Monday, September 28, 2009

digital video from charles hunter on Vimeo.

When I was making this video I had just went to the Chinese restaurant to get me some Young chow fried rice. It had chicken, shrimp, vegetables, and pork inside of it. I was eating, on my phone talking to Kiana, and on myspace, facebook, I was in the room and I was by myself since my brother was in college and my sister, mother, and father was at work.

When I watched the video over after I had made it I thought to my self, why do I chew like that? Also it looked funny because I never saw myself through a "third person view" of me on the computer and on the phone. I never thought I made face expressions like that but i guess i did.

Doing what I was doing in that video is callled addiction. I wouldn't want my kids or yuonger sibling doing what I was doing. Because as you can see, it looked like I wasn't moving in no time soon and that's not what I want my kids doing. They need to be out more exploring the world, not hooked to the computer and phone.

Im looking at the screen most of the time because I was recording on my web cam and I was looking at a bunch of website that really catch my interest. But as you can see I am going back and forth from my phone to the computer. I do this alot when people right crazy things to me or what to have interesting conversations with me on aim or text messaging. So I'm hooked on both which makes make break my neck looking and the computer screen and mycell phone screen

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Parents response to my questions

My parent's are something else. that's all I have to say. When I was asking them my questions they gave me answers that I really didn't understand I don't know if I was bothering them or what but when I asked them a question they would think about it and say "why are you asking me this, go do your homework." when I told them that this was my home they had no choice but to answer. I knew my questions was good. I knew that they were difficult to answer because if I wouldv'e asked them a simple question they would have no problem answering it and then moving on. But when they procrasinate on something I knew it was a good answer. One of the questions I asked them is "Why do they feel that using their black berry's and computers so much is imortant to them when they can use a news paper or a regular phone that doesn't cost so much to do the same thing as what they have?"...they really thought about it and at first they gave me the answer that a parent usually gives their child, "don't worry about why I am always on my blackberry, mind your business and stay out of grown folks business". But I didn't give up, even though I had to be annoying since I didn't want a zero on this assignment, I asked them again. Then they thought about it for a few minutes and they finally said, "we use these blackberry's and computer's chuck because it's easier to type on it then a regular phone. We have jobs and if we need to write emails or something real quick to our bosses then we can do that. a regualar phone takes to long. Plus you can do so much which these computers and stuff these days that you have to have. Never settle for the old stuff, stick with the new. Why do you think we have a 62" flat screen in the living room? we love the new stuff thats why." So in the end I gav them a thoughtful question that they had to think about and they gave me a thoughtful answer.

When I was asking people in the street about digitalization, it would be hard. People had job's and appointment's, and other stuff to attend too so it was alittle difficult for them to stop and talk, even if you told them that you would walk with them. But for other stranger's, I went to one guy named Hashim and he was the news stand guy. he said "I am online for 1 hour and my kids are on for 1 and a half to 2 hours a day", while another guy that I had stopped at during a stop light while he was in the car, he said "I'm watching TV for a couple of hours, I am on the computer for a half an hour, and on the phone for uhhhhhh....oh shit (laughing) like 5 to 7 hours (laughing again). So different types of people where saying mostly 4 to 8 hours a day of technology on the average. I noticed that the business man and women are using technology more than the delivery people and other low payed workers. It seems to me that it's this way because the low payed workers don't ever have time to be on it, they can't afford it, or the business men and women' job or career has alot of technology involved in it, rather it be a iphone, blackberry, the computer, etc.

All of my friends are all in your class so I couldn't ask them how they feel. But what I did do is ask my friends that where outside of the school and the answers that they gave for digitalization and how much they use it is ridiculous. When I asked one of my friends " How many hours do you be on technology and do you think it is bad that people use it more than enough?", My friend Rob replied and said "I am on my phone texting the ladies for about 12 to 16 hrs a day" Then he starts laughing and say's " Why shouldn't people be on the phones and what not. I feel people need to be very social so they can know more people and it can lead to certain things and connections in your life. But to be ocial in general, especially when you can't go to clubs and what not at a certain age, myspace and facebook are perfect to meet knew females and men NO HOMO." So asknig him this qeustion was basically the same answers that I got from the other 20 and sum people I've asked. There isn't really much you can answer when you ask somone questions like this, it's either you agree with the effect that technology puts on people or you don't. Plain and simple.

response to andy's comment

I like your comment a lot. It brings up good points and the bad points that I have done. It shows that even though people can have a good post, but no one is perfect. I really liked how your tone was in this response because you seemed amused by the ideas I had to say about technology. When you brought up something that happened in class to what I wrote in my response I liked it a lot because of the way you connected them. When you said "Your perspective is probably the dominant one-most people enjoy this stuff (even if maybe less vigorously than you) but also want non-digital life too." I felt that you explained how I felt about technology in a very detailed way. It was like you summarized what what I thought about it and at the same time you proved that I liked technology but that I still wanted to have an outside life as well. Some suggestions I would give you is make sure you do spell check before you publish anything just so it can be spic and span. Thanks again for the comment, I liked it alot.

response to kates comment

Great comment on my digital response! You use a good example in the comment where you say I talk about how I would rather text a Girl that i like them rather than seeing them in person. It is like you know exactly why I like to text, and it shows you get what I am trying to say. You say things and comments about my writing really clear and it showed that while you were reading, you understood why i thought about the things personally when I was writing them. When you said "Your scared of the reaction so you choose to do it through texting because the pain would be less then getting rejected face to face." I thought it was very funny. It seems like you were predicting on what I was thinking, and why I was texting to girls rather than talking to them face to face.For next time, make sure your comments have more ideas on the topics I was writing because it seemed a little short and you didn't really write a well detailed analysis on my response. It had goo ideas but it was a little to broad.Overall it was a nice comment. Good job!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

comment 1 on Cindy lou's response

I definitly like how you have a bunch of questions in mind about digitalization even though you didn't really have much to say. The question that I really liked was when you said "The digital life is the main source of all our communication to everyone around the world. What would happen if it were to all disappear?" This question hit me good. I feel throughout my whole life, I've use technology all the time. to video games, to watching tv, and even on the phone. Yes when I was really young I still had a cell phone. So if all of technology that we use today, if it was to disappear, I would go crazy!!! My reasons of me being like this is because that is almost my whole life. If im not on the computer, I't on my phone, and if I'm not on my phone, I'm on my Ipod or the video games. I like how In your questions, when you write them it's like you are giving an example and then asking the reader like "what are you going to do then?" like in the question I brought up earlier you put in the first part how technology is our main source of communication. Then in the last part you say "What would we do then if it dissappears.". It's like your giving us a situation and your asking us how are we going to deal with it.

It seems like your tone in this response to technology is like "Why are we using technology so much?". It sounds like you are concerned but then again you are just telling the reader straight how life is and we might just have to accept it.

For the next post I want to advise you to try and be more specific on each of the topics like How does the Ipod effect you? or How does being on the computer or the cell phone keep your life going (if it does)?

Overall, it was a nice post!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

comment on Kate D's Blog

I appreciate the fact that you talk about why people are using digitalization to much and they need to be more active.

When you said "I can say that I would not give it up that easily but I know there is a time and place for everything." I felt that it was real honest and truthful to say that digitalization is in your life alot alot but it ain't that much in your life to wear you are using it at the wrong time at the wrong place. It was a thorough way of saying how you felt about.

"I think people let technology rule their life and during a black out they go all crazy cause they are not used to being without their digital counterparts."

Im laughing because it so true. people use their computers, video games, Televisions so much in there life that if something bad like a black out was to happen I really do believe that people would go crazy. Just like if you dont have food or water for a certain period of time then you would go crazy because you are so use to having it. So I definitly agree to that statement. Also because I MYSELF would go crazy if I didn't have those things.

I seen your Facebook pictures and I can see that you do like to go to the beach and relax with your friends. So I can see how when you said "instead of staying inside and playing video games I was outside and played in the sun." it shows how you don't keep your self locked in the house using digital counterparts as you would say.

Your tone in this response the use of digitalization is one that is unique. I say this because in one part it looks like you really are hooked on digitalizing but then it switches to a tone where it seems like your thinking in your head like "Why are these people digitalizing so much?". Its a cool tone that someone else won't really catch on to (unless I am bugging out and I don't what I am talking about).

Me and your cousin are similar in some ways. I'm sorry but I have to say it. I text 24/7. There is something about texting that keeps you so hooked on. It's like a personal need like we discussed in class. But I'm not with your cousin when she does it with visiting family that you don't see in a while.

But overall, nice post kate !!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

digital unit- homework 3

Music. Phone. TV. My life in the 3 single words .

I listen to music when I am every where. when I'm listening to it I am definitely in my own world. I could take the head phones off and be back to normal but when I am in the headphones I feel like I'm in the studio recording and listening to music. I make sure i cant hear nobody so I can be 100% inside what I am listening to. when I don't have my ipod my day always ends up being filled with outside gossip, different conversations, political non sense, racial words, yelling, screaming, arguing, opinions, and all that other stuff. But when i have my ipod my day is filled with one thing and one thing only. MUSIC. COMPLETION.HAPPINESS

I watch TV like it is my last day of watching it or a million years. I watch every reality show there is. From the fights to the romance to the parts where i say in m head "i wish i was there" to all the other chaos going on in the shows, makes me so attached like bees to honey. when I am not watching the shows i feel like tension in my life that I'm use to having is getting robbed. Its just one one of those things that has to be part of my day. If it isn't part of my day then there really isn't anything else that can replace that. TV makes me work harder in what I want to do when I grow up. i don't know why but when a certain show is on like fabulous life is own it makes me want to have millions. To achieve that I have to work hard, that's how watching television motivates me and makes me strive to be the best that I can be in what I am good at.

that i feel cant not satisfy me. It is way more easier to text a girl that I like them, rather than telling them in person (just using an example saves you the fearfulness of the reactions of the person and the nervousness. So My phone is my LIFE. people always ask me this same question over and over, "why do people like texting and IMing more than actually talking on the phone with the person?". to me texting keeps the conversation going longer, whereas talking on the phone, the conversations go to quick and next thing you know there is silence. With texting you can talk about stuff and it seems like you've been talking forever. texting makes me feel like I'm not the only one on earth. It makes me feel like i can communicate with the whole outside world and what it has to offer. Its my personal preference. texting someone is more quicker, and more enjoyable due to the opportunity to text multiple people at one time.

If digitalizing doesn't have an effect on my life then I don't know what does, obviously besides my family. Because of the approach it puts on me it strengthens others. I'm a loud person and I am what some people say I am a "leader". I tend to do stuff or feel a certain way and for some strange reason people have the same feelings as me and and tends to also do what I do. There is always happiness around me. Can you guess why? Because of digitialization. It makes me happy which also makes other people happy which is the reason why it strengthens others. I don't know if that came out right but OK.

The good part about technology is the fact that it keeps you occupied for so many hours and you wont even realize it. I would be watching TV or playing video games or downloading music for at least 10 to 15 hours and it would feel like I was doing it for about 1 and a half hours. It keeps you so focus on what you doing because the technology has something on teens in our generation that it is so weird. it feels like a drug to most people, you always have to be on the computer and watching TV or listening to music or anything having to do with the new technology out today. For me, technology is very focusing and it makes me try harder at what I'm doing just buy what I'm listening to or what I'm watching on the television.

Even though I'm hooked on technology like i am on shrimp pasta from red lobster, there are some flaws about it too. Technology might have kids to hooked where they wont even want to experience the outside world. technology allows kids in our generation to be locked in there house to be all over the games, TV, and computer. I like all those very much but some days I wouldn't be on for no more than an hour. Not only do I want to express my joys through technology but I am also very curious about what outside my apartment. I feel that these things that technology put on people occur to me but not as much as some people. If stay in the house all the time and just watch TV and go on the computer and just play video games then you are definitely considered a lame in my opinion. but listening to your Ipod all day is definitely not bad at all.