Tuesday, September 22, 2009

response to kates comment

Great comment on my digital response! You use a good example in the comment where you say I talk about how I would rather text a Girl that i like them rather than seeing them in person. It is like you know exactly why I like to text, and it shows you get what I am trying to say. You say things and comments about my writing really clear and it showed that while you were reading, you understood why i thought about the things personally when I was writing them. When you said "Your scared of the reaction so you choose to do it through texting because the pain would be less then getting rejected face to face." I thought it was very funny. It seems like you were predicting on what I was thinking, and why I was texting to girls rather than talking to them face to face.For next time, make sure your comments have more ideas on the topics I was writing because it seemed a little short and you didn't really write a well detailed analysis on my response. It had goo ideas but it was a little to broad.Overall it was a nice comment. Good job!

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