Thursday, November 5, 2009

rouch draft suggestions

Dear kate,

As I told u before, your outline should basically be your rough draft because of how detailed and good it is. So I think that I already said what I had to say to you. But what I would say to you is that if you don't forget to write your connection and opposing view para graph's because this is like a mini exhibition and those paragraphs are very important. When you are writing the connections paragraph, Make sure you connect it to something that is strong, like your own life and/or other peoples life. If you are going to use a work piece, then make sure it connects strongly back to your thesis. And for the opposing view point paragraph, be sure that you know what opposing view you are to talking about. Make sure it is the exact opposite or close to the exact opposite to what your thesis is talking about therefore it could be a strong opposing view. Other than that you have a set rough draft, try and have a family member look over it so you can also have more opinions about it.

Dear Yu-Xi

Your rough draft looks good from what I see. You seem to have the criteria and the way you put information together down packed. Your thesis is simular to mine, and so I could definitly see how your arguments connect to that. Like I said for Kate, make sure that you input your Opposing view paragraph and your connections paragrapnh and make them as good as posiible. Make sure that they are detailed and most importantly, connect back to your thesis. If they don't then then the paragraphs are useless. These particular paragraphs needs to show how they oppose your thesis and also connect to your thesis. But Besides that, your rough draft looks good and you can definitely build up on this and make it a big part in your final dradft (obvioously). Also take some time and have your mom or friend proff read it so they can catch stuff that you probably didn't see when you were writing it. Also Make sure you get other opinion's on your rough draft because the more opinion's the more more feedback you can get. I look foward into reading you final draft!

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