Sunday, October 25, 2009

Second text

This was a very long excerpt that I have read and didn't know was 100 pages. But to be honest with you, the points that Steven Johnson was bringing up was very good. He was like a Devil's advocate towards the common thoughts and opinions that people usually have towards video games, the Internet, and Television. He talks about different ways these digital devices help us rather than how they screw our lives up like most people try to do.

Speaking of this, one of the main ideas that were brought up were how these pieces of digital devices not only puts a negative effect on our lives, but they have strong positive development and personal values that some people just might not see. Then through out the whole excerpt, he tries to back up this argument and talks about television, Internet, and video games. He Talks about how each of these Helps us in our lives and how they help us with not only fulfilling our needs but also help us develop mental skills and other skills that you can't really get from reading books or anything. He talk's about how books aren't really as good as watching tv or going on the internet, or even playing video games. Talks about how the difference between books and video games is that books are something that "understimulates the senses", whereas the video game engages "the full range of the sensory and motor cortices."

Based on what the excerpt said about video games, it teaches you how to work out your problems to the best of your ability and it teaches you how to strategize and find alternative ways to get to your goal. It also teaches you how to use your mental skills and cope that with your senses and hands. It teaches you how to use your thinking logically, so you can find the quickest way to learn the game or to achieve what you need to achieve to get to the next level.

And for Television and the Internet, that has also helped us with stuff that books or other non virtue literacy is able to give an individual. He talks about how television can not only give you want you want to see, but it can help you social skills and helps you think about complex relationships there are. He also brings up reality TV, something that I watch often. He talks about how it helps you understand social interactions and how it make you understand these things and also, to some extent, make it enjoyable with all the extra stuff it has to come with it. And for the internet, if used for the right reasons, is an excellent way for gathering information and finding what you need to find. Its the biggest information source in the world. Even though the internet can be used for the wrong reasons at times, it some times can be more helpful then books. I feel that Television and the internet can be more helpful than how people think it is. For the most part, I feel that people would rather learn about stuff of the discovery channel or animal planet rather than reading about it or looking at just words on a page to get an idea about each of the topics.

This excerpt definitly contradicts Feed because Feed is a book that shows the next level of the problem we have with deigitalization now. But with this excerpt Steven Johnson writes is saying how these digital devices have more to it then jjust building ignorance into teens and only doing stuff thats fun instead of teaching and being helpful to kids. It's contradicting feed because in the excerpt, it showing what kids do now a days with the video games and internet and Television, but it's not showing how it's getting worser and worser. Intstead it's showing how the things you do with the video games and the internet and TV helps you. Like reality TVshow is stupid for people to watch but for Johnson he tries to bring out the good in Reality TV shows by saying that it helps you understand social interaction. Stuff likr that shows how he is contradicting Feed. The whole time the two authors were talking about different aspects of digitalization. Steven talks about how it helps you and Feed is talking about how the way the characters act in Feed is a mirror of the teens today and how they use technology so much. Basically saying, Feed wants the reader to understand the bad part of technology, while Steven Johnson wants you to understand the good.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Charles,

    I have not really though about how people are using the computer more and the TV to get educated on certain things like what you said about the discovery channel. I agree with you that most people choose to learn off the Internet or the TV rather then reading about the stuff. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Is it proving that we have grown lazy over the years and we just want things to be "fed" to us so we do not have to do any work?

    "It's just a future device that can possibly help people enjoy the nature of life and being able to explore the outside world, and at the same time be able to surf the Internet and all those stupid things with these devices at the same time." I kinda disagree with you hear. Even though the Feed helped I'm not so sure it helped anyone enjoy nature. It only gave false impressions of life and everything natural. These were only fake representations that were overshadowed by all the advertisements that different companies set up for you. Unless your arguing that after you read Feed you felt more in touch or wanted to be more in touch with nature, cause having a chip in your head or having your phone with you for most of the day does not give you enough time to (like andy said) look up at the sky once in awhile.

    I agree with you that you can not start to destroy something with out first knowing what there is to be fixed. I never really thought of it that way. I only really considered if art was a hammer then they would already know but just have the hammer does not mean people know what to do with it. There does need to be art that is a mirror but I feel like there can be art that is both a mirror and a hammer. Though feed is more of a mirror and is showing you where the hammer is, it does not show us how to re-construct our lives. Knowing what is the matter and then being able to re-arrange it to make it better is important.

    Great reading all your posts. I felt like I got many more good ideas and your posts also made me think. Keep on writing. :)
