's and thats what drives them to do things that will make them stand out and get all the attention they have been dying for.

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