Sunday, January 24, 2010

HW 37 - Final Draft

Cool. So many things can mean cool. Now in this day and age, people think the key to being accepted is by being cool. Whether it's trying to wear expensive clothing, getting tattoos. Getting piercings everywhere. The whole nine yards. Cool is a pose that creates a certain identity for a person. Like trying dressing a certain way to create this type of role so you can be that cool person. Everything that we do is caused by society’s image of how life should be and how people should be in order to be that special someone. People weren't born with a million piercing or a fitted cap. We are putting costumes on to create ourselves, all for the purpose of being accepted and cool at the same time. People act out as a person that differs their appearance and personality in order to be cool and fit in as the person who is well known and accepted.

What is cool to someone who is already accepted? When you are already accepted as being that "cool" person there are a lot of things that come along with that pose. You have the power of choosing who you want to hang out with and you decide in some ways whether or not. Cool only signifies to other people that you are somewhat better than somebody. It can also lead to having people think that you can be a leader in some ways. Cool is just a name that people want to have as part of their personality. That’s why people who are cool tend to get most of the attention. People want to be like them and admire them. It's like a goal that people, more like teens, try to strive for so they can have those types of "benefits".

One tactic people tend to use to try and become cool is dressing up and wearing expensive clothing. Trends have been a significant part in this tactic. People look at trends and they scope it out and see what people’s reactions towards it are. If that trend is what leads to being cool, then that was people would start to follow that trend as well because they feel that is the route that would lead them to acceptance. Cool is a “Stance of individual defiance” (Cool Rules), it puts a person in a state of mind where they have to do everything in their power to be cool. People use clothes because it’s their exterior part and that’s what people tend to judge and go by. As Andy said in class it’s “Forming ourselves to this particular character”. People wear these clothes because it’s part of this cool act. These expensive clothes in some cases is part of this cool act because you want to show people that you have so much money and that you want to be center of attraction. Great attraction from people defines cool in some ways and that is what makes people want to be dumb, expensive clothes so they can portray this type of image. When I interviewed my brother about why he liked wearing expensive clothing he said “Ladies.” Stuff like that is the perfect example of why people wear expensive name brand stuff. Attraction is one of the keys to being cool. And yourself up in these clothes is what people think would give them this cool attraction. People dress up and want this main attraction by wearing expensive clothing in order for them to feel cool and feel accepted.

People also use hair as another way of trying to be cool. For girls it’s the long hair in a nice style or the Halle Barry type of style, and for boys it’s the short cut with the shape up and the waves in their head. Hair is a very personal trait in a person. It’s a powerful trait due to the fact that it is part of your external appearance. And external appearance is everything to a person that wants to be cool. The 4 principals of hair is length, color, quantity, and styles. And this is so important for a person who tries to be cool because this is what people who are cool do; they put their hair in certain styles and customize themselves with these principals. “Hair is one of the most powerful symbols of individual and group identity. Powerful because it is physical and it’s in the public.” (P. 103). People change the way their hair is and make it to look acceptable to the external world so they can be in the circle of cool. Hair and the type of styles that people have is only one of the many ways people use to change their appearance in order to become cool to the outside world.

Dick Pountain explains the change in a person’s personality when trying to be something that he isn’t and wanting to be cool. He talks about this kid who decides to take over his inner personality with trying to buy stuff for his outer self that is the total opposite of the kind of person he is. He is trying to change his personality. “Cool’s real work is done inside: inside the seventeen-year-old lad who spends his money on deodorants and Tommy Hilfiger and likes what he sees in the mirror (while fighting down his internal panic that his true feelings might rise up and overwhelm him.)(P.22). He changes his external personality from what his real feelings are because that is the only way he would be accepted. He realizes that even though his inner personality isn’t cool he decides to change; because that’s the only way he is able to be known. By him doing this and have split and changed personalities, it shows how people would differ who they are on the outside just so they can be in this world of cool and be accepted in this “cool” people society.

Cool is only a way of showing people you are somebody in this world. People would do anything to be cool whether it is changing the way their hair looks, or wearing expensive clothes and jewelry, or even changing your personality to better your appearance. Throughout all of this, it clearly shows that people change their personality and their appearance in order for them to feel like they are being accepted and wanted in this whole cool circle that everybody gets judged by.

cool rules text
hair text
family survey blog entries
andy quotes

Thursday, January 21, 2010

HW 36 - triangle partner help


"People plays roles to fit in, fitting in to become cool, cool gets us attention and all play as distractions from what is really missing in our lives."

I think this is an excellent rough draft. I feel that it should be your actual draft if you tell me. Your idea's that you explain in your paper is very thorough. In each topic that you talk about in your paper is well explained and has alot of detail. Also some of the evidence you have in your paper definitely connects back to your thesis, which is also a reason why your paper so far is good. Your essay flows lovely and I think you really have a lot of information to prove your thesis.

When you brought up the hair topic I felt that it really connected to your thesis when you said t5hat people try and fit in just so they can be cool. I do agree with you when you said "Many people always change their style to fit in and be cool.". I agree because this is exactly what they do and I see it with my own eyes sometimes. People like to have these trendy hairstyles just so they CAN fit in and it is meaningless like you said. Overall

So to make your grade perfect just fix your: Spelling and grammar and try and add a little more information to each of arguments. This is just so your paper could be the best that it can be.

So far your draft is in great condition! You've got alot done and I can"t wait to see what you have to add to you final draft, if there is even more to put in! (thats a good thing =]


"We adapt them and make them our own and try to hide this fact, when someone finds this out then we are automatically considered a follower."

I lke the fact that you said "we" rather than excluding yourself from the situation with cool that we all have no matter what. I also like the fact that you said that we are all followers. Cause when you actually think about it, It would be impossible to start a trend because 9 times out of 10, some body has already started that trend already. So technically we are following them even if we dont know them. Thats just what I think. But this is a great rough draft! You really have your information together, and your arguments are really good. I like how you explain each argument and each piece of evidence that you have. When you said "We all make a “first impression” based on what we wear, how we speak, etc… we become the one being observed and it depends on what the observer wants to steal away from us.", I though that was a great statement. I felt this way because that was exactly what I was trying to prove in the beginning of this comment. It's so true because that all people do and at times they don't even realize it until someone actuallyas to tell them. This essay flows good and I like how you smoothly go from one argument from another. It isn't choppy at all and thats what makes a good essay. A smooth essay with good evidence and good arguments is a good paper, and YOU HAVE THAT!

This is definitely a good paper, jus make sure when you put up your final paper to put spaces between each paragraph and check for grammar and spelling. Other than that, GREAT WORK!! =]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HW 35 - Cool Paper Rough Draft

Cool. So many things can mean cool. Now in this day and age, people think the key to being accepted is by being cool. Whether it's trying to wear expensive clothing, getting tattoo's. getting piercings everywhere. the whole nine yards. Cool is a pose that creates a certain identity for a person. Like trying dressing a certain way to create this type of role so you can be that cool person. Everything that we do is caused by societies image of how life should be and how people should be in order to be that special someone. People weren't born with a million piercing or a fitted cap. We are putting costumes on to create ourselves, all for the purpose of being accepted and cool at the same time. People act out as a person that differs their appearance and personality in order to be cool and fit in as the person who is well known and accepted.

What is cool to someone who is already accepted?

When you are already accepted as being that "cool" person there are a lot of things that come along with that pose. You have the power of choosing who you want to hang out with and you decide in some ways whether or not. Cool only signifies to other people that you are some what better than somebody. It can also lead to having people think that you can be a leader in some ways. Cool is just a name that people want to have as part of their personality. Thats why people who are cool tend to get most of the attention. People want to be like them and admire them. It's like a goal that people, more like teens, try to strive for so they can have those type of "benefits".

One tactic people tend to use to try and become cool is dressing up and wearing expensive clothing. Trends have been a significant part in this tactic. People look at trends and they scope it out and see what people’s reactions towards it are. If that trend is what leads to being cool, then that was people would start to follow that trend as well because they feel that is the route that would lead them to acceptance. Cool is a “Stance of individual defiance”(Cool Rules), it puts a person in a state of mind where they have to do everything in their power to be cool. People use clothes because it’s their exterior part and that’s what people tend to judge and go by. As Andy said in class it’s “Forming ourselves to this particular character”. People wear these clothes because its part of this cool act. These expensive clothes in some cases is part of this cool act because you want to show people that you have so much money and that you want to be center of attraction. Great attraction from people defines cool in some ways and that is what makes people want to be dumb, expensive clothes so they can portray this type of image. When I interviewed my brother about why he liked wearing expensive clothing he said “Ladies.” Stuff like that is the perfect example of why people wear expensive name brand stuff. Attraction is one of the keys to being cool. And yourself up in these clothes is what people think would give them this cool attraction. People dress up and want this main attraction by wearing expensive clothing in order for them to feel cool and feel accepted.

Can anybody give me suggestions on how to make my conclusion and give me one more argument that can make.

sorry it took long my computer was down and wasn't able to access the internet.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

HW 34 - The cool pose and various apporaches to life

Many people approach life in a way so they could be that "cool" type of person. Cool is just a phase that everybody wants to be because they feel it fixes all of their problems. It makes them feel excepted in this world and it helps create self esteem and make the low self esteem look go away. Just because people want to be cool doesn't mean that everybody uses the same way to try and be it. Everybody tries to be cool in their own way rather it be by being different, customizing ourselves with expensive clothing, or getting tattoo's, and the list can go on and on and on. I think there are some patterns in our culture on trying to be cool. First people see whats out, then they observe on the population and how many people is trying to be like that, then they see the ending result which is whether or not it makes them cool or not. I know plenty of people around my neighborhood who have done that. Like in the summer time When this kid would wear a basketball ankle brace with sport slippers and socks. And soon enough that "trend" had spread because the kid who started doing it was different from the others and it was making him cool in some aspects. But in some cases I also think that there aren't patterns. Sometimes it may look like people are trying to be like others to be cool but if you look at it from a perspective as just being an individual, you would see that they just like it because they like it.

Should we blame the people who make the choices or should we change the choices that are offered to them? That's an excellent question. WE should definitely be the blame for this. We should change the choices that are given to them. When people from different countries come to our culture they are limited to a few choices to make them accepted in our culture or rather yet accepted as being a cool person. And the choices that we do have are good ones and bad one. Like the fact that you have to have expensive clothes and jewelry in order to be cool or fit in is ridiculous. It shows that we have little meaning of what cool actually means. We I also feel that we should change our choices because the choices that we do have only look towards our external appearance. If we looked at people internal values rather then their external values most of the time, then you would see that people who you thought weren't cool actually were. So we definitely should look more deeply into what being cool is, besides just taking a look at somebodies clothing or tattoo's to determine that. Until our culture can figure out a way to have a more deeper insight on cool we are the blame for giving people these choices on how to be cool.

Coolness is just leading our society down the wrong path. It's going to cost us more money and more money. People are going to spend their checks and their parents checks on trying to get the latest gear, and most expensive jewelry, and even in some cases a car because if you have a car you will most likely be part of the "cool" group. Not only with money but cool also means having a cocky attitude and thinking you are the shit. People always want to be the coolest so now it's like a competition. People will do what they have to do to be on top. This leads to making people not be them selves, not care about what THEY want, and most importantly be Fake. I feel that we are going down the wrong path right now and the only way to fix this situation is if we make new maps. I say this because the maps have a bunch of bullshit in them. They have our identities in them and who we are but it also has this part that makes have a turning point where they try and be something they aren't. I call this the "cool devil". It's like cool is taking you inner self and torturing it so it can change an be something else that can be accepted and adopted to the social norm in our society. If we don't get new maps then this cool problem that we have developed in a way will only get worse and worse.

Cool is an aspect of life that can be brought up in a good way or can brought up in a bad way. It's all in the way you want to look at it. There is always going to be good in trying to be cool but you better believe there will be some bad so as long as you are able to adapt to it and make a bad way of cool to a good way of cool then you are in good hands on being cool and staying cool.

That was definitely a cool way of saying that last paragraph in my opinion. =]

Monday, January 11, 2010

HW 33 - Cool Paper Outline

Inroduction - Just talk about cool in genral and discuss some of the topics that I am going to be discussing in my paper. Talk about cool and how people want to be cool. Maybe start the essay off with asking a question where it askes the reader if they ever been n a certain type of situation. If it was an argument paper then I would add my thesis but I'm not sure what kind of paper it is.

Body paragraphs- I am going to talk about what people try to do to be cool and what people think cool is. Some of the evidence I'm going to use is the surveys and questions that we had did on the street towards the beginning of the this unit. And I am also going to talk about some of the interviews that people took with their families and how that shows different aspects of trying to be cool. I also am going to talk about the Difference between trying to be cool and naturally being cool. And I will trying to go as deep as possible on why people try to be cool so that they can hide this emptiness and relieve them from having low self esteem. And lastly, I am going to talk about how people try to be something they aren't and be fake so that society would except them as a cool person

And f0r the conclusion, I will rap all of my ideas together and I will make a conclusion based on all of aspects of cool that I have mentioned in my paper.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

HW 32 - Tattoos & the presentation of self

Tattoo's now and days and even before we were born had meant alot of things. Some tattoo's was just for show, for cultural experiences, memories of past childhood as teens, representation of who you are as a person, and the list goes on and on. One of the questions that I wanted to answer is: What does tattooing signify to me?

Tattoo signifies hardships or moments that people dont even want to forget. It represents what they have been though at certain points in their lives. It signifies who you are as a person and what you like because everybody has different types of tattoo's. But tattoo's can also signify other things too. Certain tattoo's that tribes get could sigify what they believe in and what they go by. Sort of like a tradition, where girls get certain tattoo's and men get certain tattoo's. Back then if your didn't know about the Holocaust,you would think the inmates in the Nazi concentration camps were just getting tattoo's of their jail numbers. But that wasn't their case, they were forced to get that tattoo and that was there identity, that was who they were. They had no names, their names were numbers. When Mr.Fanning had came into our class and talked about how he got most of his tattoo's it really had brought me to another level on what I thought about tattoo's. When he was explained that he got the chinese write courage on his arm after he went through a big surgery, that made me think that tattoo's were really significant. After you go through a transplant, why your next move is to get a tattoo to represent what you been through. But since tattoo's can represent memories and other things, it's powerful and it lets your identity out in a way that makes you stronger than other. When fanning said that the tattoo's are like an armour on him, that show's how people think that tattoo's can be some type of sheild and how powerful they can be if they tell you who they are. So to me, I feel tattoo's can signify anything. When people have have tattoo's, they could have it on their for a particular reason that has to do with their life.

Another body modification that people tend to do alot is body building. Men take steroids, and in the gym 24/7 so they can have massive muscle arms and legs and shoulders. Most of the reasons they do this type of stuff is because they are insecure with themselves. Im going to answer the same question for this topic as I did the other. Body building sigifies that you are strong and that you have the best looking body. I was watching true life and they was talking about how people take mega steriods and workout out all the time so they can get big. Each story that they showed was based on a kid who didn't like his body in his highschool and college years. They were skinny and they would get picked on. So I feel that people at times get into bodybuilding to set a point. The point is: look at me I got muscles so big and oiled up, don't mess with me, I know the ladies love this body. False Plenty of ladies said that its gross to have veins popping out of your body and the look all nasty. Body building to me signifies low self esteem, in few cases enjoyment, childhood memories that forced that person to what to change their bodies quickily. I definitely don't think that they do body building for spirtual reasons.

Lastly I really want to talk about weives. Everybody you see a person wearing weives, tracks also known as extentions. Why? one reason I think they do these things is because they aren't happy with the hair they have so the extentions make them have longer hair. To me i think when a girl puts extentions in their hair they aren't being the real them. They are trying to change or even fix they're identity to they can be excepted without being judged about they're hair or anthing in that nature. Like when people customize there selves with clothes to be this "cool" person, Wieves and extention are no different. You are customizing your self with this long hair that, 1. didn't come from your scount, 2. isn't the same texture as your hair, and 3. definitely isn't your hair color or length. I also think that putting extention's in your hair signifies that you don't like the amount of hair god gave you, that your ensecure your self and what the outside world has to say about you. Extentions are used to fix females hair problems. But in some cases people use extetentions for modeling and making their image look more stylsh or unique. Like when top models put on them big afro puff weives, t wouldn't be because they are ensecure, it would be for their image and for how they want their pictures to come out. So in a way I feel it signifies fakeness, low self esteem about thy self but then at the same time fashonable, stylish, model mentality.

Friday, January 1, 2010

HW 31 - Exploring methods of M,M,C,A, & aggrandizing the self

one of the topics I chose was Wearing name brand and expensive clothes

People like me based on Amber's opinion, is that I dress the way I dress so I can be known as cool. I find that hard to believe but her opinion is definitely a good opinion. People now a days think that getting the latest wear is what makes them be cool. Me and My brother is just like me. He wears the latest gear and is with the latest trends, like me in some cases. I asked him some questions to see what he has to say.

Do you like wearing name brand clothes?

Yeah I wear name brand clothes.

What strives you to wear expensive name brand stuff rather than regular clothes that aren't so much?

Ladies. I feel that i am fortunate enough to the point where I can wear whatever I want, not having to worry about the price. But I like expensive name brand better because I just like it. Same reason why people get the jobs they get, or the kinds of shoes they get, or any of that stuff.

When you wear your sneakers why do you not lace them up like shoes are suppose to be worn?

Because I feel that they are more comfortable then tieing them and making your feet hurt. I wear a size 12 and I pay money for them so I have the right to wear them any way I want plain and simple.

Why does it seem like kids no and days wear there pants off their butt?

I don't know I can't speak for everybody else but I'm guessing because they want to or maybe it's what everybody is doing which I don't know why.

Do you wear your pants off your butt?

No, I use to but I'm too old for that stuff now.

Part B

A topic I chose from my own performance was sports.

Sports in most ways, make you cool. Especially if your good at the sport you do, you can build up a lot of popularity and you definitely be know as a cool person.

What sport do you play?
I play basketball and baseball, but my main sport is basketball.

When did you first started playing basketball and how long you've been playing it?
I started playing basketball when I was about 7 years old and I have been playing ever since then. I'm 20 years old so about 13 years or so.

Whats your stats looking like on your school basketball team?
I average about 23 points and 12 boards.

So I'm guessing your good?
Yeah in my opinion and many more I'm pretty sure. (laughing)

Why do you like playing basketball the most instead of the rest?
Because I just have alot of love for the game. I like the passion and competition that's in the sport. I played mostly all sports except hockey and find that basketball is what I do best and it's the most fun.

Do you think Basketball builds up your popularity since your good and one of the leading scorers on your team?
I mean yeah because you get more attention from people then the average person. You feel like you are the highlight of the school. When you work hard at trying to represent your school you become one of the main people.

Do you think it made you cool?
No I always been cool. This basketball just made me more cool that's it.

How do people react the day after you have a react game?
They compliment me and they make me feel OD good about myself no lie. I be feeling like Kobe in the Staples center sometimes when they be chanting MVP! MVP! MVP!