Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HW 58 - Parenting 102

I have figured out a lot of when our guest speaker Ms.Plaza had spoke with us about parenting. One of things that hit me was when she said that she was stressful at times and there were times where she wanted to get away from everybody and everything. That hit me a little when she said that because I felt that once yo have the baby you would want to spend time with your family and watch the new born baby grow. But after she said that I had realized that a baby doesn't always release stress but it can gain it at times also. I'm not saying that she didn't want the baby, but I'm saying that a baby doesn't always bring a bright spark in peoples lives, especially the mothers, but some times can bring a little more stress than usual. Also when she said that her husband was there the whole time, i felt like that is a significant thing. I say this because I know some people who are fathers and aren't really in their child's life's. I also know teens who have their fathers in their life a lot and teens who don't and I can see the difference between them both. So for her to say that I felt that him being there was a big part of the child's life. A father not being in their child's relationship can have a child feel down and lonely and questionable. That also affects the mother because the last thing a mother wants is their daughter or son feeling down and wondering why their father isn't around.

Another insight about parenting that Ms.Plaza said was the La Leche group that Spanish people do. I thought that was a powerful insight because not many cultures or races have that. To have a group that supports you through the nursing a birth is like having a second family or having a family that you never had. The fact that they teach you how to nurse, put on the nursing strap, what you should and should not do, and so on and so fourth shows that birthing is supported in many different ways. The la Leche group is one of the perfect examples of how a child is parented. lastly, another insight about parenting I felt was strong was when my mother, father, and Ms.Plaza all said "if you aren't prepared to have one, then don't have one". I really thought that was a good insight because people have children and not be prepared or have it unexpectedly and not be prepared. I think that for a kid to have a good healthy life, you as the parent, should be prepared and this means financially, mentally, physically, and healthy. I noticed that when you have child, its like a relationship like no other and that you have to be ready for everything that comes at you. This is also about you being prepared to have a child.

Part 4:

Throughout this mini unit, I have figured out many things about a parent. The most important thing that i have noticed about parenting is that you have to make your child number one priority y and that you MUST, I repeat YOU MUST be prepared. Not just having money either, but to be prepared to take care of any needs that your baby has. Ms.marks and Ms. plaza had told us all the things they had to do for their child and all the types of experiences and relationships they had with their child. They both talked about the pros and cons of raising a child and how manage to fight through all the obstacles that they had. Even though they had obstacles to face having a child, I never once heard them say that they wish they didn't have a child. Yes they said they were stress and wish they can be away from everything, but that don't mean they didn't want the child. some people know that when they becomes a parent they understand that they have a lot of responsibilities to take fourth and that they have to be that mother or father figure now for their child now. They have no choice but to be the closest figures for their child. No mater how much a mother or father doesn't want their child or want their child, they will end up loving them sooner or later.

When I have my child I will make sure that I refer back to these insights on parenting because I feel that these insights can help me in a lot of ways. I am not at the age to be able to have a child because I am absolutely not prepared since I don't have a job and I still live with my parents. Not only that But I still have college to look forward to and becoming a stock broker. Besides this, This mini unit about parenting has really shown me what it looks and feels like to be a parent. It showed me the steps you have to take, the amount of support you need, What decisions should I make as a father, and many many more. I think that this unit even connects to the big unit that we still have which is relationships with people. The relationship that you must have with your child in order for your child to feel comfortable with you has to be above and beyond. Saying this, the Parenting unit and the guest speakers that we have had shows whether or not you are ready to have a child or not and whether you able to make the full commitment to your child.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

HW 57 - Parenting 101

How should kids be parented?

I think kids should be parented in a way where the parents are able to give them freedom but at the same time let them have limitations and boundaries. I think in certain situations parents should be over protective but I don't think its a good idea to a certain extent. I feel that the more you have that over protective parenting style the more you are going to drive your child away from you when they get a certain age. Over protective parents say they do it because they love us. I don't think that is the only case. But kids shouldn't be parented in a way where they can do what they want. I say this because then they are going going to think that they are grown and then that's when they become hard headed and think they can go against authority. Kids now a days who have have parents who let them have all the freedom in the world, end up doing bad things and most likely fall into the drug world. I think that Parents should give some leeway to their child but not to the point where they wont be able to control their child any more. Give them enough freedom where they are satisfied and at the same time the parent is still in control and can shut their freedom down once it gets out of hand. I think parents should let their kids do stuff so they can learn from there mistakes and possibly become a stronger human being from it. Like wanting to go to parties that your parents wouldn't approve of. The parent should let the child go and if its a regular outcome then OK but if something happens, the kid can learn what to do and what not to do. A parent is bad when their kid isn't ready for the world when its time for them to step into it.

How do you think you'd parent if you're put in that position?

If I was put into the position to be a parent, I would be as lenient as possible. I think being over protective is good but to some degree. I don't think that the kid should be locked in the house all day and every time they ask to do something I say no. I think that as long as they have their cell phone on them and I know where they are and they keep me posted then I have no problem with them doing what they want. If I was parenting I would tell my kid that handling your business comes before pleasure. Basically saying that once your finish your school work you can have fun and do what you want. I say this because I would want to teach my kid to have some type of responsibility. I think I would be a good parent because I feel my child would be satisfied and at the same type no where not to cross the line. I feel that my discipline towards the child would let him know to respect me and let him or her know the type of respect I want and that I am the father. I think that I would also be a good parent just because I know how to have fun. I would do things with my kid that I know would make them have a blast. I also think that I would be a good parent if I was put in that position because I think I am a supporting person and I tell people whats the right decision to make and whats the wrong decision to make. I feel like if my child needs help with homework, I can help them, if they want to play the sport, I will show to their games and try and make them better as a player, I know that what ever they want to do, I would be behind it.

Texts - When parenting theories backfire

I think that the theory presented in this article isn't good. Kids don't know what they want. This is why the parent has to lead the way until they get a certain age. Once you give a child the choice to make a decision, your never really going to get the perfect outcome of it. If you let them choose, they aren't going choose the more responsible or more wiser choice. They are just going to choice the one that they want. Like when the mother gave him the choice of pants to wear to church. That was a bad idea. What kid wants to wear pants that they don't like. So what happened was she didn't get the outcome she wanted but instead got an outcome that just led to more problems. It led to the kid not wanting any of the choices she wanted but instead made it harder for her to compromise since he wanted to wear sweatpants to church, which are the only pants you don't wear. So I feel that the theory did in fact back fire on her and I had a feeling that when I first heard it that it wasn't a good one.

Text - Attachment parenting

I that this text is very helpful. It tells you about different types of things you need to know with the baby and what kind of bond you should have with your child. It also gives you insight on what Breastfeeding does for the baby and how it affects it. It even talks about the affects that you make on the baby when you go to sleep near or next to the baby. When they was talking about having balanced with your baby I thought that is was really significant. I say this because if you don't have balance with your baby then things wouldn't really go the way they are suppose to. A lot more headaches would hit you. If you got balance with your kid and you are on the same page as them then you would have a much stronger bond with them and you would be able to connect with them much easier. All together this article shows the factors that make a great connection with your child.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56 - interviews and questions

The 3 interview questions that I did was:

Q#1- What do you think are factors of a good friendship?
Q#2- What do you think are factors of a bad friendship?
Q#3- Do all of your friends have an equal bond with you? why or why not?

My mother

Q#1 answer - Some factors of a good friendship could be anything. I feel like trust most importantly is one. When you are able to trust your friend and no that they will have your back through thick and thin then that is a good friendship. Some other factors can be like happiness or something. I just feel like you have to have a bond with your friend that is strong, but not stronger than the connection you have with your family.

Q#2 answer - I feel that it is the opposite for what I answered for the first question. Basically when you don't have a good bond within another or when there isn't any trust. If you can trust your friend then you don't need to be friends with him. That's just plain and simple. f you aren't able to have fun or be able to know where each others coming from then, you two don't really need to be friends with each other. Now I'm not saying just don't talk to each other but I'm saying that it would be unlikely that you two would have a strong friendship with each other.

Q#3 answer - No not really. I mean I'm able to have a good relationship with all of my friends but I have some of my friends that I hangout with more than the other, just because they live closer not because I like one better than the other.

My brother

Q#1 answer- Friends just have to have things in common with each other and is able to talk or go to them when they need a favor, even if it' the biggest favor in the world. As long as it doesn't Affect what I have with my family its cool. Like I drove % hours upstate just so I can help my friend bring his stuff back home from college. I just think factors of a good friendship is trust, loyalty, happiness and joy within each other.

Q#2 answer- To me factors of a bad friendship is when one friend isn't loyal to the other. When they are distrusting each other that often means that they don't really have a good friendship. In some of my cases I feel that a bad friendship is with the friends who act funny. I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that they are doing stuff behind your back and be lying to you about things. Stuff like that I feel is factors of a bad friendship.

Q#3 answer- No I don't have an equal bond with all of my friends. I have different types of friends. I have family friends, my college friends, and my neighborhood friends. And within those different groups of friends everybody gets treated based on how loyal they are, how much we got in common, how trustworthy they are, if they are able to do anything for me like I would do for them , and many other things, so no I don't have an equal bond with ALL my friends.

My sister

Q#1 I think factors are a good friendship is love and great bonding. You don't have to love your friend like that, but love them as if they were your actual brother or sister. I feel that when a friend has your back when times are hard, that is also a good factor. But to put it all in one, I feel that one factor that shows good friend ship is great connection. If you don't have a good connection with your friend then that don't mean you have a good one. It means that your friendship needs a lot of work or you both don't really have nothing in common.

Q#2 answer - Some factors of a bad friendship is someone who acts real shady towards and does things that friends usually don't do. Like with my friends I share and give them stuff when they need it. Now when you have a friend who is stingy and cheap with you then that mean they wont support you when you need it. I also feel like trust is a big one to. There is no such thing as a good friendship with out any trust in it.

Q#3 answer - I think that I have an equal bond with all of my friends now. Before I didn't because I had some dishonest friends, some shady friends, and some good friends. The friends that were dishonest and untrustworthy I cut off. So as of now all of my friends that I have now is good and we always have a blast with each other.

I feel that the answers that my family members have gave me were good. I feel this way because They gave me specific reasons of why they think the factors were what they were for a good friendship and a bad relationship. And the fact that they were honest with me i feel made the answers more good then usual. When My brother said that he had different types of friends, that was good. It shows how friends can have a different connection with the different types of friends that they have. And most importantly it can show how he has a deeper and more personal connection with one type of friend than the other. I think the answers could have been a little more detailed but other than that they were good.

Extra survey question - Why do people end up of having bad friendships if they all suppose to start out good?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

HW 55 - My Question / Topic

The question Decided to do my paper on is: How do interpersonal emotional connections affect friendship?


What are some reasons people tend to be more concerned about the approval of strangers instead of family?

I think that this is a great question. I feel that you can get some good answers out of people who do this particular thing. I feel that you should be asking "why?" in stead of "some reasons". I don't think that you should do "some reasons" because you aren't really going deep into what you are trying to say. Once you get the reasons now what? I think you should use "why" instead because then you not only get the reasons but you can also go deeper into what the argument by seeing why they are so concerned about what strangers think and what affects do stranger have that the family don't. Other than that I think that this a good topic and i am really interested into seeing what people have to say about this !!


What are primary causes for bonding in relationships?

This is a good start. Like a said with Amber, you need to ask how or why instead of what ways because you aren't going to get that much insight on what you are trying to find. i think that it is an excellent topic and a good question. I just feel that it is a little vague and that it's a question that has limited answers. The goal for you from me is try and make your question make the person give you an insightful answer. If they are giving you a very short answer than the question needs work. Other than that I feel you have the right idea and that you just want to make sure that you question can be answered in a way that would make the person answering think and go deeper.

Russell, Jenni. "what are FRIENDS FOR?." The Guardian, 2005. Web. .

Jenni the author is just talking about what friends are and the kind of relationships that friends want to get out of each other. He also talks about what it means to have a friend and what it takes to keep a good friend. And most importantly he is talking about what and why we have friends. He talks about how important friendships are to people and how important friend ships are in this society. To tie it all together, he is generally talk about the meaning of friendship and what that kind of connection is made for. This connects to my big question because this is basically telling me what a friend is made of and what they need to be or having order to be a friend. Knowing this, it can help me connect the type of interpersonal connections people have with each other that can affect their friendships.


I didn't know how to do a citation for a Wikipedia source. But I felt that this could help me. It was mainly just telling me what interpersonal connection and relationships are and how significant they were. It was talking about the different types of associations that you could have with a person based on each others type of connection with each other. I think that this could help support my question because it can help me talk about the different types of interpersonal relationships people have with each other and how it can connect to the friendships or interactions they have with certain people.

I can't find two other sources. I think I need to find a book or another type of source cause the internet doesn't really have the kind of information that I am looking for. If anybody has suggestions on where I can go from websites books or anything, please contact me on facebook or comment this blog post. Thanks =]

HW 54 - Myer briggs test

I think that this test was really interesting. I say this because I don't think that it was trying to see how it it would make you feel inside and about your life. I felt that it was just trying to see how how accurate things where in your life. When I had seen the results I had noticed that it had four letters at the end. Interesting enough, I found out that those four letter were basically who we were and when I read the description I noticed that the description the four letter combination had for mine, I realized that that was me. My combination was ESTJ. I noticed that the students who had the E in their combination, usually was the people who do the extra things and entertain. I noticed that all the Asians, who are quiet in my class, Had all I's while some of the louder people had E. Based on the answers that were answered on the test, I felt it had represented us and formed our type of personality. Results like this can be used to show the types of people who can connect easier with each other to people who can't really have an relationship with each other. For example since I am an E and Andy is an I, I am not really confident that we can make a positive relationship with each other just because he is the E type of person which is being the center of attention, more louder, and more extra. Whereas if Jenise is an E, then I can be more confident with our relationship since she is some what the same type of people which means a better connection with each other.

I feel that every body is always going to have a different combination. I think that even though Some one might have the same letter You might not be the logic type of person while they might want to think through and try new things. This is why I feel that people who have different types of personalities within each other they should just appreciate each others differences. interpersonal relationships are always based on the type of similarities you and that person have within each other. This test basically shows what differences and similarities you have within the people around you and how much different or similar you are. This can affect the interpersonal relationship that people have with each other because the more different you are from somebody, the less connection you are going to have with them. But the more similar you are with people around them the better connection or the more compatible you are with one another.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

HW 53 - Survey Analysis

Taking that survey was very long and time consuming. I'm not saying it because it was 100 questions but it was because some of the questions wasn't simple. I feel that these question's really went into your personal connection with your friends, family, and surprisingly, your love connection with somebody. I had fun with answering the questions just because they weren't boring. They really made me go over connections that I had with my friends and family and go over some things that I have gone through in my life. One question that made me stop and think was when the question "does racism matter?". I felt that I read it wrong cause I Took it the wrong way. I thought that the question was talking about if race matters but that was completely not the question. Another question that made me stop and think was the question that said if friends come before your family. I didn't stop and think because I didn't know how to answer it but it was because I would wonder how people could even answer that question. Like why would somebody put their friends over there family, I thought the saying "family comes first" was 100% true as it could be. Some common questions that I saw in this survey was if I thought my family or friends cared for me. I mean I always thought that they did but there was times in my life when I thought they didn't so that is what made me stop and think whether or not they actually did.

After looking at the results in class I had noticed some things in the results that was a little dishonest in my opinion. When the results showed that 35% of people said that friends come before family and then 58% said they were tired of people at school, I really thought they were contradicting their selves. I say this because usually teens have most of their friends at school. And as they said "Friends come before family", I figured that they must have a really strong relationship with people from their school if they are coming before their family in some cases. Then to see that more than half of them are sick of people of the school it is sort of contradicting what they said before. So I feel that they are being dishonest with what they are saying. The fact that the kids think that their parents think of them as lazy, stubborn, irresponsible, shows how the parents can have an affect on their kids lives. Them saying that shows that they can't really connect with their child and be able to be their when they need someone. I also feel like when they were asked the questions about violence in the house, the percentage of yes answers were really low because they are following the "norm" answer. When people were asked that question I think they answered it in terms where they wont be criticized about it or asked questions. Everybody in this survey is answering the questions as they feel is the right answer instead of being honest and being real.

the survey that we did and the survey that was done professionally has some similarities and also some differences. Some of the similarities that it has is that they talk about the same thing that was in the survey we took. Both surveys had did some part of their survey on teens and them being sexually active. They also were able to give different percentages for different types of topics. We were able to give percentage of students who said what in the friend topic, family topic, and love topic. These professional surveys had percentages on tobacco, drug use, drunk driving, etc. etc. etc. also that they had some type of similarities when they talk about using drugs. in the school article it said that 58% said that they never really drunk or anything, and in the professional article it also stated that 75% of people had 1 drink in their whole life, basically having the same thing type of results which is more than half of the students had never really drink in their life. Some differences that I have seen between these two surveys is that the professional survey goes way more deeper than the regular surveys. The professional surveys, not only talks about the percentages of the students doing what, but they also break that down into male and female, which can give us a deeper insight then the school survey. Like in the school survey they say that 13% of the students said that they have used illegal drugs before, but who is to say that that 13% isn't all males or all females or equal? Now with this professional survey it shows how47% of teens drink alcohol, also going deeper by saying that 27% of them teens are males and 20% of them teens are female. That gives us a deeper insight about teen drinking. It's saying that male teens are the one's that are more likely to drink and how they are more at risk then females since a less percentage of them, compared to males, are drinking. So the school survey and the professional survey has some similarities and some differences within them.

Monday, May 3, 2010

HW 52 - Initial theories of Human relationships

There are many different theories about human relationships. Some of the theories that humans have within another is: love, your family theories, your theories of friendship, power, social structures, roles, nations, ethnicities, genders, and every other aspect of humanity. These theories make up human contact within another and make the world have meaning. If it wasnt't for these particular theories, Human relationships would be understood the way it is today.

Some theories of love is that it can take over your mind and your body. That is one human relationship that sometimes can't be controlled. For example Coming from a abusive relationship friends and family always ask why do you stay with him or her? and the answer that always usually comes out is because they love that person to much. Love can make you blind and not see the real person inside of the person you are loving. Love is known to have that affect that makes you not only want to be with the person but protect. I love my brother, doesn't mean that I am in love with him like on a deep deep level. It just means that I would do anything for him and protect him just like he would protect me. It's that kind of human relationship that is very strong and that has alot of deep meanings to it. It has different meanings based on whether its love with a intimate partner, family member, best friend, or teacher, etc.

Friendships are alittle different. Friendships are mostly when you have something in common with eachother. When people have best friends, those are the people that usually go over there house, go to lunch with, tell all their gossip with, play there favorite sport with, so on and so fourth. But there is also that other friendship which is the school friend. That type of relationship is where you only really hangout with eachother inside of school. The type of friend that helps you with your hw or do projects with eachother. And the other type of friendship where you only say hi or bye to eachother. You don't really say much to eachother, or maybe once in a while say how you doing or ask you a question about something thats not thats not that important. And lastly, there is the child hood close friend. Thats the human relationship where they know everything about eachother and they tell eachother secrets. They also go to eachothers house all the time, and it's like their 2nd home. This is why friendships have many differerent theories to it. There are so many types that it also has many meanings to it. That type of theory has many human relationships based on the to people see eachother as.

Family is a higher level of human relationships. Family is the people people that love you the most, care for you the most, protect you the most, and make sure that they are always there when you are down. That's why when you hear the phrase "Family comes before everything", that is because they have a bond with eachother that, that a friendship, loved one, or anybody else can't break. The family memebers are the ones who know your weaknesses and your strengths. Family is a human relationship that tops them all. It is one that can't be broken or fixed. Thats why when you always see most familys come together on special holidays. Besides the gifts and everything, its to show their appreciation for one another and to show their love with one another and have a good time. When people say "why aren't we acting like a family" it means like why are we breaking apart from one another, why are we not acting like we love eachother and care for eachother. Family is known to be top priority, and it's the relationship that has deep feeling in it.

Power. A person who can tell over people what to do without no dis obey. That relationship has no equality at all. The human relationship Between a person with power and and person with no power is simple. The person with powers tell the person with no power what to do and their is no say so or no disobey. And disobey there would be consequences. For example, Andy's class. He has more power than the students. He tells us that he we have to do an essay by next week. We can argue and fuss but we still have to do it. There is always a choice not to do it, but that would also mean there is consequences which is not passing and no one does that. When you hear the phrase "Money equals power" it only means that when you have money you can do what you want and by what you want. You can by businesses and control them = POWER, get bailed out of jail = POWER, own properties, etc. Power is a big relationship, but yet again so simple. People with highest power have the right to do what they want just becasue they have no one above them to tell them what they can or cannot do.

Roles that people play can cause build up of different human relationships. For example, in School of the Future, there are many different roles. There is the athlete role, the funny role, the devils advocate role, the smart role, the quiet role, etc. etc. etc. Those these types of roles are one of the ways that build human relations. I play the athletic basketball role and so does Anias. Since thats a big thing that we have in common it makes us more friends and have more of a connection because he knows more of what im talking about then a "funny role" person, if we talking about something that has to do with working out or playing basketball or something. Roles just don't have to be school related, there could be the dentist role, business role, cocky role, all kinds of role. Roles that people play can lead to connecting with other people of different roles or simply not connecting to them. Its the type of thing where it can make a human relation positive or negative.