Monday, December 21, 2009

HW 30- psychological and Philosophical Theorizing of cool

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

Questions like this came up a lot in English question and even in my own personal life. This question could have a lot of answers to it that people wouldn’t think of or understand. When I thought about this question, I thought that meaninglessness had sources that were dependent of other stuff. But reading what Viktor Frankl has to say is making me change what I think.

"People today seem more than ever to be experiencing their lives as empty, meaningless, purposeless, aimless, adrift, and so on, and seem to be responding to these experiences with unusual behaviors that hurt themselves, others, society, or all three." people in this world to feel that that if they have no meaning in their lives, the only thing that's left for them to do is hurt other people or themselves. That's only one of the sources that makes meaninglessness inside of people. For people to try and "fill" that emptiness they try and find someone to value in their lives or some one to value them. This is what makes people wanting meaning in their lives to fill that gap that's thats making them feel like they have no purpose in this life. Like when Viktor said "Experiential values is the love we feel towards another. Through our love, we can enable our beloved to develop meaning, and by doing so, we develop meaning ourselves!" Like, people use other people to find this emptiness, more like a hole that is missing something that, if that hole gets filled, they feel complete. Like when someone comes in a person's life and makes a difference, that could be a hole that is complete. That can be the emptiness that isn't empty no more.
When I think about when Viktor said "If meaning is what we desire, then meaninglessness is a hole, an emptiness, in our lives.", it really means alot. I never though about it like that. When we look for meaning in our lives then that ACTUALLY does mean we have emptiness. So my question is can we ever be fulfilled with meaning if it means that we are empty? I guess not. But the sources that make people's lives meaningless is when they are alone. When Viktor says that we attempt to "fill our existential vacuums with “stuff” that, because it provides some satisfaction, we hope will provide ultimate satisfaction as well: We might try to fill our lives with pleasure, eating beyond all necessity, having promiscuous sex, living “the high life;” or we might seek power, especially the power represented by monetary success; or we might fill our lives with “busyness,” conformity, conventionality; or we might fill the vacuum with anger and hatred and spend our days attempting to destroy what we think is hurting us. We might also fill our lives with certain neurotic “vicious cycles,” such as obsession with germs and cleanliness, or fear-driven obsession with a phobic object.", I agree with him 100% and it makes me believe that these are the main sources that make use have meaninglessness in our lives. The fact that whatever we do try and fill our "EMPTINESS" is never enough is the reason why we would always feel unhappy, empty, and meaningless.

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