Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23- exploration of COOL

Cool to me can mean alot of things. I thought cool meant something that made people amused and at the same time make them happy. In class when we had made the bubbles of what we thought cool was. When I was writing them, I realized that I was just writing things that I liked and that was when I had a different perspective of what cool was. I then came to the conclusion that I thought that cool was something that that you liked and something that more than one person likes for enjoyment. But I feel cool can mean alot of things. To me cool can mean that it's stuff that people's enjoy's but somebody might think something different. Some people think that its when someone tries to start a new trend that they people would follow because its the "new thing that is out" or because everybody likes it. For example people would start a trend of wearing flip flops with socks because they feel that it's cool and that every body would folllow. And their can be another type of of Cool, when it's not something you like or to start a new trend. Another cool is when you are trying to be down. People, especially teens today, want to be down, or in other words "want to fit in". They feel in order to be excepted or be "cool" in this world they have to be like or dress like the popular kids or try to be like them. So the world cool can definitely mean alot of things.

When I looked up the world "COOL", it said "fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept". At first I didn't get the definition the first time but when I read it the second I got it. It's bascially a society attraction, or a fashion statement during that time period that people like. And when the definition said society adept, it's more of like a society attraction towards a skill or thing that one does. So basically what that person do is cool because of what they have or what they can do and the list goes on and on. So cool can mean alot of things. From stuff about people's clothing, attitude, skills, to even a tempature, not being to hot or to cold, you are just cool. But that isn't the cool we will be talking about in class, I just wanted to add that definition in cause it had to do with the word.

Some question's that I might have for this unit on COOLNESS is: How deep will we be going on the word cool? What type of lessons will we e doing to find out what different people think cool means? What movies will we be watching to give us a better understanding of what cool is from a different perspective of than the classes? Could their ever be a right or wrong answer to the what we think cool can be? Are we going to be going in circles and circles in this lesson? What will we do to expand it. When we are in class, most of the time I would like to learn something different that none of us new about cool like if there was a history behind the word, would we learn about it? I just want to make sure that we can go deeper to the full extent on this cool unit and not just be saying the same things over and over and over again. Another question that i have for you is: At the end of this unit what type of project or essay would you have us do? And alittle note to you is I think that for one of the lessons we should go ou in the street and do interviews and surveys on what strangers in the streets think cool means and how they feel about it. Simular to the lesson that we had did for the digitial technology unit that we did. So I'm looking foward into having a well though out unit on cool and I hope to have fun with it, and most importantly, learn something new about the word cool that I never thought I would learn if we didn't have this unit.

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