Sunday, September 13, 2009

digital unit- homework 3

Music. Phone. TV. My life in the 3 single words .

I listen to music when I am every where. when I'm listening to it I am definitely in my own world. I could take the head phones off and be back to normal but when I am in the headphones I feel like I'm in the studio recording and listening to music. I make sure i cant hear nobody so I can be 100% inside what I am listening to. when I don't have my ipod my day always ends up being filled with outside gossip, different conversations, political non sense, racial words, yelling, screaming, arguing, opinions, and all that other stuff. But when i have my ipod my day is filled with one thing and one thing only. MUSIC. COMPLETION.HAPPINESS

I watch TV like it is my last day of watching it or a million years. I watch every reality show there is. From the fights to the romance to the parts where i say in m head "i wish i was there" to all the other chaos going on in the shows, makes me so attached like bees to honey. when I am not watching the shows i feel like tension in my life that I'm use to having is getting robbed. Its just one one of those things that has to be part of my day. If it isn't part of my day then there really isn't anything else that can replace that. TV makes me work harder in what I want to do when I grow up. i don't know why but when a certain show is on like fabulous life is own it makes me want to have millions. To achieve that I have to work hard, that's how watching television motivates me and makes me strive to be the best that I can be in what I am good at.

that i feel cant not satisfy me. It is way more easier to text a girl that I like them, rather than telling them in person (just using an example saves you the fearfulness of the reactions of the person and the nervousness. So My phone is my LIFE. people always ask me this same question over and over, "why do people like texting and IMing more than actually talking on the phone with the person?". to me texting keeps the conversation going longer, whereas talking on the phone, the conversations go to quick and next thing you know there is silence. With texting you can talk about stuff and it seems like you've been talking forever. texting makes me feel like I'm not the only one on earth. It makes me feel like i can communicate with the whole outside world and what it has to offer. Its my personal preference. texting someone is more quicker, and more enjoyable due to the opportunity to text multiple people at one time.

If digitalizing doesn't have an effect on my life then I don't know what does, obviously besides my family. Because of the approach it puts on me it strengthens others. I'm a loud person and I am what some people say I am a "leader". I tend to do stuff or feel a certain way and for some strange reason people have the same feelings as me and and tends to also do what I do. There is always happiness around me. Can you guess why? Because of digitialization. It makes me happy which also makes other people happy which is the reason why it strengthens others. I don't know if that came out right but OK.

The good part about technology is the fact that it keeps you occupied for so many hours and you wont even realize it. I would be watching TV or playing video games or downloading music for at least 10 to 15 hours and it would feel like I was doing it for about 1 and a half hours. It keeps you so focus on what you doing because the technology has something on teens in our generation that it is so weird. it feels like a drug to most people, you always have to be on the computer and watching TV or listening to music or anything having to do with the new technology out today. For me, technology is very focusing and it makes me try harder at what I'm doing just buy what I'm listening to or what I'm watching on the television.

Even though I'm hooked on technology like i am on shrimp pasta from red lobster, there are some flaws about it too. Technology might have kids to hooked where they wont even want to experience the outside world. technology allows kids in our generation to be locked in there house to be all over the games, TV, and computer. I like all those very much but some days I wouldn't be on for no more than an hour. Not only do I want to express my joys through technology but I am also very curious about what outside my apartment. I feel that these things that technology put on people occur to me but not as much as some people. If stay in the house all the time and just watch TV and go on the computer and just play video games then you are definitely considered a lame in my opinion. but listening to your Ipod all day is definitely not bad at all.


  1. Charles,

    Great first post! I guessed you might be a skilled writer - your similes ("on shrimp pasta from red lobster"), language use ("so I can be 100% inside what I am listening to"), and tone are shiny and warm and I appreciated your skills.

    Your paen towards the pleasures of digital/electronic stimulation was heartfelt - briefly - the ipod bubble-wraps you in joy, reality TV shows keeps your day spicy but safe, texting protects you from loneliness and awkward silences, and the whole assemblage keeps you happy and occupied. But you also name the world outside of the screens as important.

    Your perspective is probably the dominant one - most people enjoy this stuff (even if maybe less vigorously than you) but also want non-digital life too. I think the advertising executives who show silhouettes dancing alone would be very pleased with your post. To continue connecting your writing - I also noticed you banging into chairs a lot while dancing today - perhaps you shouldn't fully believe the ads about it being just you and the music?

    It would be a good idea to proofread - right now you've got a genius first line but your 3rd full paragraph ("that i feel...") begins with no context and you've lost consistency of capitalization also. To develop the ideas in your piece I think you've got to open up the Big Can of Worms - what is human life for? OK - that's too big - what about, "What is your life for?" Does a life of pleasure, of bubbles, of packaged drama, with occasional forays into reality strike you as a good one? This connects to Manley's class too.

    One question that your post brings up for me, in exploring how it relates to my life and yours - is that I feel sometimes that we're all working with the stimulation on too high a level. Do you ever make time to just sit in the park and look at the sky - to eat without distraction - to meditate? Or does the vibration of ears and eyes and emotions have to be constant?

    Thanks and I look forward to reading how your thoughts on this continue to develop.

  2. It seems that you use technology to distract yourself from the real world by listening to your music, watching tv and playing video games. I agree that most people use it in the same way. Like when you said "It is way more easier to text a girl that I like them, rather than telling them in person (just using an example saves you the fearfulness of the reactions of the person and the nervousness". Your scared of the reaction so you choose to do it through texting because the pain would be less then getting rejected face to face.

    You stating that technology is a good and bad thing is great. You give proof to both and your even in the middle with your own opinion. I do have to say that you could have added a little on trying to persuade people to liking technology. I feel that if you gave a very strong argument then more people would be more open minded to it then just thinking its bad and destroying peoples lives. One thing I would say is try to work on your grammar, it is a little rough in places.
    Great work, can not wait to read more of what you have to say.

  3. Great comment on my digital response! You use a good example in the comment where you say I talk about how I would rather text a Girl that i like them rather than seeing them in person. It is like you know exactly why I like to text, and it shows you get what I am trying to say. You say things and comments about my writing really clear and it showed that while you were reading, you understood why i thought about the things personally when I was writing them. When you said "Your scared of the reaction so you choose to do it through texting because the pain would be less then getting rejected face to face." I thought it was very funny. It seems like you were predicting on what I was thinking, and why I was texting to girls rather than talking to them face to face.
    For next time, make sure your comments have more ideas on the topics I was writing because it seemed a little short and you didn't really write a well detailed analysis on my response. It had goo ideas but it was a little to broad.
    Overall it was a nice comment. Good job!
