Wednesday, November 4, 2009

digital project rough draft

Technology. An overused alternative to getting stuff done quicker without having to do much thinking or work. Not only that but it is also a way to deal with an individual’s boredom and in some way’s to make people happy. People in this world today are way to addictive to technology like Television, The World Wide Web, video games, and even miscellaneous technology such as calculators or cell phones, etc. People want to find a way to do things with out have to work hard, and this is the problem we have now. We use these pieces of technology for reason’s, in most of our cases, that make our society lazy and happy. The fact that technology is so great, our society is going in a dangerous direction of depending on technology because people are hooked on the happiness it gives them and at times lazy and not wanting to do much to find information (or people are so hooked on this technology life that they forgot how to live the natural life).

In Feed they are going in a dangerous direction of depending on the “Feed” because they use it every where they go and they never want to use their actual brains because they are to lazy to. The feed is a chip that is in the kid’s brain. It’s like having the encyclopedia, the World Wide Web, television, and video games, all in one little chip that is inserted into their brain. These teenagers use this feed way to much. They use it because they feel that it is the less work than having to actually go on the computer and having to go through all of that drama to go on a single website, when they can just go on the feed while they are doing something like going to a party. One of the kids said that they had missed the feed because of the fact that you didn’t have to do much work to get what you wanted, and the fact that everybody is super smart and they could get stuff they needed automatically. He said “I missed the feed. I don’t know when they first had feed. Like maybe, fifty or a hundred years ago. Before that, they had to use their hands and their eyes. Computers were all outside the body. They carried them around outside of them, in their hands, like if u carried your lungs in a briefcase and opened it to breathe….That’s one of the great things about feed – that you can be supersmart without ever working. Everyone is supersmart now. You can look things up automatic, like science and history, like if you want to know which battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in and shit.”(P.48). They want to find an easier solution of getting your information and at the same time do it so it can be less work as possible. They don’t realize that by them using this feed all the time to get their information, it one, lowers their thinking ability because they depend on the feed, and two, it make’s them very lazy. Because the feed can give them information that they need when they want, it shows that they are depending on it more and more because of the fact that it makes them be supersmart without ever having to do work.

Not only in books, but also People in our society are being dangerously more dependent on their Iphones and iPods in order for them to get through their busy day and because it makes them feel joyful. During one of the class periods we had with Andy, we had to give a survey to different strangers about how they feel about technology and how much they use technology. When we were giving the interviews we had heard a lot of different answers. When I asked how much do they depend on the internet and their Iphone’s, most of the grown adult’s said that if they didn’t have their phones they probably wouldn’t know what to do at their job’s and that they would be late for almost everything and forget about things. When I asked one guy named Mark this question he said “Who doesn’t need their Iphone in this busy city. Some times people aren’t around the internet or a company phone and the Iphone has all of it in one. How you like them apples. (Laughing)”. When said “who doesn’t need their Iphone in this busy city” I thought about that and then when I seen people on their Iphone’s, it did look like they were depending on them. People in our society need some kind of digital device that can handle their big needs. So many people also depend on the Ipod’s. People in the street felt that their Ipod’s were their life. For some people, they said that they couldn’t even leave the house without they’re Ipod’s. When I asked a young teenage girl named Shauna walking by 7/11 I asked her “How much do you depend on your Ipod and why? And she thought about it and said “My Ipod is my life; there have been times where I would Grab My Ipod before I even think about grabbing my keys and my cell phone. It’s just that my music because it keeps me happy and it blocks out the negative thoughts and stuff that go on in my life. So I do depend on my Ipod A lot A lot A lot. It sounds crazy but yeah.” It’s just plan and simple that people need these digital devices in order for them to stay happy. Because of the individual’s having the privilege of having a Digital device that has internet cell phone and music in it, it proves our society is becoming more and more dependent on these things because it Fulfills our needs without taking up any work and effort.

Being that my friend’s are also hooked on it technology, I noticed that my close friend Kiana is being very dependent on technology to keep her happy and interested in life. Kiana is a girl that was in one of my classes. At times I would look her and see that she would have this focused face. As I thought she was doing her work, I realized that she was on her phone. I thought to my self “Why can’t she just wait till the end of the day or lunch to go on her phone and text and stuff” But then I realized that this is what the teens today have problems today. She was so hooked and dependent on her phone to keep her focused and happy that she didn’t want to do her work. Even when kid’s go on college trips, they you would think they are their to look at the college and see what they think about it. But kid’s, such like Kiana still have the tendency to use technology because they are so hooked on it. When Kiana went to her sister’s college she had recorded a minute or so of herself, and what she does on her time, not caring about anything else that’s important. She states that she when she was there, all she was doing was IMing on the computer and texting on her Blackberry. She didn’t even know what was going on in the back of her because all she was interested, and the only thing she depended her to fulfill her happiness is the web surfing and IMing she was doing on the internet and the her Blackberry. “In the video you can observe that I am not really engaged or apart of what they were doing.... I am more so concentrated on texting and IMing people from my blackberry… While watching it my video I noticed that I seemed very dead and zoned out while texting on my cell phone. Although I was engaging in interesting conversation with friends via text message”(Kiana’s video blog post) She was able to analyze her own self and know that what she was doing made it seem to other people that she was very attached to her phone and the internet. She depends on these digital devices, not because it’s reduces her work, but because it makes her happy. People do want make’s them happy. But this particular case doesn’t only concern Kiana; it’s everybody in our society. For some strange reason the offer’s that technology give us, seem to have made us more dependent on it. Because Kiana was so hooked on her phone and internet where she couldn’t even leave that part out of a College trip, shows that we depend on the digital devices to keep us happy.

My connections paragraph is going to be about how the way people depend on their digital devices is the similar to how I depend on my own digital devices.
My opposing view is how People don’t depend on digital devices to keep them happy or to make them do less work. Talk about an example where somebody uses a different method then technology to get their info or how somebody uses something else other than technology to make them happy.

My conclusion is going to restate the ideas and the arguemtns that I have talked about in my paper. Then I am going to restates my thesis in a different way.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Charles

    Your paper looks pretty good. Great intro, it introduces your topic in an engaging way. Your arguments include alot from class, like interviews and Feed, maybe add in a mix of some research articles too.

    Proof read a little bit more, its easy to let grammar slip sometimes. Its just grammar, but it helps to get your paper in order. Like in the intro, "People want to find a way to do things with out have to work hard, and this is the problem we have now."

    it would be **without having to work hard. after looking over it. I think usually when we write things our eyes can pass over things like that because our mind just fixes it with what we mean to say.

    Add in an opposing view point, and for connections, you could add how you think it became this way, either from culture or politics, whatever lens you pick. Add significance if you didn't already as well. I liked that I could see how your outline fleshed out. Its pretty good. Looking forward to seeing what you add to it.
