Wednesday, September 16, 2009

comment on Kate D's Blog

I appreciate the fact that you talk about why people are using digitalization to much and they need to be more active.

When you said "I can say that I would not give it up that easily but I know there is a time and place for everything." I felt that it was real honest and truthful to say that digitalization is in your life alot alot but it ain't that much in your life to wear you are using it at the wrong time at the wrong place. It was a thorough way of saying how you felt about.

"I think people let technology rule their life and during a black out they go all crazy cause they are not used to being without their digital counterparts."

Im laughing because it so true. people use their computers, video games, Televisions so much in there life that if something bad like a black out was to happen I really do believe that people would go crazy. Just like if you dont have food or water for a certain period of time then you would go crazy because you are so use to having it. So I definitly agree to that statement. Also because I MYSELF would go crazy if I didn't have those things.

I seen your Facebook pictures and I can see that you do like to go to the beach and relax with your friends. So I can see how when you said "instead of staying inside and playing video games I was outside and played in the sun." it shows how you don't keep your self locked in the house using digital counterparts as you would say.

Your tone in this response the use of digitalization is one that is unique. I say this because in one part it looks like you really are hooked on digitalizing but then it switches to a tone where it seems like your thinking in your head like "Why are these people digitalizing so much?". Its a cool tone that someone else won't really catch on to (unless I am bugging out and I don't what I am talking about).

Me and your cousin are similar in some ways. I'm sorry but I have to say it. I text 24/7. There is something about texting that keeps you so hooked on. It's like a personal need like we discussed in class. But I'm not with your cousin when she does it with visiting family that you don't see in a while.

But overall, nice post kate !!!

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