Monday, September 28, 2009

digital video from charles hunter on Vimeo.

When I was making this video I had just went to the Chinese restaurant to get me some Young chow fried rice. It had chicken, shrimp, vegetables, and pork inside of it. I was eating, on my phone talking to Kiana, and on myspace, facebook, I was in the room and I was by myself since my brother was in college and my sister, mother, and father was at work.

When I watched the video over after I had made it I thought to my self, why do I chew like that? Also it looked funny because I never saw myself through a "third person view" of me on the computer and on the phone. I never thought I made face expressions like that but i guess i did.

Doing what I was doing in that video is callled addiction. I wouldn't want my kids or yuonger sibling doing what I was doing. Because as you can see, it looked like I wasn't moving in no time soon and that's not what I want my kids doing. They need to be out more exploring the world, not hooked to the computer and phone.

Im looking at the screen most of the time because I was recording on my web cam and I was looking at a bunch of website that really catch my interest. But as you can see I am going back and forth from my phone to the computer. I do this alot when people right crazy things to me or what to have interesting conversations with me on aim or text messaging. So I'm hooked on both which makes make break my neck looking and the computer screen and mycell phone screen


  1. hey charles,

    I love how you saw that it was weird for you to see yourself in third person. I never really thought about it. But I guess it would be weird for someone to see themselves in third person but in truth we get used to that view because when we look in mirrors or look at pictures of us and our friends thats all a distorted view of ourselves.

    I feel like your correct in saying that you do not want your kids to be eating and on the phone and on the computer all at the same time. But I wonder when they ask you how you interacted with technology and you tell them things you do not allow them to do,how will you respond. And if you do not let them because you know its bad for them,then why do you continuously do the same thing?

    I feel like your video was very realistic and that it was not staged at all. Looking at this I can see how you are in your daily life and how you interact with technology.

  2. Hey Charles,

    It was interesting to see all the electronics you were using at once. I thought it was really funny, you're reaction to seeing yourself in the video because I think alot of people react that way and the other half are used to it. I think you probably do see yourself in third person point of view in pictures, but its different on video because you can see certain nuances in how you move that pictures don't capture.

    Its interesting that you say you're hooked on all these things and you seem to be really into it. If you don't want your kids to be doing the same thing you are, would you cut back on it on your own time? Because I think kids are really influenced by the people around them and they just take it in. They learn from you and so if you use it alot they'll probably think its normal.

    Your video was pretty cool and it seemed like something you would be doing normally, so it was realistic. I like that about it and you were eating while doing all that and food is always a plus.

  3. Hey charles. Your video really showed a great and accurate representation of how you really are on a daily basis with your cell phone. Even seeing you in class last year, you would be using your cellphone and also trying to pay attention to what mr avigan was saying...but did a good job of switching task. While using your cell phone and laptop, you didn't seem to consumed and sucked into the digital world, I can tell because one thing you were also paying a great amount of attention towards...was your Chinese food. While watching you eat I connected to how you could have been feeling, very hungry but also very dedicated to getting your work done and also surfing the web. This is probably one thing that I believe many teenagers these days have in common. If you viewed my video you can also that I am eating food also, which happens to be something very easily made (mac and cheese).

    Many people might not see this but I think the fact that people tend to eat this type of food, such as take out (your chinese food) or easily made meals(my mac and cheese)..shows a great deal of dependency on our digital devices and appreciation of quickly prepared meals. We often want to find something very quickly made that we can eat, so that we can get back to using our cell phones or laptops to get work done or for personal pleasure. This results in many of us being lazy and "zombied" out/taken over by the screens in front of us. Being that you were talking to me while doing your homework, it shows the positive side of how digital devices can serve as a helpful source for many students. You didn't quite understand how to post your video online but by using your cell phone you were able to text me and ask for assistance. This is probably one of tthe main things that I use my cell phone to do, which helps me to sometimes appreciate it even more as a helpful assistant rather than a device used to keep my social life interesting and enjoyable.

    One funny thing I noticed while watching your video was the way you chew and the faces you often made when trying to concentrate on something. LOL! You stated in your written piece regarding your video that you finally realized the faces you make that many people have warned you about...maybe one reason that you may not have noticed it was because of your focus on other things, but now that you get to sit back and watch yourself from a different point of view, you now see for yourself. You aren't really the only person that I notice make faces when using their cell phone or laptop. People seem to express their reaction to something on the internet or a funny text message through facial expressions, and the interesting part is that its not always done consciously. This leaves room for the argument on whether or not people sometimes become so engaged in technology that they lose touch of themselves or even lose consciousness of what their body is doing because they are so in tuned in the technology present in front of them?

    Overall great video and hope to see more interesting crazy faces lol(just kidding)...more interesting thoughts from you in the future.
