Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Parents response to my questions

My parent's are something else. that's all I have to say. When I was asking them my questions they gave me answers that I really didn't understand I don't know if I was bothering them or what but when I asked them a question they would think about it and say "why are you asking me this, go do your homework." when I told them that this was my home they had no choice but to answer. I knew my questions was good. I knew that they were difficult to answer because if I wouldv'e asked them a simple question they would have no problem answering it and then moving on. But when they procrasinate on something I knew it was a good answer. One of the questions I asked them is "Why do they feel that using their black berry's and computers so much is imortant to them when they can use a news paper or a regular phone that doesn't cost so much to do the same thing as what they have?"...they really thought about it and at first they gave me the answer that a parent usually gives their child, "don't worry about why I am always on my blackberry, mind your business and stay out of grown folks business". But I didn't give up, even though I had to be annoying since I didn't want a zero on this assignment, I asked them again. Then they thought about it for a few minutes and they finally said, "we use these blackberry's and computer's chuck because it's easier to type on it then a regular phone. We have jobs and if we need to write emails or something real quick to our bosses then we can do that. a regualar phone takes to long. Plus you can do so much which these computers and stuff these days that you have to have. Never settle for the old stuff, stick with the new. Why do you think we have a 62" flat screen in the living room? we love the new stuff thats why." So in the end I gav them a thoughtful question that they had to think about and they gave me a thoughtful answer.

When I was asking people in the street about digitalization, it would be hard. People had job's and appointment's, and other stuff to attend too so it was alittle difficult for them to stop and talk, even if you told them that you would walk with them. But for other stranger's, I went to one guy named Hashim and he was the news stand guy. he said "I am online for 1 hour and my kids are on for 1 and a half to 2 hours a day", while another guy that I had stopped at during a stop light while he was in the car, he said "I'm watching TV for a couple of hours, I am on the computer for a half an hour, and on the phone for uhhhhhh....oh shit (laughing) like 5 to 7 hours (laughing again). So different types of people where saying mostly 4 to 8 hours a day of technology on the average. I noticed that the business man and women are using technology more than the delivery people and other low payed workers. It seems to me that it's this way because the low payed workers don't ever have time to be on it, they can't afford it, or the business men and women' job or career has alot of technology involved in it, rather it be a iphone, blackberry, the computer, etc.

All of my friends are all in your class so I couldn't ask them how they feel. But what I did do is ask my friends that where outside of the school and the answers that they gave for digitalization and how much they use it is ridiculous. When I asked one of my friends " How many hours do you be on technology and do you think it is bad that people use it more than enough?", My friend Rob replied and said "I am on my phone texting the ladies for about 12 to 16 hrs a day" Then he starts laughing and say's " Why shouldn't people be on the phones and what not. I feel people need to be very social so they can know more people and it can lead to certain things and connections in your life. But to be ocial in general, especially when you can't go to clubs and what not at a certain age, myspace and facebook are perfect to meet knew females and men NO HOMO." So asknig him this qeustion was basically the same answers that I got from the other 20 and sum people I've asked. There isn't really much you can answer when you ask somone questions like this, it's either you agree with the effect that technology puts on people or you don't. Plain and simple.

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