Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 34 - The cool pose and various apporaches to life

Many people approach life in a way so they could be that "cool" type of person. Cool is just a phase that everybody wants to be because they feel it fixes all of their problems. It makes them feel excepted in this world and it helps create self esteem and make the low self esteem look go away. Just because people want to be cool doesn't mean that everybody uses the same way to try and be it. Everybody tries to be cool in their own way rather it be by being different, customizing ourselves with expensive clothing, or getting tattoo's, and the list can go on and on and on. I think there are some patterns in our culture on trying to be cool. First people see whats out, then they observe on the population and how many people is trying to be like that, then they see the ending result which is whether or not it makes them cool or not. I know plenty of people around my neighborhood who have done that. Like in the summer time When this kid would wear a basketball ankle brace with sport slippers and socks. And soon enough that "trend" had spread because the kid who started doing it was different from the others and it was making him cool in some aspects. But in some cases I also think that there aren't patterns. Sometimes it may look like people are trying to be like others to be cool but if you look at it from a perspective as just being an individual, you would see that they just like it because they like it.

Should we blame the people who make the choices or should we change the choices that are offered to them? That's an excellent question. WE should definitely be the blame for this. We should change the choices that are given to them. When people from different countries come to our culture they are limited to a few choices to make them accepted in our culture or rather yet accepted as being a cool person. And the choices that we do have are good ones and bad one. Like the fact that you have to have expensive clothes and jewelry in order to be cool or fit in is ridiculous. It shows that we have little meaning of what cool actually means. We I also feel that we should change our choices because the choices that we do have only look towards our external appearance. If we looked at people internal values rather then their external values most of the time, then you would see that people who you thought weren't cool actually were. So we definitely should look more deeply into what being cool is, besides just taking a look at somebodies clothing or tattoo's to determine that. Until our culture can figure out a way to have a more deeper insight on cool we are the blame for giving people these choices on how to be cool.

Coolness is just leading our society down the wrong path. It's going to cost us more money and more money. People are going to spend their checks and their parents checks on trying to get the latest gear, and most expensive jewelry, and even in some cases a car because if you have a car you will most likely be part of the "cool" group. Not only with money but cool also means having a cocky attitude and thinking you are the shit. People always want to be the coolest so now it's like a competition. People will do what they have to do to be on top. This leads to making people not be them selves, not care about what THEY want, and most importantly be Fake. I feel that we are going down the wrong path right now and the only way to fix this situation is if we make new maps. I say this because the maps have a bunch of bullshit in them. They have our identities in them and who we are but it also has this part that makes have a turning point where they try and be something they aren't. I call this the "cool devil". It's like cool is taking you inner self and torturing it so it can change an be something else that can be accepted and adopted to the social norm in our society. If we don't get new maps then this cool problem that we have developed in a way will only get worse and worse.

Cool is an aspect of life that can be brought up in a good way or can brought up in a bad way. It's all in the way you want to look at it. There is always going to be good in trying to be cool but you better believe there will be some bad so as long as you are able to adapt to it and make a bad way of cool to a good way of cool then you are in good hands on being cool and staying cool.

That was definitely a cool way of saying that last paragraph in my opinion. =]

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