Tuesday, September 22, 2009

response to andy's comment

I like your comment a lot. It brings up good points and the bad points that I have done. It shows that even though people can have a good post, but no one is perfect. I really liked how your tone was in this response because you seemed amused by the ideas I had to say about technology. When you brought up something that happened in class to what I wrote in my response I liked it a lot because of the way you connected them. When you said "Your perspective is probably the dominant one-most people enjoy this stuff (even if maybe less vigorously than you) but also want non-digital life too." I felt that you explained how I felt about technology in a very detailed way. It was like you summarized what what I thought about it and at the same time you proved that I liked technology but that I still wanted to have an outside life as well. Some suggestions I would give you is make sure you do spell check before you publish anything just so it can be spic and span. Thanks again for the comment, I liked it alot.

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