Monday, November 23, 2009


Great story Kareem! I'm really surprised on the types of things you had to say about your character. Sounds a a little bit like you because all the girls and what not be running up to you and saying hi and stuff. But I really like when you go into detail about his ego. It's shows the type of person these kids were making him and the way he was reacting towards them. Some suggestions I would give you is to make sure that before you press publish, that you go to spell check and go to grammar so you can fix those uncapped letters and fix some of the spelling errors you have. But other than that I liked it a lot and I definitely look forward into reading more of your stories and blogs.


Yeah I definitely agree with marco. You took it to another type of cool. Instead of worrying about their exterior points you decided to WRite how his inner person felt about things, and that alone i being cool. A story like this is cool because it isn't about being a bully or being the best-dressed in school, you talk about motivation to get that BMW. And stuff like that is what makes cool go into a deeper meaning then what everybody thinks it is. ALso I would like to say that this is a well detailed story. It isn't a broad one. It's a story where I can picture exactly what is going on at each moment and that shows that your story is very good. I really enjoyed reading your story and look forward into reading more of them throughout this cool unit!


I really enjoyed your story and I can tell that you have wrote some before or it seems like it. You know how to make people paint very detailed pictures in their mind and see exactly what goes on. I also like when you use dialouge to get your point across on what chris is acting like and what kind of person he is trying to be. He sounds like a person who doesn't really care about his grades or about school in general. And I could see how that he is trying to be the cool guy using all of those slag words and having a disrespectful tone towards the dean. So I really like your story, it's well written and shows that you put alot of time into it. Great work!


Real funny story! I like how you mixed Beyonce knowles the singer and Nicki Minaj the rapper's name together. Creative! Your story is straight to the point. You explain how she was so cool and why and how she reacted to people who were "uncool" that dressed like her. I can picture this story in my head in no less then 10 seconds, thats how clear it was and that is what made it so good. I also like how you said that she had all the newest gear because you used a real life experience. The people who are "cool" to other people seem to be the people who actually do have the latest gear and all of that. So this was a good funny story and I enjoyed all of it!


I liked the story alot! It was different then all of the other stories that I have read. What I really liked about your story is that you thought outside of the box. Like most of the stories they would right people being cool because of who they were, or because they was a flashy dresser or even athletic. But what you did was make the character cool be making her different then other people. By her being different in a cooler way then the norm, that is what made her stand out. I had to read it 2 times because it was so good. To be honest I never read a story like this because it was different type of story that I am used to reading. But this is one of the best short stories I have read. Great work !

These stories were great that I have read. I mean I didn't think there could be so much stories of different characters trying to be cool or being cool because of their attitude or anything. That is why I got so hooked on to it. Some of the patterns I have seen in these stories plus more is that people tend to try and be cool by dressing to stand out. Like in many stories such as mine, the charaacters are either going to school with a very expensive outfit, or even going place to buy expensive things, just so they can have that extra attention that a regular person don't have. It's sort of like a person that want's to have a purpose in their school. Other patterns that I have seen in these stories is people who be different. Like Beatrice's story. Her character isn't wearing what everybody wears or doing what everybody does, she act's and dresses different. Stuff like that is what makes people give their attention to that person because they are standing out from the others.

Some of the archetypes I've seen in these short stories is expensive stuff, trying to be the bad one of the funny one, onyl doing things they want, etc. I say these are the archetypes I have seen because most of the stories had these things in them. Seeing how these characters interact with people around them and how these "uncool" people make these so called "cool" kids feel add's to why they act the way they act which is which is mean and cruel to people who they feel is under them. Someone who would be the "nerdy" type kids is the people who don't seem to stand out and their people who the "popular" kids tend to pick on. But in a way, and it always been like that, all "popular" kids do that. And to Andy, he say's "We want attention and we want it now!" is an excellent way to tie all of this together. Popular kids want attention all the time, that's and thats what drives them to do things that will make them stand out and get all the attention they have been dying for.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

short story hw 24

Andy hopping up and down in the cab, waiting to arrive on 5th avenue to go to the Gucci store. As he arrived in front of the store and walked inside the warm tempature and the smell of fine leather came to his senses. Seeing everybody try on Gucci slip-on's, Gucci sneakers, belts, hats made him even more eager to buy his first pair. Seeing different types of Gucci's made him think even harder because this first pair of Gucci's could be his best start to get all the ladies, so his choice had to take time.

He alway's loved being casual. It's 2010 and he felt its time to start showing people that he isn't all about nikes and jordans and that he can also have a grown man side too. From when he seen people at parties being in Gucci from head to toe, and seeing the amount of attention they got from being in these expensive gear made him want what they had but twice as more.

"How much are these?" Andy asked the Gucci store employee

"$480 sir" she replied

"And these?"

"520 with tax sir." she replied again

"Yeah can I get these in a size 11"

"Which ones?" she asked

"The $520 ones"

"Ok no problem"

Andy thought the more the shoes cost the better. she brung back the 520 dollar shoes and without any questions he said he would take them. His face lit up like a person winning a million dollars. He was so happy that he got his first pair of Gucci's that he could speak for a minute when they asked cash, credit or debit. He thought to himself "I know the ladies are going to love me now". He forgot that his mother had put money in his bank from earlier in the week so he asked the Gucci employee one more thing.

"How much is your gucci belt's?"

"$250 sir"

"Add that to the tab too. Thanks so much."

Wen she gave him the receipt and the bag with the Gucci's and the belt inside he walked fast and full of joy out the store, and he then said to him self "There is no way I'm not going to get these ladies attention now." And he got in a cab and went home with a smile on his face.

Monday, November 16, 2009

HW 23- exploration of COOL

Cool to me can mean alot of things. I thought cool meant something that made people amused and at the same time make them happy. In class when we had made the bubbles of what we thought cool was. When I was writing them, I realized that I was just writing things that I liked and that was when I had a different perspective of what cool was. I then came to the conclusion that I thought that cool was something that that you liked and something that more than one person likes for enjoyment. But I feel cool can mean alot of things. To me cool can mean that it's stuff that people's enjoy's but somebody might think something different. Some people think that its when someone tries to start a new trend that they people would follow because its the "new thing that is out" or because everybody likes it. For example people would start a trend of wearing flip flops with socks because they feel that it's cool and that every body would folllow. And their can be another type of of Cool, when it's not something you like or to start a new trend. Another cool is when you are trying to be down. People, especially teens today, want to be down, or in other words "want to fit in". They feel in order to be excepted or be "cool" in this world they have to be like or dress like the popular kids or try to be like them. So the world cool can definitely mean alot of things.

When I looked up the world "COOL", it said "fashionable and attractive at the time; often skilled or socially adept". At first I didn't get the definition the first time but when I read it the second I got it. It's bascially a society attraction, or a fashion statement during that time period that people like. And when the definition said society adept, it's more of like a society attraction towards a skill or thing that one does. So basically what that person do is cool because of what they have or what they can do and the list goes on and on. So cool can mean alot of things. From stuff about people's clothing, attitude, skills, to even a tempature, not being to hot or to cold, you are just cool. But that isn't the cool we will be talking about in class, I just wanted to add that definition in cause it had to do with the word.

Some question's that I might have for this unit on COOLNESS is: How deep will we be going on the word cool? What type of lessons will we e doing to find out what different people think cool means? What movies will we be watching to give us a better understanding of what cool is from a different perspective of than the classes? Could their ever be a right or wrong answer to the what we think cool can be? Are we going to be going in circles and circles in this lesson? What will we do to expand it. When we are in class, most of the time I would like to learn something different that none of us new about cool like if there was a history behind the word, would we learn about it? I just want to make sure that we can go deeper to the full extent on this cool unit and not just be saying the same things over and over and over again. Another question that i have for you is: At the end of this unit what type of project or essay would you have us do? And alittle note to you is I think that for one of the lessons we should go ou in the street and do interviews and surveys on what strangers in the streets think cool means and how they feel about it. Simular to the lesson that we had did for the digitial technology unit that we did. So I'm looking foward into having a well though out unit on cool and I hope to have fun with it, and most importantly, learn something new about the word cool that I never thought I would learn if we didn't have this unit.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

art project- poem and pic

Technology at night- By Charles

Technology at night
something most of us do
facbook, myspace, IMing all at one time
Technology at night
can't go to sleep unless you are all through
9 at night, 10 at night, getting later and later
not caring at all about anything but the screeen that sits infront of you.
Should I play video games or stay on the internet?
I might as well do both
Technology at night
something thats very addictive
can't live without it
so much that I can't get sleep
wondering and wondering
what people are writing next on their status's on facebook
12 o clock, getting later and later
on technology
bags under the eyes as if I didn't get sleep in weeks
technology at night
wanting to shut it all off, but deep, down inside
you just have to know whats going on
instead of doing your make up homework
im on technology at night
1 in the morning
2 in the morning
3 in the morning
5 hours till school start and still on tehnology
watching TV by your self while your brothers and sisters are snoring
wondering why you are up at 3 in the morning
snores and silence make up the room
and yet your still on technology at night
by 4 in the morning, you sleep and next thing you know..
then that night you do the same thing as if its a daily tradition.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Big Paper

Technology. An overused alternative to getting stuff done quicker without having to do much thinking or work. Not only that but it is also a way to deal with an individual’s boredom and in some way’s to make people happy. People in this world today are way to addictive to technology like Television, The World Wide Web, video games, and even miscellaneous technology such as calculators or cell phones, etc. People want to find a way to do things with out have to work hard, and this is the problem we have now. We use these pieces of technology for reason’s, in most of our cases, that make our society lazy and happy. The fact that technology is so great, The overuses of digital technology are in societies like our own because almost all aspects of our lives have become dependent on it, from social use, to physical and mental emotions, and even easier information sources.

People today don’t like the fact that they have to do a lot of work to retrieve their information. They try to find a quicker way of finding it wit out using their actual brains. Like in the book FEED, they are going in a dangerous direction of depending on the “Feed” because they use it every where they go and they never want to use their actual brains because they are too lazy to. The feed is a chip that is in the kid’s brain. It’s like having the encyclopedia, the World Wide Web, television, and video games, all in one little chip that is inserted into their brain. These teenagers use this feed way to much. They use it because they feel that it is the less work than having to actually go on the computer and having to go through all of that drama to go on a single website, when they can just go on the feed while they are doing something like going to a party. One of the kids said that they had missed the feed because of the fact that you didn’t have to do much work to get what you wanted, and the fact that everybody is super smart and they could get stuff they needed automatically. He said “I missed the feed. I don’t know when they first had feed. Like maybe, fifty or a hundred years ago. Before that, they had to use their hands and their eyes. Computers were all outside the body. They carried them around outside of them, in their hands, like if u carried your lungs in a briefcase and opened it to breathe….That’s one of the great things about feed – that you can be supersmart without ever working. Everyone is supersmart now. You can look things up automatic, like science and history, like if you want to know which battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in and shit.”(P.48). They use the feed way to much. Never want to take the time to just think things through or pick up a book to find their research. The feed puts them into a state that makes them use this source as part of their lives and unfortunately, making them depend on it to the point where it they can’t use it no more. They don’t realize that by them using this feed all the time to get their information, it one, lowers their thinking ability because they depend on the feed, and two, it make’s them very lazy. Because of the power the feed beholds on these teenagers, it shows that their depending on it more and more because of the fact that it’s a quicker reliable information source that makes them supersmart with them not having to do nothing to gain that knowledge.

In WALL-E, the inventor’s of the ship that had the humans living on there after the earth was trashed, depended on their automated systems (the screens that were abruptly in front of their face’s) to keep the obese people from seeing reality. Wall-E is a film about a robot that helps Americans see how the technology has affected them. The people that live on the ship do nothing but constantly look at the screen that is front of their face. They pay no attention to what is around them or the outside world. Even the old people that live on the ship know nothing of what is outside of their screens. During the movie when Eve was sent to earth to find signs of life, she had brought a plant back to the captain and he did not know what she had brought. He had to learn from the computer what earth was and what the plant was. Having been in space for so long everyone forgot that earth existed and that there was other stuff that was outside in the outer space. When the lady had got release from her chair by mistake, she was then able to realize reality. She had a confused look on face because she didn’t know what reality looked like, for the past years all she has seen was this screen in front of her face. When she was singled out in from the others and she was seeing many things that she never thought the ship would have, little did she know that was illegibly their “new beginning”. Those being in the chairs stuck to the screen greatly affected them physically and mentally. They being glued to technology and stuck in one spot for so long they had bone problems and they had blank expressions on their face as if they were observing something like a new born baby. The technology and digital device idea that they use on the ships to keep these people from facing reality, shows that they greatly depend on these automated technology devices because humans now a day’s zone out in technology because of the mental emotions it puts forth.

People in our society love the fact that you can social network. It’s one of the reasons why we’re dangerously dependent on our Iphone’s and iPods to do the job. In order for them to get through their day, they must be social networking or using the cool web browser on their digital devices because it makes them feel joyful. During one of the class periods we had with Andy, we had to give a survey to different strangers about how they feel about technology and how much they use technology. When we were giving the interviews we had heard a lot of different answers. When I asked how much do they depend on the internet and their Iphone’s, most of the grown adult’s said that if they didn’t have their phones they probably wouldn’t know what to do at their job’s and that they would be late for almost everything and forget about things. When I asked one guy named Mark this question he said “Who doesn’t need their Iphone. I love all the cool applications and internet browser you are able to have on it. Some times people aren’t around the internet or a company phone and the Iphone has all of it in one. You can play games while searching the internet, texting, and at the same time listen to your music. Now how you like them apples. (Laughing)”. When said “who doesn’t need their Iphone in this city” I thought about that and then when I seen people on their Iphone’s, it did look like they needed their Iphone’s as if it was the only valuable thing they have. People in our society need some kind of digital device that can handle their big need and concur their mental emotions. Not only that but so many people also depend on their MP4 players. People in the street felt that their Ipod’s were their life. For some people, they said that they couldn’t even leave the house without they’re Ipod’s. When I asked a young teenage girl named Shauna walking by 7/11 I asked her “How much do you depend on your Ipod and why?” And she thought about it and said “My Ipod is my life; there have been times where I would grab my Ipod before I even think about grabbing my keys or my wallet. It’s just that I need my music because it keeps me happy and it blocks out the negative thoughts and stuff that go on in my life. So I do depend on my Ipod A lot A lot A lot. It sounds crazy but yeah.” It’s just plan and simple that people need these digital devices in order for them to stay happy. Because of the individual’s having the gift of having a Digital device that has internet cell phone and music in it, it proves our society is becoming more dependent on this type of technology due to the fact that it Fulfills our needs mental, physical, and social being.

Being that my friend’s are also hooked on it technology, I noticed that my close friend Kiana is being very dependent on technology to keep her happy and interested in life. Kiana is a girl that was in one of my classes. At times I would look her and see that she would have this focused face. As I thought she was doing her work, I realized that she was on her phone. I thought to my self “Why can’t she just wait till the end of the day or lunch to go on her phone and text and stuff” But then I realized that this is what the teens today have problems today. She was so hooked and dependent on her phone to keep her focused and happy that she didn’t want to do her work. Even when kid’s go on college trips, they you would think they are their to look at the college and see what they think about it. But kid’s, such like Kiana still have the tendency to use technology because they are so hooked on it. When Kiana went to her sister’s college she had recorded a minute or so of herself, and what she does on her time, not caring about anything else that’s important. She states that she when she was there, all she was doing was IMing on the computer and texting on her Blackberry. She didn’t even know what was going on in the back of her because all she was interested, and the only thing she depended her to fulfill her happiness is the web surfing and IMing she was doing on the internet and her Blackberry. “In the video you can observe that I am not really engaged or apart of what they were doing.... I am more so concentrated on texting and IMing people from my blackberry… While watching it my video I noticed that I seemed very dead and zoned out while texting on my cell phone. Although I was engaging in interesting conversation with friends via text message”(Kiana’s video blog post) She was able to analyze her own self and know that what she was doing made it seem to other people that she was very attached to her phone and the internet. She depends on these digital devices, not because it’s reduces her work, but because it makes her happy. People do want make’s them happy. But this particular case doesn’t only concern Kiana; it’s everybody in our society. For some strange reason the offer’s that technology give us, seem to have made us more dependent on it. Because Kiana was so hooked on her phone and internet where she couldn’t even leave that part out of a College trip, shows that her she depended on the digital devices to keep her mental emotions and needs happy and interested.

People usually depend digital devices like video games or television as a scapegoat to facing reality because it betters their mental and physical emotions by relaxing their body and minds. Because television is so popular in our society, from the Reality Television show’s, to sports games, to shows like The Tyra Banks show, it puts people in a physical and mental state that makes them want to forget about every thing that is going on. Like my father, he work’s 2 job’s. He works all night and all day most of the week and is on 24 hour call which means they call at any time and he has to show, no matter what time. And on his day off he mostly watches the Jets game and on Monday night he watches other football games. He escapes reality by watching football to relieve his hard working that he has done throughout the week. When I asked him why he had watched Television so much, especially football he said “Chuck you should know me by now. I work two jobs. I manage a club and I am a super of a building. And when I watch football its like I am in a whole new world. It’s like me actually being at the stadium. I didn’t by this 62” flat screen and this HD cable box for nothing. I spend a lot of money on these things because I love the way it makes me feel. I take work off my mind, it takes my phone going off all the time of my mind, and it just lets me relax.” He doesn’t like having work on his mind when it isn’t the time a place for it. But reality is he must because he has to constantly do stuff at his club and he is always on 24-hour call at his maintenance job. But he uses football and other Television shows to make him get away from all of that and relieve his body from all of the commotion. Because he watches Football when he is on call most of the time, proves that people would try to turn towards the Television unit to escape and run from the stressful reality that some people live.

People often depend on video games to keep them from facing reality. People tend to do the things they want to do rather than handling their responsibility. Like one of my friends named Kareem. He is a video gamer and he often decides to play video games, rather then face the fact that he has homework and other busy errands to do. He uses video games as a scapegoat for not doing what he is supposed to do. He is the type of person that often puts his mental and physicals needs in front of what he has to do. When I was at his house around the middle of October, he was on the video games while his school books where right next to him. And as I was observing, he would pick up his notebook, write a little, and then go back to the video game. It was like he was going back and fourth to reality and to his scapegoat. After He kept on doing it I finally asked him “Why do you keep going back and fourth from the game to your homework” and he said “Because this homework is pissing me off, and the game is helping me relax and calm down.” The game was making him leave reality. He didn’t want to deal with what was going on in the real world so what he did instead was go to the game to help him relieve some stress and help him calm down. Like in this preteen culture article its states that video games are “very compelling with increasing complexity, so a child becomes more facile, yet wants to know more and apply new skills." While wanting to improve their game isn't a problem in itself, it becomes one if video games are "taking a youngster away too much from other activities,"(preteen article). Kids are so dependent on games because it’s addictive and people would use it, like in Kareem’s case, use it to get away from reality. Kareem runs from facing reality by playing video games, and he tends to find this is the only thing he can depend on to that.

Not only in our time period did people depend on digital devices for many reasons like information sources. In our society in the 20th century, we use computers all the time. We use them to look up data, information, web pages, etc. Not only in the 20th century did they do that. They also did that back in the 70’s and the 80’s. I found on this one website on 1980’s technology. It talks about how the computers were starting to be used by a lot of people and how it had become popular when they came out with personal computers. It talks about how they used the internet to get web pages, send emails, and to get information, just like we do today. It states “Through the internet users can access electronic mail and send files, and access web pages. The internet in the 1980’s was a new tool that people began using and today it is used by everyone who has a computer.” Technology was only dependent in our time period. Even back then they used it to get what they needed jus like us. Even though people today abuse the fact that we have technology to deal with emotions and needs, it is in fact significant that we have it. If we didn’t have technology, it would take much longer to get the information that we have now. If we didn’t have it, wouldn’t be able to look at things deeper than what they would be. Like on ESPN, back then they didn’t have halftime shows where you can look at a play-by-play in a 3-D angle. Back then they were only able to look at 2-D pictures. Even being able to type a paper on word, rather than having to write it, or being able to use a power point presentation instead of a poster board. Us having this advanced or even simple technology gives us an alternative way of doing things quicker and finding things out quicker.

Most of the people in our society depend on the gift of technology to keep themselves happy and complete. But for some people it isn’t that much the same. Some people feel that to keep them complete and happy they just need to be around their family, and if not that just being able to be around their friends and having a good time. And other people said that love makes them happy. In the Seattle times, in the Business and Technology section a women does her own little interview asking the question to her family “Does technology make you happy?” When she asked her young daughter does Technology make her happy she said “No. I take it for granted — like breathing. It just is…I'm unhappy when it doesn't work ... when my cell phone battery's dead and when the Internet's not working." Some people feel different about technology because of the very bad flaws it comes with rather than the good ones. And because of these bad flaws it forces them to question the trust on whether they can depend on these digital gadgets or not. Some people just take advantage of the fact that it is a helpful source of fulfilling needs, while other feel that just living life is another possibility.

Throughout all of this you can see that people depend on their digital devices to complete their essential for getting homework done, communicating with friends and looking up stuff. Based on WALL-E, Feed, People’s interview’s answers, and others idea’s, you can clearly see that people depend on their digital devices to make them happy and to keep their mental and physical states positive. Whether the digital device helps them be happy, or Get info in the less amount of work, or even as a scapegoat, Technology is being overused in our culture because it’s in almost all parts of our lives whether it be for social use, information sources, or to help mental and physical emotions.

1980 technology

Video Game Addiction

I ask does technology make you happy

WALL-E film

Interviews and surveys


Classmates Blogpost

Thursday, November 5, 2009

rouch draft suggestions

Dear kate,

As I told u before, your outline should basically be your rough draft because of how detailed and good it is. So I think that I already said what I had to say to you. But what I would say to you is that if you don't forget to write your connection and opposing view para graph's because this is like a mini exhibition and those paragraphs are very important. When you are writing the connections paragraph, Make sure you connect it to something that is strong, like your own life and/or other peoples life. If you are going to use a work piece, then make sure it connects strongly back to your thesis. And for the opposing view point paragraph, be sure that you know what opposing view you are to talking about. Make sure it is the exact opposite or close to the exact opposite to what your thesis is talking about therefore it could be a strong opposing view. Other than that you have a set rough draft, try and have a family member look over it so you can also have more opinions about it.

Dear Yu-Xi

Your rough draft looks good from what I see. You seem to have the criteria and the way you put information together down packed. Your thesis is simular to mine, and so I could definitly see how your arguments connect to that. Like I said for Kate, make sure that you input your Opposing view paragraph and your connections paragrapnh and make them as good as posiible. Make sure that they are detailed and most importantly, connect back to your thesis. If they don't then then the paragraphs are useless. These particular paragraphs needs to show how they oppose your thesis and also connect to your thesis. But Besides that, your rough draft looks good and you can definitely build up on this and make it a big part in your final dradft (obvioously). Also take some time and have your mom or friend proff read it so they can catch stuff that you probably didn't see when you were writing it. Also Make sure you get other opinion's on your rough draft because the more opinion's the more more feedback you can get. I look foward into reading you final draft!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

digital project rough draft

Technology. An overused alternative to getting stuff done quicker without having to do much thinking or work. Not only that but it is also a way to deal with an individual’s boredom and in some way’s to make people happy. People in this world today are way to addictive to technology like Television, The World Wide Web, video games, and even miscellaneous technology such as calculators or cell phones, etc. People want to find a way to do things with out have to work hard, and this is the problem we have now. We use these pieces of technology for reason’s, in most of our cases, that make our society lazy and happy. The fact that technology is so great, our society is going in a dangerous direction of depending on technology because people are hooked on the happiness it gives them and at times lazy and not wanting to do much to find information (or people are so hooked on this technology life that they forgot how to live the natural life).

In Feed they are going in a dangerous direction of depending on the “Feed” because they use it every where they go and they never want to use their actual brains because they are to lazy to. The feed is a chip that is in the kid’s brain. It’s like having the encyclopedia, the World Wide Web, television, and video games, all in one little chip that is inserted into their brain. These teenagers use this feed way to much. They use it because they feel that it is the less work than having to actually go on the computer and having to go through all of that drama to go on a single website, when they can just go on the feed while they are doing something like going to a party. One of the kids said that they had missed the feed because of the fact that you didn’t have to do much work to get what you wanted, and the fact that everybody is super smart and they could get stuff they needed automatically. He said “I missed the feed. I don’t know when they first had feed. Like maybe, fifty or a hundred years ago. Before that, they had to use their hands and their eyes. Computers were all outside the body. They carried them around outside of them, in their hands, like if u carried your lungs in a briefcase and opened it to breathe….That’s one of the great things about feed – that you can be supersmart without ever working. Everyone is supersmart now. You can look things up automatic, like science and history, like if you want to know which battles of the Civil War George Washington fought in and shit.”(P.48). They want to find an easier solution of getting your information and at the same time do it so it can be less work as possible. They don’t realize that by them using this feed all the time to get their information, it one, lowers their thinking ability because they depend on the feed, and two, it make’s them very lazy. Because the feed can give them information that they need when they want, it shows that they are depending on it more and more because of the fact that it makes them be supersmart without ever having to do work.

Not only in books, but also People in our society are being dangerously more dependent on their Iphones and iPods in order for them to get through their busy day and because it makes them feel joyful. During one of the class periods we had with Andy, we had to give a survey to different strangers about how they feel about technology and how much they use technology. When we were giving the interviews we had heard a lot of different answers. When I asked how much do they depend on the internet and their Iphone’s, most of the grown adult’s said that if they didn’t have their phones they probably wouldn’t know what to do at their job’s and that they would be late for almost everything and forget about things. When I asked one guy named Mark this question he said “Who doesn’t need their Iphone in this busy city. Some times people aren’t around the internet or a company phone and the Iphone has all of it in one. How you like them apples. (Laughing)”. When said “who doesn’t need their Iphone in this busy city” I thought about that and then when I seen people on their Iphone’s, it did look like they were depending on them. People in our society need some kind of digital device that can handle their big needs. So many people also depend on the Ipod’s. People in the street felt that their Ipod’s were their life. For some people, they said that they couldn’t even leave the house without they’re Ipod’s. When I asked a young teenage girl named Shauna walking by 7/11 I asked her “How much do you depend on your Ipod and why? And she thought about it and said “My Ipod is my life; there have been times where I would Grab My Ipod before I even think about grabbing my keys and my cell phone. It’s just that my music because it keeps me happy and it blocks out the negative thoughts and stuff that go on in my life. So I do depend on my Ipod A lot A lot A lot. It sounds crazy but yeah.” It’s just plan and simple that people need these digital devices in order for them to stay happy. Because of the individual’s having the privilege of having a Digital device that has internet cell phone and music in it, it proves our society is becoming more and more dependent on these things because it Fulfills our needs without taking up any work and effort.

Being that my friend’s are also hooked on it technology, I noticed that my close friend Kiana is being very dependent on technology to keep her happy and interested in life. Kiana is a girl that was in one of my classes. At times I would look her and see that she would have this focused face. As I thought she was doing her work, I realized that she was on her phone. I thought to my self “Why can’t she just wait till the end of the day or lunch to go on her phone and text and stuff” But then I realized that this is what the teens today have problems today. She was so hooked and dependent on her phone to keep her focused and happy that she didn’t want to do her work. Even when kid’s go on college trips, they you would think they are their to look at the college and see what they think about it. But kid’s, such like Kiana still have the tendency to use technology because they are so hooked on it. When Kiana went to her sister’s college she had recorded a minute or so of herself, and what she does on her time, not caring about anything else that’s important. She states that she when she was there, all she was doing was IMing on the computer and texting on her Blackberry. She didn’t even know what was going on in the back of her because all she was interested, and the only thing she depended her to fulfill her happiness is the web surfing and IMing she was doing on the internet and the her Blackberry. “In the video you can observe that I am not really engaged or apart of what they were doing.... I am more so concentrated on texting and IMing people from my blackberry… While watching it my video I noticed that I seemed very dead and zoned out while texting on my cell phone. Although I was engaging in interesting conversation with friends via text message”(Kiana’s video blog post) She was able to analyze her own self and know that what she was doing made it seem to other people that she was very attached to her phone and the internet. She depends on these digital devices, not because it’s reduces her work, but because it makes her happy. People do want make’s them happy. But this particular case doesn’t only concern Kiana; it’s everybody in our society. For some strange reason the offer’s that technology give us, seem to have made us more dependent on it. Because Kiana was so hooked on her phone and internet where she couldn’t even leave that part out of a College trip, shows that we depend on the digital devices to keep us happy.

My connections paragraph is going to be about how the way people depend on their digital devices is the similar to how I depend on my own digital devices.
My opposing view is how People don’t depend on digital devices to keep them happy or to make them do less work. Talk about an example where somebody uses a different method then technology to get their info or how somebody uses something else other than technology to make them happy.

My conclusion is going to restate the ideas and the arguemtns that I have talked about in my paper. Then I am going to restates my thesis in a different way.



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

outline suggestions for kate and yuxi

Dear Yuki,

I like the ideas that you want to put inside of your big paper. I like the fact that you talk about how technology is over used and how it is in everything u use. I also like when you talk about how technology is even in our love life. It seems to me like you have clear and detailed arguments and your thesis is also very clear and understanding. Your evidence is also good but i also what you to use one more source. I think you should definitely use andy's lectures as some of the evidence because we talked about how teenagers and een adults use digitalization to much. I don't know if I saw it, but some other evidence that I also think you should use is the interviews and surveys. Use the answersthat you have got from people on the street on how much technology they use. It would be good information if you pick the 2 or 3 of the best interviews that can mostly connect back to your thesis.

But other than that it seems like you have a good outline and you are ready to start writing your big paper! Like anybody else would say, make sure that you don't have any grammer or spelling mistakes. Otherwise start writing, I can't wait to read it!

Dear Kate,

I love love love your outline! It is very organized and it already has alot of information. It was so detailed that I thought it was your rough draft so you had me bugging out for minute saying to myself "where the heck is Kate's outline, all I see if a big rough draft" and little did I know that "big paper" was the outine. Silly me.

Anyway like how you have some of the exact evidence you are going to use for your paper. I like the fact how you made most of your arguments and paragrapghs already, and at that, have them analyzed already. I thought that was really good. Something that I want you to add to your paper is another piece of evidence. I like the fact that you have tons and tons of evidence of feed and WALL-E, but another IMPORTANT piece of evidence that I feel you should use, just like I told Yu-Xi, is Andy's lectures. They help so much and they can most definitelty connect back to your thesis. I'm not really undeerstanding what your thesis is saying, but from the looks at the body paragrapghs its talking about how these digital devices is blocking us from the real world, and I know for a fact that Andy has talked about that.

Other than that you are VERY ready to start your paper, if I was you I would use this outline as your rough draft. Just add a little parts to it and 1 or 2 more pieces of evidence. Also make sure your grammer and spelling is good. Great Job, I look foward into reading your paper!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

my paper outline

The thesis that i wanted to have for my paper was: People in our digital world today are very hooked on videogames, internet, and television because of the way it makes them feel and the fact that the gossip and type of game it is, is so intersting. I was also thinking of making my thesis on how the bad parts of these digital devices not only helps us pts us in a positive mood, but I don't know I need more opinions. 

 The addictiveness that the digital devices attracts to us is the way it makes us feel....still need to add stuff

I kno this thesis is vey long but this is what I have my triad people for, so they can help me shorten it and make it alittle more clearer.

One argument that I wanted to use was how people be so hooked on these digital devices that they don't even know what's going on in the outside world. some evidence I can use for this argument is from WALL-E. I wanted to show the humans was so stuck on the technology that was in their face that they didnt even know where they were. Also how they didn't even know what their surroundings were. some other evidence I can use for this argument is in feed. I don't really remember what I can use but I can ask my triad for that info or suggestions.

Another argument I wanted to bring up is how people are so hooked on the their ipod's and Computers because it helps them calm down in chaos situations, or for some people how it makes them happy. Some evidence I can use is from the interviews that we took in the street. Aslo I can use evidence from some of the conversations and lectures that andy brings up in class about how these digital devices makes us feel.

And the last argument I wanted to talk about is how these digital devices keep us happy because of the simple fact that it's just something we enjoy rather than something that is boring like homework. Some of the evidence I can use for this argument is the interviews. I don't really know what other evidence I shpuld use for this but if anybody has any suggestions they should let me know =).

And for the Conclusion I am going to tie back all of my arguments together and at the end I am going to re state my thesis in a different way. That's about it for my outline. It is an OUTLINE so it is very broad. But the more I work on it the more detailed it's going to be (the paper).

So any sugggestions, jus comment this blog...I would appreicate if Andy comments also cause it will definitely help! THANKS ALOT!!